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MTG Universe

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General Info

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BooksList of Magic: The Gathering novels
FilmsMagic: The Gathering (2022)
TitleMagic: The Gathering
Years1993 - present
AwardsOrigins Award for Best Card Game (1998-2003, 2005-2007), Mensa Select Award (1990)
ComicsMagic: The Gathering (comics)
GenresCollectible Card Game, Digital Collectible Card Game, Fantasy
Created ByRichard Garfield, Wizards of the Coast
PlatformsTabletop, Microsoft Windows, macOS, Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch
Video GamesMagic: The Gathering Arena, Magic: The Gathering Online, Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers
Original WorkMagic: The Gathering - Alpha
Main CharactersPlaneswalkers
Television SeriesMagic: The Gathering (Netflix, upcoming)
Main PersonalitiesRichard Garfield

The Magic: The Gathering (MTG) multiverse is a vast and immersive universe inhabited by many worlds known as 'planes'. The main theme of MTG is magic, and its complex card game mechanics reflect the complex spells and tactics of magical warfare. Spanning a variety of genres such as fantasy, horror, and science fiction, the MTG universe is a melting pot of different cultures, societies, races, and creatures.

In the MTG multiverse, ethereal beings called Planeswalkers travel the planes, using mana (magical energy) from landscape spells, summoning creatures, and dueling others for supremacy. The depth of the lore is as impressive as the more than 20,000 unique cards. The stories are told through a card game, novels, comics and the latest animated television series. Regardless of the level, the core of MTG is the universal human desire for identity, power, knowledge and relationships.

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