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Memory Alpha (Star Trek) Universe

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United Federation of Planets

General Info

United Federation of Planets logo
Faction NameUnited Federation of Planets
The United Federation of Planets, also known as the Federation, is an interstellar federal republic based on democratic values. The Federation consists of several member worlds, all of different natures, and each planet offers unique cultures, species, and geographies. It stands for the unity of species, peaceful coexistence and mutual respect, serving as a haven for freedom, rights and equality. The legislative body of the Federation is the Federation Council, which is headquartered in San Francisco. The civilian head of government is the President of the Federation. Known for its Do Not Interfere Directive, the Prime Directive, the Federation remains one of the most important powers in the galaxy. Recognized by its iconic logo and Starfleet, the Federation remains a symbol of exploration, peace and scientific progress.


The United Federation of Planets, commonly referred to as the Federation, is an intergalactic alliance made up of numerous planetary states spanning eight thousand light years. It was founded in 2161. August 12 On San Francisco Earth following the multilateral peace talks held in response to the Romulan Earth War (2156-2160).
The Federation features a diverse fusion of species and cultures that harmoniously promotes cooperation, research, and diplomatic peace. It ensures common defense and promotes peace, justice, freedom and liberty in its domains.
The basic principles of the Federation, enshrined in the Statutes of the Federation, protect the rights of living beings and undertake not to interfere in the internal affairs of other civilizations. He strives to live peacefully even with his fiercest enemies and firmly believes that reasoned speech is the cornerstone of universal peace.
The governing body, the Federation Council, is made up of representatives from over 150 member worlds, and the main executive is the Federation President. The infrastructure of the Federation consists of various scientific and research institutions. But perhaps the most recognizable is Starfleet, tasked with intelligence, defense, diplomacy and research.
The Federation's principle of peaceful exploration against the unknown has created allies and enemies alike, and has played a central role in galactic events for three centuries. Its inclusive ethos marks it as one of the most influential and forward-looking political entities in the Alpha and Beta Quadrant.


The United Federation of Planets (UFP), also known simply as the Federation, has a long history spanning centuries. Its creation dates back to 2161, marking the end of years of conflict and the beginning of a harmonious alliance between the four great civilizations of space: Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarians. These founding members espoused a collective vision of peace, cooperation, and shared exploration, sowing the seeds of what would become a monumental interstellar federal republic.
Constantly evolving, by the 24th century the Federation had grown to more than 150 member worlds, each committed to the values ​​and rules enshrined in the UFP Charter. The continuing era of exploration and diplomacy saw great prosperity, but it was not without its challenges and conflicts. Highlights of the Federation's history include the Earth-Romulan War before it broke out, the tumultuous relationship with the Klingon Empire that fluctuated between a tense truce and full-scale war, and the devastating Dominion War that ended in the 24th century. These events tested the Federation's resilience and ideals, but also clearly shaped its politics and galactic position.
The Federation's history is also littered with numerous star voyages that have provided interstellar travel, diplomatic missions, and unprecedented opportunities for scientific discovery. Chief among these were the voyages of the starship Enterprise, helping to make first contact with various species, negotiating peace treaties, and combating unprecedented threats to the Federation.
By the end of the 24th century, the United Federation of Planets consisted of a large and diverse collection of members, each of whom had contributed to the Federation's rich history of exploration and discovery, diplomatic achievements, and long-standing commitment to world peace and cooperation. the world . the universe

Notable Members


Spanning over 8,000 light-years, the United Federation of Planets is a republic of interstellar political entities that includes Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and many other planets. Its location in the Alpha and Beta quadrants is the center of diplomacy, commerce, research, and defense. The Federation boasts a wide variety of climates, terrains, and ecosystems across its member worlds. From the arid landscapes of the Vulcan deserts to the tranquil, forested landscapes of Betazed, the diversity of geography is testament to the inclusion of the Federation. On a larger scale, this geographic diversity includes the gas giants, asteroids, and nebulae found in Federation space. Despite its spatial scale and diverse environments, the Federation is united by a strong adherence to shared values ​​and principles, making it a beacon of stability and unity in the galaxy.

Legacy and Impact

The United Federation of Planets, commonly referred to as the Federation, has a deep legacy and influence in the Star Trek universe. It is the embodiment of unity in diversity, composed of 150 to 350 planetary governments united for mutual advancement and protection. Based on the Federation's model of cooperative alliances, it is an idealized reflection of a future where humanity has overcome its internal divisions and understood all life forms.
Federation representation has been instrumental in addressing social and political issues on Earth, reflecting real-world tensions and aspirations. It promotes an optimistic view of the future, both social and technological, and is often the primary moral compass in many of the show's plots. It leads to the exploration of topics such as diplomacy, non-aggression, cultural exchange and exploration, and influences popular culture's understanding of space exploration and the human future. The lasting legacy of the Federation is the pursuit of peace, understanding and exploration, a harmonious vision that often contrasts with the more conflict-oriented portrayal of interstellar relations.