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Shimada Clan

General Info

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Faction NameShimada Clan
The Shimada clan is a powerful and ancient family with a rich heritage and dominance over illegal activities. Steeped in tradition, this faction inspires respect and fear in the criminal underworld and beyond. This influential family gave birth to Hanzo and Genji, famous characters in the Overwatch saga. The clan trained them in infamous martial arts and gave them the responsibility of leading the empire. But ideological differences drove the brothers apart, leading to a confrontation that changed their fortunes forever. In the midst of this division, the Shimada clan continues to rule the dark world, a testament to their undying strength and tenacity. Despite internal strife and external threats, the Clan remains an integral part of Overwatch's history, offering an intriguing mix of power, history, and strife.


The Shimada Clan is an infamous group in the Overwatch universe, steeped in mystery and ancient history. Originating in Japan, this clan is known for its skilled use of weapons, particularly the bow and sword, reflecting its deep connection to ancient samurai traditions.
The legacy of the Shimada clan began as a small family gang, but soon grew into a powerful organization dealing in illegal weapons and assassination contracts. The clan's sphere of influence and scale of activity grew rapidly, which is why they were feared and respected around the world. Their strength lies not only in combat, but also in their mastery of dragon spirits, a secret hereditary power passed down from generation to generation. However, the inherited power of dragon manipulation came with the curse of internal discord. The most prominent example is the brothers Shimada Hanzo and Genji, who drew their weapons against each other for leadership of the clan, with near-fatal consequences.
Torn between duty, tradition, and personal beliefs, the members of the Shimada clan are intriguing characters with complex personalities. With a rich history and dramatic internal conflicts, the Shimada clan is an integral part of the fascinating tapestry that makes up the narrative of the Overwatch universe.


Deeply rooted in Overwatch history, the Shimada clan has a rich and compelling history. Founded centuries ago, this clan of Japanese assassins initially thrived on their unparalleled skill and excellent stealth skills. Their vast wealth was largely derived from illegal trade, which was conducted in secret, unbeknownst to the general public.
The clan structure was supported by a strict inheritance system. The eldest son will take up the mantle and should be sufficiently prepared to lead the clan in the future. Hanzo Shimada, the main character of Overwatch, is a perfect example of this strict tradition, as he was groomed from birth to be a leader.
However, this led to a tragic quarrel between Hanzo and his brother Genji. After his father's death, Hanzo, the newly enthroned chieftain, ordered his younger brother Genji to assume his responsibilities for the clan. His reluctance eventually led to an irreconcilable conflict between the two brothers, forcing Hanzo to engage in a duel to the death, presumably killing Genji.
With the clan and the world considered dead, Genji survived thanks to the advanced technology of Overwatch. Transformed into a cyborg, he became the best agent in Overwatch. Overwatch was targeted for the Shimada clan's illegal activities. Operatives infiltrated the fortress, undermining the clan's reputation and influence.
Despite the great past of the Shimada clan, it fell into obscurity when Overwatch destroyed their criminal empire. From puppets of the Japanese underworld, they have become nothing more than a reminder of their former power. But the spirits of Hanzo and Genji Shimada keep the clan's memory alive, each carrying Shimada's extraordinary history, refined skills and legacy on their shoulders.

Notable Members

Member #
Hanzo Shimada
Genji Shimada
Sojiro Shimada


A faction of the Shimada clan rules the city of Hanamura, located in a remote mountainous region of Japan. Historically a hub for illegal activity and organized crime, this sector of the city takes on a dark and sinister undertone reminiscent of the operations of the Shimada clan. But Hanamura also exudes elegance, with its preserved classical architecture in stark contrast to the major secret deals. Among these traditional structures is a magnificent wooden pagoda, the ancestral castle of Shimada, which bears witness not only to generations of clan rule, but also to a history of deep family strife. The buzz around the bustling ramen shops and bustling markets echoes the once-dominant sound of the katanas painted on those castle walls. Hanamura highlights the paradoxical nature of the Shimada clan, whose honor and pride have been tarnished by years of criminality. Today, despite the city's struggles with its past, it strives for a brighter future, erasing the shadows of Shimada's legacy. But as the full moon illuminates Hanamura's cherry blossoms, remember the story of the two Shimada brothers, their conflict and the mark they left behind.

Legacy and Impact

The Shimada clan's legacy and impact on the Overwatch universe is significant and far-reaching. Once a clan of assassins, the Shimada family left an indelible mark on the world. This family's great influence extends beyond their native Japan, and their reputation is known around the world. They were feared for their stealth, accuracy and uncanny ability to achieve their goals. Although now largely disbanded, the impact of their actions still reverberates today. One of their members, Hanzo Shimada, struggled with the weight of his family's legacy and found redemption as a member of Overwatch. His journey from ruthless killer to hero symbolizes the clan's eventual disintegration and movement towards greater ideals. Despite the clan's dark past, their legacy is a reminder of the power to change and make a difference. This transformation is a testament to the enduring influence of the Shimada clan in the Overwatch universe.