The Naruto universe revolves around the world of shinobi or ninja warriors. In this universe, ninjas are the last defense and offense of their village. They are trained in a variety of arts that include combat, espionage and even the supernatural as part of their skills. The shinobi world is divided into several nations, each with its own hidden village.
Naruto's world centers around the main character Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja from the village of Konoha who dreams of becoming Hokage, the head of the village. Blessed and cursed by the spirit of the nine-tailed fox trapped within him, Naruto's journey is one of acceptance, friendship, and constant growth.
These nations and their shinobi villages live in a delicate balance and often face conflicts that lead to wars. The Naruto series deals with various themes such as friendship, fate, sacrifice and redemption, which are revealed through exciting battles, interesting stories and mythical ideologies.