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Location NameTheros
Theros, a mythical world shaped by the will of the gods and the deeds of heroes, is defined by the struggle between civilization and the wild, mortals and gods. It's a vast landscape filled with cloud-shrouded mountains, dense forests filled with mythical beasts, ethereal vineyards, and imposing cities guarded by living statues. The Realm is home to a pantheon of fifteen powerful gods who reside in the celestial realm of Nyx, observing and meddling in the lives of their mortal subjects. Theros is a plane steeped in myth, legend, and prophecy where heroes defy adversity to reach their God-ordained destiny or chart their path to immortality.


Thera's blueprint for existence in the Magic the Gathering universe is a realm deeply rooted in Greek mythology. The world of Theros is shrouded in myth and legend, where mortals and their deities are closely related. This enchanted kingdom consists of a vast mainland with islands scattered in a sparkling sea under a starry sky.

The various lives on Theros are governed by fifteen gods, divided into triads, who reside in the divine celestial realm of Nyx. Their heavenly murmurs and dreams affect everything from the vast environment to the deepest aspects of mortal mental realms. It is this belief of the mortal inhabitants of Thera that can lead to the existence of a new deity.

There are quite a few finches living on the plane. Humans, centaurs, merfolk, zombies, and other legendary creatures live together in the land, contributing to the ideological, cultural, and power diversity that Theros is known for. Their lives on the plane, influenced by the divine, the mortal and the monstrous, fuel an ever-evolving story of adventure and conflict.
The three major poles (city-states): Meletis, Akros, and Setessa each represent a different virtue: enlightenment, military power, and kinship, respectively, and maintain a delicate balance of power. Adventure, battle, heroism and betrayal shape the daily lives of the inhabitants of Theros, a plane where the mundane is intertwined with the divine.


Theros is a fascinating plane in the Magic: The Gathering (MTG) universe known for its ancient Greek influence. The enchanted world is full of gods, heroes and monsters straight out of Greek mythology.

The existence of the gods who ruled it is deeply rooted in the chronicles of ancient Theros. The fifteen gods of Thera live in Nyx, an ethereal realm of dreams and ideals. These divine beings are powerful by nature and are worshiped and feared by mortals. Theros consisted of three large poleis or city-states: Meletis, Akros, and Setessa. The largest Meletis is a city of philosophers and magic, attracting people who seek knowledge or worship the pantheon, especially the sea goddess Thassa. Heavily fortified, Acros is home to warriors and adventurers with an allegiance to Purphoros, god of the forge, and Iroas, god of victory. Hidden in the thicket of the forest, Setessa is a matriarchal society dedicated to Karameter, goddess of the hearth and harvest.

The history of Thera is marked by the rise and fall of extraordinary heroes and the incarnation of monstrous monsters. The heroes are born from a mystical event called Xenagus, a Satyr Planeswalker who replaced God, sending Theros into a state of chaos and despair.

In an event known as The Great Calamity, Elspeth, a flying plane controlling God, defeated Xenaga and returned Theros to balance. But his victory was short-lived. Allegedly killed by the sun god Heliod, she descended into the underworld ruled by the god of the dead, Erebus.

The history of Thera is full of heroic exploits, monstrous beasts, and majestic divine interventions. The rich history illustrates a living world shrouded in mysticism, the eternal clash of mortals with the gods, and an impressive tale of heroism.


Theros is a plane shrouded in myth, legend and intrigue, a world where the gods themselves come to life and interact with the mortal realm. Immortal beings of great power roam the cities and wilds of Terra, their whims and desires shaping the lives of humans, centaurs, satyrs, and other creatures that call the plane home.

Theros is home to Akros, a city-state known for its great warriors and tactical geniuses. The citizens of Acros live by one principle: "Victory or Die" and train tirelessly to uphold that principle. At the other end of the spectrum is Meletis, a city of philosophers, mystics and poets where knowledge is the most important currency. The gods of Thera watch over the inhabitants and sometimes directly intervene in their lives. These deities have many different personalities, each controlling a certain aspect of existence, such as the sun god Heliod or the sea goddess Thassa. The pantheon is deceptively harmonious, but rivalries and disputes simmer beneath the surface.

Mysterious and full of adventure, Theros is also an underworld, a dark reflection of the world above, a place inhabited by the souls of the dead. Ruled by the god of the dead, Erebus, the underworld is as much a part of Thera's identity as its living inhabitants and powerful deities. First and foremost, Theros is a plane fueled by stories. Epic tales of courage, cunning, and love echo across the land, shaping the world as much as the will of the gods. In Theros, myth and reality are closely intertwined, a testament to the strength of faith and the enduring spirit of the people.