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Mortal Kombat Universe

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Red Dragon

General Info

Red Dragon logo
Faction NameRed Dragon
The Red Dragon Faction is an ancient and mysterious secret society deeply rooted in the Mortal Kombat universe. This terrifying group values ​​power above all else and uses aggressive tactics and sophisticated strategies to defeat their enemies. The faction is led by the formidable Daegon and includes many fearsome fighters among its members. The members of the Red Dragon possess unparalleled martial arts skills and harness the powers of mysterious ancient artifacts to defeat their enemies. Their presence permeates the wealthy, and they are known for their unwavering loyalty and ruthless efficiency. Often operating from the shadows, care must be taken not to incur the wrath of the Red Dragon.


The Red Dragon Faction is one of the most dangerous factions in the Mortal Kombat universe. A faction made up mostly of mercenaries and assassins, their ambition is to reshape the kingdoms to fit their image of perfection.
Originally, the Red Dragon was a secret order from which the Black Dragon split. Unlike their lawless and reckless counterparts, Red Dragons are disciplined, honorable, and unwaveringly dedicated to their cause. They fight not for chaos and anarchy, but for world order under the strict rule of the dragon king Onaga. Their purpose remains hidden from the outside world, fiercely guarded by a vow of secrecy and time-tested loyalty.
Famous members like Daegon and Mavado are the faces of their ruthless power. Deegon, the founder, is an immortal imbued with the power of prophecy, his visions guiding the actions of the Red Dragon. Mavado punishes the Red Dragon's enemies with his merciless fighting style and deadly hook blades.
The story of the Red Dragon is about blood and fire, old debts and dangerous ambitions. They are a force of calculated power, planning out of the public eye. They stand on the board as menacing players, ready for a war that can destroy all the empires of the Mortal Kombat universe.


The origins of the red dragon go way back, hidden in the shadows of history for millennia. The organization was originally a secret group whose purpose was to preserve the natural order by preventing the machinations of chaotic forces in the Mortal Kombat universe. However, after a bitter internal power struggle, one faction split to form the infamous Black Dragon Clan.
The leader of the Red Dragon, Daegon, a demigod and son of Argo, protector of Eden, became a pivotal figure in defining the mission of the Red Dragon. Driven by visions of power and control, Daegon turned the organization into a personal army, using them relentlessly to pursue the ultimate power, the legendary power of Blaze; this one came with the promise that he would give unparalleled power and omnipotence. The group attracted many powerful warriors such as Hsu Hao, whose heart had been replaced with a cybernetic implant, and Mavado, with unique grappling hooks and the power to manipulate gravity, giving him a lethal aerial advantage. These individuals were not just members; they were fanatical, devoted to the leader and the cause.
Daegon's intention was for the Red Dragon to remain an enigma, their existence and operations shrouded in mystery. Their mysterious markings, the snake-like red dragon emblem, are the only overt expression of the group and the only hint of their activities. Many factions have tried to destroy the Red Dragon, but it continues to survive, maintaining its mysterious existence and fulfilling its declared destiny to maintain balance in the realms by any means necessary. But in a universe where alliances are as volatile as they are deadly, the Red Dragon's future is as unpredictable as its past. Only time will tell what will survive of this ancient and mysterious organization. One thing is for sure, their fiery emblem will continue to inspire fear and the Red Dragon will continue to soar no matter what obstacles stand in the way.

Notable Members

Member #
Hsu Hao


In the volatile universe of Mortal Kombat, the Red Dragon Clan resides in the mystical earthly kingdom of Earth. Located in a remote but heavily fortified mountain range, the home of the Red Dragon Clan is characterized by rocky peaks, deep valleys, and extensive cave systems.
The Red Dragon Territory is known for its harsh climate and is prone to extreme weather conditions. The terrain is dominated by icy snowscapes in the peak heights and sweltering heat in the lower valleys, reflecting the harsh nature of the clan.
Habitat's fortifications are the epitome of ancient architectural design combined with cutting-edge technology, with a labyrinth of underground tunnels forming a complex defense system. The numerous caves that stretch deep into the mountains contain the Red Dragon Clan's many training facilities, weapons, and living quarters.
This area is particularly rich in natural resources essential to the clan's survival and sustainability. The crystal clear streams flowing from the mountain tops provide fresh water and the dense forests surrounding the base of the mountain range provide many amenities.
Despite the harsh conditions, the Red Dragon Clan was able to thrive in this geography, turning the challenges of the terrain to their advantage, making this landscape as terrifying as the clan itself.

Legacy and Impact

The Red Dragon faction left an indelible mark on the Mortal Kombat universe, largely shaping history. It is one of the oldest criminal organizations and has played an important role in bringing down many empires. The faction led by Daegon is known for its ruthless efficiency and central role in many important events in the timelines.
Legacy: The legacy of the Red Dragon is marked by violence and the pursuit of power. They are skilled in the dark arts and always strive for dominance. The creation of hybrid creatures like the dragon-man is a testament to their chilling, boundary-pushing experiments.
Impact: Their notable impact lies in the competitive struggles and conflicts they have highlighted. Their long-standing rivalry with the Black Dragon Clan led to epic battles and made the storylines more interesting. They also greatly influenced the outcome of Mortal Kombat tournaments with their strength and strategic maneuvers.