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Path of Exile Universe

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Vaal Civilization

General Info

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Faction NameVaal Civilization
The Vaal civilization is an ancient and mysterious group in the Path of Exile universe. Their rich history is believed to be the oldest known civilization in Vraeclast and is marked by a dark and destructive force that ultimately led to their downfall. The Vaal were renowned for their advanced skills in art, architecture, and thaumaturgy, and their obsession with fine gems led them to create the first orb of the Vaal. However, their relentless pursuit of dominance and power led to a cataclysmic event known as the Fall of Vaal. Today, remnants of their great civilization are scattered across Vraeclast and offer a glimpse into their fascinating but tragic past. Exploring these remains yields valuable artifacts and powerful Vaal Skill gems, allowing adventurers to harness some of Vaal's lost power.


The Vaal civilization in the Path of Exile universe is a dark and mysterious chapter in gaming history. The undoubtedly powerful Vaal were known for their advanced knowledge of the Gems of Virtue and their uncanny ability to manipulate and control corruption itself.
Responsible for some of Wraeclast's most magnificent architectural structures, their achievements testify to a civilization far ahead of its time. The ruins of Vaal and the terrible pyramid of Atziri are remnants of their grandeur and mastery, a terrible reminder of a civilization consumed by its own ambitions.
In addition to their immense structural feats, the Vaal were also skilled in powerful corruption magic. Their thaumaturgical knowledge was prominently displayed in Queen Atziri, who in an age of decay and decline sought eternal youth through human sacrifice. After a ritual that led to a cataclysm, civilization collapsed, leaving behind the remnants of a once-great empire.
In the ruins of a fallen empire, adventurers find artifacts of great power: the Vaal Skill Gems. Draining the raw, corrupted power that once fueled their civilization, these gems can turn the tide of battle when wielded by a skilled hand. Vaal's legacy lives on, reminding exiles of the heady lure of power and the all-consuming corruption that inevitably follows.


The Vaal civilization, an early faction of the Path of Exile universe, has a secret shrouded in the shadows of ancient times. In its golden age, it was a hub of principles and knowledge. But he slipped into a terrible decline, leaving behind a grim legacy that still chills even the bravest of heroes.
The Vaal civilization was definitely an intelligent society with an advanced understanding of thaumaturgy, the magic that existed in the Path of Exile universe. Their insatiable desire to collect good gems remains a testament to their progress. These gems contained the essence of the gods and allowed Vaal to shape his reality, creating decaying structures and terrifying monsters.
Queen Atziri, a charismatic and powerful ruler, is an indelible part of Vaal's history. A study in contrasts, she was as beautiful as she was ruthless. His vanity was unstoppable; it catalyzed the downfall of an entire civilization. According to legend, Atziri's obsession with eternal youth led her folklorists to perform a forbidden sacrificial ritual. This ritual was a devastating cataclysmic event that destroyed thousands of lives and eventually engulfed the entire civilization. The queen is believed to have survived, transformed into the abomination at the top of the pyramid, the same structure built as a symbol of glory and prosperity.
Remnants of the Vaal civilization continue to influence the current Wraeclast factions. Their ruins are death traps teeming with creatures warped by Vaal's tautourgy. The treasures and dangers offered by the ruins of Vaal continue to draw adventurers and fortune-seekers into its tangled web with the promise of riches and nightmares. The legacy of the Vaal civilization is a poignant reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and power. It proves that even the greatest of civilizations can crumble if corrupted from within, and the story reverberates in the depths of Vraeklast, a poignant echo of a once-great, now-fallen empire.

Notable Members

Member #
Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Doryani, First of the Vaal
Zerphi, the Vaal Seer
Doedre the Vile
Malachai the Soulless


One of the most prominent factions in the dynamic universe of Path of Exile, the Vaal civilization ruled a region known for its paradoxically brutal and beautiful geography. A mighty civilization flourished amid harsh and unyielding lands as imposing and mysterious as the Vaal itself.
Their territories include vast underground dungeons, treacherous mountains, and thick, menacing jungles. These ancient peoples triumphed over this rugged terrain, establishing elaborate atmospheric cities and towering pyramids.
The subterranean dungeons, the lost remnants of the Vaal civilization, were imbued with a macabre allure. Their dense jungle was a mad maze of overgrown foliage, with danger lurking at every turn. Vaal's environment was the epitome of its people, a testament to their resilience and tenacity.
The glittering city of Atzoatli, the center of the Vaal civilization, was an architectural wonder with its sprawling network of streets and imposing buildings. Surrounded by rugged mountains, the city added mystery and captured the intense spirit of the Vaal people.
The surroundings of the Vaal were a perfect combination of the vagaries of nature and the architectural prowess of civilization, reflecting the terrifying and enchanting allure of the Vaal civilization itself. Intricate carvings, ornate statues, and vivid illustrations tell the story of the fierce battles, triumphant victories, and wisdom gained through the rich and complex history that shaped this bygone empire.

Legacy and Impact

The Vaal civilization, though fallen, continues to greatly influence the world of Path of Exile. Their knowledge gained through thaumaturgy, the science of divine energy, resonates in artifacts and relics found throughout the land. Vaal's deep obsession with the Gems of Virtue led to their catastrophic deaths, but it shaped subsequent events and generations. Echoes of the Vaals era continue to haunt current civilizations; their insatiable thirst for power is reflected in the exiles' quest for power. The most striking testament to the Vaal's heritage is Atziri, their once alluring queen whose beauty surpassed her tyranny. Atziri's death added a terrifying chapter to the Vaal Chronicle, warning of unchecked ambition. The Exiles seek to use the ancient arts of Vaal without repeating their mistakes, finding a balance between power and danger. From architectural marvels to advanced thaumaturgy, the influence of the Vaal is unmistakable, a testament to their genius reigning supreme, and their downfall a major lesson. The resonance of the Vaal civilization continues to vibrate, shaping the world we walk through today.