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Mortal Kombat Universe

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Lin Kuei

General Info

Lin Kuei logo
Faction NameLin Kuei
The Lin Kuei, in the popular Mortal Kombat universe, are a diverse and powerful clan from the Earth Kingdom. From the frozen, huddled peaks of the Himalayas, they thrive in secrecy and isolation. What started as a secret society, they have grown into a large group of ninjas, recognizable by their iconic blue suits. Their members, such as Sub-Zero and Smoke, are stunningly superior martial artists with incredibly powerful ice control abilities. Known for his strict training methods and often engaging in internal power struggles, the Lin Kuei boasts an impressive lineup of legendary warriors. The Lin Kuei are viewed with suspicion and respect by the other factions, who have an undisputed foundation in Mortal Kombat history as a symbol of unwavering strength, discipline, and a ruthless pursuit of power. Their legacy, a complex mix of honor and ruthlessness, remains an indispensable backdrop to the exciting Mortal Kombat universe.


One of the most powerful and secretive factions in the Mortal Kombat universe, the Lin Kuei come from a long line of Chinese assassins. The faction stands out from the rest thanks to a stunning history marked by dark magic, cybernetic enhancements and fierce loyalty. The Lin Kuei are primarily known for their ruthless philosophy in pursuit of victory; No mission is too dangerous, no sacrifice too great - they endure a cold approach that is like death itself.
The Lin Kuei predates the Mortal Kombat tournaments, making them essentially one of the oldest organizations in the series. Over the course of several generations, they came to interact with some of the most fearsome warriors. Among their ranks, they have cultivated such legendary figures as Sub-Zero, a timeless icon of the series, and Cyrax and Sektor, two famous examples of their cybernetically enhanced warriors who have an indelible impact on normal interactions in the universe.
The transformation from a cult of human assassins to a clan of cybernetic warriors marks one of the most drastic turns in their history. This choice, although controversial, was symbolic of their willingness to embrace progress.
Usually shrouded in an icy cloud of mystery, the Lin Kuei embodies an ancient tradition of skill, discipline, and power. This faction encompasses a constant shift between the old world and the new, making them one of the most dynamic and nuanced entities in the Mortal Kombat mythos. Their story is a synthesis of tradition, betrayal and transhumanism; a stunning legacy that continues to shape the landscape of the Mortal Kombat universe.


The Lin Kuei are one of the most intriguing and legendary factions in the Mortal Kombat universe. Historically, the Lin Kuei operated out of China as clandestine shadow assassins whose members developed a variety of covert, deceptive, and martial arts skills. Unlike other clans, the Lin Kuei did not limit themselves to one clan, race, or origin, secretly expanding their reach across the globe.
The legend of the clan became famous with two main figures: Sub-Zero and Scorpion. Sub-Zero, a former cyborg descended from the Lin Kuei's most revered bloodline, the Cryomaniacs. Sub-Zero could manipulate ice at will and quickly became a symbol of the Lin Kuei's extraordinary strength. In contrast, Scorpion epitomized the clan's merciless tactics and stubbornly remained a dead ghost in the name of revenge against Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei.
However, Lin Kuei's existence is marred by turmoil. The Cyber ​​Initiative, an ambitious but controversial program, sowed discord within the clan. Many of the soldiers resisted the technological bio-modification of its members, leading to a rebellion led by Sub-Zero against the Cybernetic Initiative. With Sub-Zero in charge, the Lin Kuei entered a new era of honor, resilience, and redemption. Leaving behind their treacherous past, the Lin Kuei now serve as a force for good, using their talents to fight the forces that threaten the Earth Realm.
This evolution symbolizes the Lin Kuei's deepest qualities: adaptability, resilience, and relentless pursuit of power. Like the dragon in his emblem rising from the ashes, the Lin Kuei endures and shapes the events of the Mortal Kombat universe in many unpredictable ways.

Notable Members

Member #
Sub-Zero (Bi-Han)
Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang)
Noob Saibot


The Lin Kuei faction of the Mortal Kombat universe has a unique geographic location characterized by treacherous terrain and an isolated climate. Isolated in China's mountain ranges, their base is hidden by a vast landscape of rugged hills, barren slopes and lush forests. This seclusion gives them the privacy to train, practice and cultivate their unique martial arts.
The setting is composed of permafrost and includes the clan's adobe, which creates a stark and cold aesthetic representative of their identity. This cold weather is a key aspect of their training and increases their cold resistance. This is also consistent with their affinity for ice powers, especially Sub-Zero, the more famous Lin Kuei warrior.
Impressive geographical features add to Lin Kuei's mystery and enigmatic appeal. An imposing fortress nestled among the glaciated peaks, their home gives them the advantage of elevation and a natural barrier against invasion. A perfect amalgamation of brutal natural force and architectural ingenuity, the Lin Kuei Complex is a model of strategic defense and survival mechanism, littered with labyrinthine tunnels and secret passages. Lin Kuei's geography, as daunting as it may seem, reflects both their resolute determination and great fighting spirit.

Legacy and Impact

The Lin Kuei left an indelible mark on the Mortal Kombat universe as one of the most influential factions in the series' history. As a famous clan of deadly assassins, they set the benchmark for what it means to be a cold-blooded, stealthy assassin in the gaming world. Famous members such as Sub-Zero and Cyrax have made the clan famous by demonstrating their unparalleled skills and ruthless tactics. The clan also introduced the concept of cyber ninjas, which added extra intrigue and involvement to the games. Their battles against internal corruption, power struggles, and entities from other realms contributed greatly to the rich and complex history of Mortal Kombat. The Lin Kuei's legacy lives on as a symbol of intensity, mystery and sheer power, shaping the Mortal Kombat universe for generations to come. The storyline of this clan and the journeys of its members instill a sense of excitement in the players, making the Mortal Kombat series more immersive and engaging.