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General Info

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Faction NameTalon
Talon is a highly secretive group in the Overwatch universe that operates on a global scale. The main goal has always been to shape the future of humanity, albeit through rather extreme and violent means. Talon conducts covert operations, uses manipulative strategies and technologies to improve people, and incites social unrest to achieve its goals. Notable members include the deadly assassin Widowmaker, the disillusioned Overwatch agent Reaper, the cunning hacker Sombra, and the charismatic extremist Doomfist. Talon's advanced network and unlimited resources make them a formidable force in the world of Overwatch.


The Talon Organization is a hostile faction in the Overwatch world known for sowing discord and manipulating events from the shadows. Operating on a global scale, its influence is wide-ranging, its strands penetrating various aspects of society. At the helm is a council of leaders, each with their own opinion on which direction humanity should go, but all agree on one thing: humanity grows stronger through conflict.
Talon's agenda includes many illegal activities, from assassinations to coups. These actions often brought them into direct conflict with Overwatch, the United Nations International Task Force. But for all its ruthlessness, the organization is not nihilistic. Instead, they believe in the noble cause that humanity needs conflict to evolve and become stronger.
Talon has a diverse roster of agents within its ranks, all of whom excel in their field. Its more famous members include Doomfist, a relentless warrior who believes in survival of the fittest, Widowmaker, the world's deadliest assassin, and Sombra, an infamous hacker equipped with cutting-edge technology.
In their view, the ends justify the means. Convinced that he is working for the greater good, even when the rest of the world strongly disagrees, Talon continues his mission: fanning the flames of conflict and leading humanity to a stronger future. No matter how merciless or merciless they may seem, remember: in their eyes, they are heroes.


Talon's history in the Overwatch universe has been complex. It initially emerged as a terrorist group whose operatives were involved in several high-profile attacks. But as the story progressed, it slowly became clear that Talon were more than just a bunch of fanatics.
Talon was founded in the wake of the Omnic Crisis, an international catastrophe caused by AI robots known as Omnics. Many of the founders were powerful individuals who were dissatisfied with the resulting peace, convinced that greater conflict would make humanity far superior. With this vision, Talon works behind the scenes, trying to incite global tension and conflict to facilitate the evolution of humanity.
Essentially, this secret organization played a major role in bringing down Overwatch, its direct opposition. They turned public opinion against Overwatch into slurs that led to the group's breakup. Since then, Talon's influence and power has continued to grow, manipulating world events to suit his agenda.
A group consists of several members with different beliefs and ideologies. These individuals are often at odds with each other, so there are often power struggles within the organization. Despite these internal conflicts, Talon agents remain feared and renowned for stopping at nothing to achieve their goals. Some notable members include Reaper, Widowmaker, and Sombra, each of whom has their own story related to Overwatch.
In short, Talon isn't just another terrorist organization; is a group with a very important vision for the future of humanity and the courage to achieve it by any means necessary, making them a formidable enemy of peace and a constant thorn in Overwatch's side.

Notable Members

Member #
Doomfist (Akande Ogundimu)
Reaper (Gabriel Reyes)
Widowmaker (Amélie Lacroix)
Moira (Moira O'Deorain)
Sombra (Olivia Colomar)
Sigma (Siebren de Kuiper)
Sanjay Korpal
Antonio Bartalotti


The infamous Talon faction from the Overwatch universe operates in a global atmosphere using a variety of locations that are both intriguing and menacing. The organization's headquarters remain a closely guarded secret, and its enigmatic nature only adds to the mystery of the group. However, agents have been known to appear in various geographic locations.
Bustling and vibrant, the city of Venice is a wonderful hub. Although seemingly peaceful, it is the base of Talon's activity, especially in the Rialto area. As day turns to night, the city's quiet gondolas and charming architecture raise concerns about Talon's covert operations.
Another important area for this faction is the Temple of Anubis, an odd but appropriate choice given their approach and activities. Located in the heart of Egypt's Giza Plateau, the abandoned Overwatch facility is a sinister monument to Talon's dominating influence.
The Talon map also features the snowy area of ​​Volskaya Industries in Russia. Despite the harsh conditions, it is an interesting place for its military technology. Such a large and diverse geography demonstrates the faction's vast network and far-reaching influence, further reinforcing the importance and breadth of Talon's activities in the Overwatch universe.

Legacy and Impact

Talon's legacy and impact on the Overwatch universe cannot be understated. They emerged from the shadows when the world was in ruins and seized the opportunity to spread their ideology of power and dominance. Their well-orchestrated attacks shocked the world and struck fear into the hearts of many. Their influence extends beyond violence to bribing powerful individuals in governments and corporations. However, their introduction has led to resistance, especially in Overwatch, which has led to intense competition and frequent clashes. Talon's actions led heroes from all walks of life to resist his nihilistic intentions. Ironically, their destruction planted the seeds of unity and purpose among these disparate individuals. But the threat they pose drives the story and sets an exciting tone to the battlefields, making them an indispensable part of the Overwatch universe.
Talon's ruthlessness and ambition are a dark reflection of humanity's worst tendencies and a stark warning of where such paths can lead. Their legacy, their influence, is closely intertwined with the heroic resistance and resilience displayed in the Overwatch universe.