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Mortal Kombat Universe

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Location NameSeido
Also known as the Sphere of Order, Seido is the epitome of discipline and structure in the Mortal Kombat universe. It is a kingdom with a population that fervently adheres to the elaborate laws and strict order that its name reflects. Unlike other realms ruled by chaos or power, Seido is a unique blend of peace and conformity. Every aspect of daily life, down to the lowest citizen, is governed by a clearly defined legal code. But this strict discipline can sometimes prove overwhelming. In pursuit of order, the citizens of Seid favor diplomacy over conflict. Despite the seemingly idyllic facade, the rebellion simmering beneath the surface reveals a population yearning for liberation. Seido thus represents the eternal struggle between order and freedom. It's an area that promises peace at the price of unquestioning obedience, adding yet another layer of complexity to the Mortal Kombat multiverse.


The Seido or Orderrealm is one of the six main realms of the Mortal Kombat universe. This unique sphere, above all respecting discipline, order and law, is the perfect manifestation of a strictly regulated society.
The inhabitants of Seid, the Seidanians, are peaceful, intelligent beings who maintain law and order. Society is subject to strict rules to prevent chaos, with severe penalties for violations. Every aspect of life - from the architectural symmetry of buildings, from everyday life to interpersonal communication - reflects an obsession with order and symmetry. Despite the harsh punishments, Seidan is content with his structured lifestyle. Their capital is full of beautiful and symmetrical architectural structures, tranquil gardens and meticulously laid out roads, revealing their penchant for order in all aspects.
Seid's strict adherence to the order is not without problems, however. Civil unrest simmers beneath the surface, with some Seidans believing the laws are too strict. But these dissenters, like the infamous character Darry, are exceptional. Most Seidans are deeply committed to maintaining the order inherent in their empire, to finding harmony in the rhythm of regulated existence.
Mortal Kombat's Seido showcases an intriguing realm where law and order prevails, making it an essential addition to the game's multidimensional universe.
Immerse yourself in the Kingdom of Seid and discover a society where peace reigns, discipline is a way of life, and chaos is the greatest enemy.


Seido, also known as the Orderrealm, is one of the six realms in the Mortal Kombat universe. Created by the Old Gods, this realm is the ultimate embodiment of structure, law, and order.
Order and discipline shape the existence of an empire, from clean and orderly cities to the disciplined devotion of citizens. This celestial realm contrasts sharply with the chaos and anarchy of its twin brother, Chaosrealm.
The kingdom of Seid is dominated by luxurious cityscapes, exquisitely crafted landscapes, and impressive architectural structures. The cities themselves are full of bright streets, suitable housing for all citizens and spacious public spaces. Citizens enjoy a high standard of living, all thanks to an innate sense of imperial order and structure.
But peace and harmony in Seid do not come without a cost. Personal liberties are often sacrificed for strict obedience to the law. Seidan's guards, Seidan's enforcers, are notorious for harsh punishments for even minor infractions. They are experts trained to provide a calculated level of pain appropriate to the crime committed.
Hotaru, a well-known Mortal Kombat character, is from Seid. He embodies the principles of the Empire in his unwavering commitment to order, structure, and discipline, even willing to cooperate with the bad guys if he can help maintain order.
Despite these strict traditions, Seido remains one of the most peaceful realms in the Mortal Kombat universe. It is a place where peace and tranquility permeate every corner, disturbed only by the occasional noise of Sentinel battles. But beneath the sleek exterior and orderly peace, an ancient battle between order and chaos continues to sustain the Seid Empire's existence. Understanding the history of this realm will give you a deep understanding of the panoramic complexity of the Mortal Kombat universe.


Seido, also known as the Orderrealm, is one of the six main realms of the Mortal Kombat universe. This region is unique and distinctive because it is the epitome of order, discipline and structure in its highest form. Everything in Seido is ruled by a strict and inflexible system of laws, making for a society where everyone has a role and mass chaos is an almost unknown concept.
The inhabitants of this kingdom, Seidan, are known for their unwavering commitment to the rule of law, creating an atmosphere where concepts like freedom and individuality seem to be at risk. However, it cannot be denied that the rigid social structure led to great progress, especially in the constructions that make up Seid's physical realm. Seid's architecture reflects its inherent nature: structured, symmetrical buildings designed for functionality rather than aesthetic beauty. The Empire also has a judicial system, which is showcased by the courthouse, which shows their commitment to top-notch law enforcement. The created social impression of egalitarian uniformity is already obvious after a superficial examination of its formation.
Culturally, harmony and balance are highly valued in this area, leading to a society that can be perceived as inflexible, but also predictable and reliable.
But even Seido is not immune to controversy. There is an underground resistance made up of rogue Seidans who have had enough of strict laws and seek to destroy the perfect order. These Seidans are part of what can be considered the only aspect of unpredictability in what is otherwise a unified realm.
After all, Seido is a testament to a highly disciplined society where order is paramount. While this structured reality may be oppressive to some, the denizens of this realm have largely preferred order over chaos, security over unpredictability, and regulation over anarchy, dire philosophies that Seido proudly embodies.