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Overwatch Universe

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Null Sector

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Location NameNull Sector
Chaos and destruction reign in the dystopian landscape of Overwatch's Null Sector. Originally London's King's Row, the Null Sector is now a hotbed of all-out rebellion, full of derelict buildings and crumbling city streets. A once prosperous area of ​​London has turned into a battle-worn no-man's land where the lines between good and evil are blurred. Now, Overwatch and his allies must face the volatile radicals who inhabit the area and try to restore order to the ruins. With its ominous and bleak atmosphere, Null Sector is a stark reminder of the inexorable costs of conflict. This location not only adds to the game's story, but also provides an interesting setting for intense fight scenes. Experience the heart of an all-out crisis firsthand in Sector Zero.


Infamous for the rebellion in King's Row, London, the Null Sector is a mercurial faction created largely from Omnic forces. Sector Zero has launched its own rebellion against the citizens of London, sparking a full-scale conflict caused by an omniscience crisis.
This faction seeks to create Omni Power and thereby overthrow the rule and control of humans. Contrary to the peaceful intentions of Omnic's egalitarian activists, the Null Sector uses brute force and violence, marking a marked departure from the vision of harmonious coexistence. Known for their distinctive shades of red and purple, their presence indicates impending unrest. The King's Row Uprising, one of the most memorable events in Overwatch history, was led by the Null Sector. Their relentless pursuit and torture of Tekhadarta Mondatta, a revered monk, and several Londoners led to a fierce confrontation with the Overwatch team.
Null Sector thrives in the shadows despite Overwatch's disbandment, fueling a dominant Omnic era. Constantly existing and expanding, they remain a formidable force at odds with the ideals of unity and harmony. As the world of Overwatch continues to evolve, the threat posed by the Null Sector is ever-changing, reminding heroes of the importance of their promise to protect humanity.


In the immersive universe of Overwatch, the Null Sector is an infamous force known for its activism in unleashing omnics. The band emerged from the gritty underbelly of London, dating back to the King's Row riots.
The Null Sector was an extremist faction that emerged as a militant reaction to the widespread discrimination and hostility faced by all Londoners. Their goal was to get equal rights for omnics, but their approach was downright violent. Their channel was not peaceful protests or negotiations, but aggressive actions and violent upheavals. The turning point came during the rebellion on King's Row, where the Null Sector took drastic action. They caused a bloody riot and a conflict that tore at the heart of King's Row. The horrific event marked a pivotal chapter in the faction's history, as it led to an operation involving Overwatch, who intervened to restore peace. It was Overwatch that fought the Null Sector and successfully freed King's Row from its evil grip.
Despite the heavy defeat, the Null Sector was far from being destroyed. They used this disaster as a motivating force to fuel their efforts to promote all rights. Their activities have not stopped, playing a complex role in the multidimensional dynamics of relationships between everyone and people in the large Overwatch universe. Their harsh tactics and violent methods continue to influence the ongoing struggle for rights.
The story of Sector Zero is a reminder of the complexities and dilemmas inherent in the struggle for equal rights. It embodies a paradox: a group that fights the injustice of discrimination, but resorts to violence to achieve its goals. This is a perfect example of how noble causes can sometimes turn into dangerous extremism in the Overwatch universe.


Null Sector, an infamous militant all-out faction based out of central London's King's Row. It was deep in the labyrinthine corridors of the city's subways, invisible to those living above, where the foundations of this insurgent movement were laid. Despair and discontent simmered among the downtrodden populace, eventually turning into rage that eventually gave birth to the Null Sector.
Underground London, originally planned as a refuge for all residents, soon turned into a cramped and gloomy prison. The Omnics were forced into these filthy and labyrinthine corridors, crammed into unsanitary and inhospitable quarters. The intolerable conditions and inhumane treatment caused seething anger and revenge against the oppressors of their people.
The government turned a blind eye and treated the suffering omnics with heartbreaking indifference. They were denied essential services, deprived of their basic rights, and attempts to express their suffering were brutally suppressed. Such ruthless repression only fueled the flames of discontent and led to the rise of Sector Zero.
Sector Zero, whose symbol is bright red against the menacing blacks and grays, has brought together disillusioned omnipotents whose slogan "No Man" reflects their extremist purpose. With an agenda to overthrow human authority, the movement tended toward anarchy, abusive strategies, and violence. The event of the uprising, their first act of rebellion, burst onto the world stage, destroying much of London and capturing the imagination of disillusioned omnics around the world.
Once a beacon of hope for abused omnics, the Null Sector has since turned into a militant extremist faction. He came to represent the dark side of the omnic resistance, characterized by violence and anarchy in particular, fighting for a world dominated by the omnic. It's a chilling testament to the harsh reality of the Overwatch universe, a reminder that even the downtrodden can turn into oppressors under the right, or rather, wrong, circumstances.