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Location NameMirrodin
Mirrodin, a distinctive steel-clad empire, stands out in the MTG universe. Divided into five distinct regions: Glimmervoid, Oxidda Chain, Mephidross, Tangle, and Quicksilver Sea, the metallic landscape hides a stark truth beneath the glitter. Originally created by the powerful Planeswalker Karn, he mysteriously fell under the control of the automaton Memnarch, who turned his lifeforms into twisted mirrors of themselves, directing them down a certain path into a bleak future. With skies of rust, forests of copper, seas of mercury, and mountains of iron, Mirrodin held the promise of greatness and danger in equal measure. Memnarch's obsession with the Mirari ushered in the era of the ominous Fifth Dawn, further shrouding Mirrodin's life in uncertainty and menace.


Mirrodin, a unique plane in the Magic the Gathering universe, is the epitome of artifact magic. Metal at its core and surface, it teems with sharp oxidized iron forests, riveted fields, and glowing lakes of mercury. Each piece, from the smallest creatures to the largest structures, bears a mark of the complexity and uniqueness of the artefact creation.
At the center of Mirrodin is the Panopticon, from which the original guardian of the plane, Memnarch, once viewed the entire plane. Mirrodin has five different suns, one each of the color of magic, that orbit the plane along its mana lines, radiating unlimited magical energy that complements the unique traits of the plane's inhabitants. The inhabitants of Mirrodin are a strange mixture of their organic origins, fused with the wiles that surround them. Humanoids known as the Vedalken, a fierce leonine race, goblin clans, nim abominations, artifact creatures, and myr servant races that have evolved over time characterize the unknown biology of the plane. The magic inherent in the plane infuses its inhabitants, turning flesh into metal and metal into flesh, a convincing display of adaptability.

The magically bred Mirran resistance and invading Phyrexian forces continue to wage a brutal war to reclaim this peculiar kingdom. Mirrodin involves a relentless fight for survival fueled by the precision of artifact magic and vibrant biometallic life.


Mirrodin, originally known as Argentum, is the level of existence of the Cosmic Circle of Magic: The Gathering Universe. This unique craft was created by Planeswalker Karn, whose main goal was to create a perfect utopia without organic life forms, a place where artificial beings could live and thrive in peace. To rule this world, Karn created Memnarch, who was then in charge of Argentum when Karn roamed the multiverse.

However, the influence of the treacherous Phyrexians corrupted Memnarch and led him to turn Argentum into Mirrodin. Mirrodin, unlike any other lowland, was made almost entirely of metal. Not only the structure and constructions, but also the flora, fauna and even the inhabitants themselves had metallic origins. Thanks to the metallic composition, mountain peaks shining in the sun, forests full of metallic flora and rivers composed of mercury formed the landscape.

The center of the plane is a hollow sphere containing a miniature sun that emits five radiating rays of light into the five suns: Glis (green), Brion (red), Raksha (white), Sharuum (blue), and Geth (black). . ). ). Each "sun" corresponds to one of the five colors of Mana in the MTG universe and rules over different lands of Mirrodin.

Unfortunately, it was this wealth of metal that sparked the Phyrexians' enthusiasm. They launched a full-scale invasion to seize control of the plane, culminating in the infamous war known as the Capture of Mirrodin. The end of this brutal conflict marked the rise of the New Phyrexia, changing the world forever. But the spirit of the original Mirrodin lives on, waiting to be reborn to its former glory.


Mirrodin, the metal plane sculpted by the planeswalker Karn, is a complex mix of both wonderful and dangerous elements. There is a pervasive sense of artificiality on this plane with a current of biological life that has been able to adapt and create its own existence in the metal world. The surface of the aircraft is completely covered with a metallic material called "flash".

Five suns of different colors create a clear and inexplicable magical spectacle, each color corresponding to one of the fragments of Mirrodin's core, which intimately binds the structure of the plane and its mana. The suns create an enchanting atmosphere in the sky, while the light refracts and reflects on the metallic plane below, capturing a visual phenomenon that truly captures the essence of Mirrodin.

The inhabitants of Mirrodin are a mixture of biology and artifacts. Myr, skilled craftsmen who recover life from mana, roam in herds and perform tasks that most benefit the plane. At the other end of the spectrum, the sentient humanoid vedalkas embody a great understanding of cunning and logic and occupy positions of power on the plane.
A vast network of arteries lies deep beneath Mirrodin's surface, forming a tangle, a verdant haven of organic life in a metallic world. The juxtaposition of nature and artificiality is stark in the tangle and is home to leonines, cat warriors of natural origin.

The plane pulsates with an elusive sense of balance between man-made and biological elements, a mystique that fascinates and amazes the onlookers. Over time, the landscape of Mirrodin and its inhabitants have demonstrated remarkable resilience and resilience, hinting at the unbreakable spirit that sweeps through this enigmatic world.