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Location NameNumbani
Alternate NameCity of Harmony
Numbani is an idyllic urban setting in the acclaimed Overwatch universe, where harmony between omnics and humans is not just a dream, but a beautiful reality. Coined as the 'City of Harmony', Numbani is a legendary destination with breathtaking architecture that combines traditional African art with cutting-edge technology. Known for its commitment to peace, this city is a stark contrast to a world still struggling with the effects of the devastating Omnic Crisis. Nestled in the heart of the African continent, Numbani is a beacon of progress and unity, a testament to the potential beauty of peaceful coexistence with all and humanity. Whether it's the lush foliage, the glittering skyline, or the annual Unity Day celebration, the allure of Numbani is palpable and one of the most treasured landmarks in the Overwatch world.


Numbanis is an idyllic city that symbolizes the harmony of humans and omnics. Located in West Africa, Numbani is often referred to as the "City of Harmony" and is an inspiring haven of peace after the devastating Omnic Crisis. The city and its inhabitants began to develop technologies that led to the coexistence and flourishing of artificial intelligence and organic life: a vision of a future where all can thrive together.
Defined by its stunning architecture that blends modern and traditional styles, Numbani has a spectacular cityscape. Towering skyscrapers alongside ancient buildings proudly display the city's rich cultural heritage. The charming Aetria Airport or the internationally acclaimed heritage museum showcase the city's achievements and aspirations.
But behind the peaceful facade, things are far from calm. After these steps toward unity, conflict simmers. The city is under constant threat from Doomfist, a notorious villain who seeks to destabilize harmony. The city's future is now in the hands of its heroes, ready to face any force that threatens their peaceful existence. Numbani vividly represents Overwatch's optimistic vision of the future, one that celebrates unity and diversity. The combination of cultures and technology makes it a unique and essential part of the Overwatch universe.


Also called the City of Harmony, Numbanis is one of the most important locations in the Overwatch universe. Located on the west coast of Africa, this advanced city is known as a beacon of hope after the Omnicrisis. Here, humans and robots, known as omnics, coexist peacefully and serve as a great example to the rest of the world.
Numbani emerged after the Omnic Crisis. The crisis caused global tension and hostility between humans and omnics. But Numbani became a city that defied the odds. It is based on the belief that humans and the almighty can live together in harmony without fear or prejudice.
This unique multicultural city is a mix of old and new and provides a stark contrast between traditional African culture and advanced technology. Numbani's architectural landscape embodies this fusion, with austere modern structures juxtaposed with buildings influenced by more humble and traditional designs. The Doomfist exhibit at the Numbani Heritage Museum represents this connection between the past and the future, with artifacts that tell the stories of legendary characters from the past and the struggles that shaped the city's present. Numbani also has the honor of being one of the world's leading research and development centers, making significant contributions in several fields, including artificial intelligence. The autonomous city of Numbani is governed by a council whose members represent both the people and the entire population, further emphasizing its commitment to unity and harmony.
The story of Numbani is not just a story of coexistence and harmony between different cultures and technologies. It is also a city of heroes. Built by genius child inventor Efi Oladele, Orisa, the beloved Overwatch heroine, lives here and symbolizes the city's spirit of courage, unity and innovation. In the grand scheme of the Overwatch universe, Numbani's story mirrors the larger story of a post-war world where society is trying to rebuild itself by embracing diversity and technological advancement. Its ethos of harmony is reflected in its culture, traditions and institutions, making Numbani an example of peaceful coexistence and progress in the gaming universe.


The city nurtures this spirit of unity and invests in projects such as the Unity Day Festival, which invites Numbani residents and tourists to celebrate coexistence, peace and progress.
The city's ethos of man-machine harmony also extends to its infrastructure. Every corner of this utopia is decorated with exotic plants and avant-garde public sculptures. The skyscrapers seamlessly blend natural elements with advanced technology, embodying Numbani's forward-looking vision.
In addition, Numbani is a center for scientific research and technological advancement. It's home to some of the most innovative individuals in the Overwatch universe, including young genius Efi Oladele. Aside from the conflicts plaguing other regions, Numbani thrives on peace and technological advancements, offering a glimpse into the future that Overwatch is aiming for.
Despite global tensions, hostility and fears of a second full-scale crisis lurking beyond its borders, Numbani remains an oasis of peace and unity in a world strained by division. But the city isn't entirely immune to confusing reminders of Overwatch's history, such as the Gauntlet of Doomfist, a powerful weapon supposedly locked away in the city's Payload Museum. The thriving city of Numbani, for all its optimism and resilience, continues to embody the spirit of harmony that fiercely guards Overwatch.