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Path of Exile Universe

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Coral Amulet

General Info

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Item NameCoral Amulet
The Coral Amulet is part of a family of precious amulets from the Path of Exile universe that provide the wearer with a significant boost to restoring health. Such a great edge is crucial to survival, especially in a harsh terrain filled with deadly enemies. Originating from the depths of the endless sea, the Coral Amulet's glowing water glow is a symbol of its mighty power. It is designed to combat and strengthen the user against the deadliest blows, increase vitality and build stamina. Enchanting a coral amulet with certain items can further enhance its properties and reveal the artifact's versatile potential. Adding this to your inventory not only increases vitality, but also adds a mysterious charm to your character's personality. Always remember that in the cruel world of exile, a coral amulet is not only a beautiful necklace, but also a weapon of salvation.


The Coral Amulet is widely admired for its life-sustaining properties in the kingdom of Wraeclast from the Path of Exile universe. It is an exquisite necklace that is as much sought after for its unparalleled beauty as it is for its powerful magical aura. Grants the player an additional health regeneration per second when equipped.
This humble trinket hails from the azure shores, carved from coral growing deep in the great ocean of Vraeclast. The charm of the amulet comes from the resilience and longevity of these corals, which give the wearer an incredible boost of vitality and tenacity to endure even the harshest conditions. What sets the coral amulet apart is its versatility. It can be anything from a lifesaver for beginners to a huge asset for high-level players, given that it can be crafted into complex rares or uniques. A cleverly integrated versatile Coral Amulet can be an important part of a player's survival strategy.
So whether you're about to head out to Vraeclast or you're a seasoned exile, the Coral Amulet can protect you from impending danger, help you survive brutal attacks, and give you that decisive edge when facing tough bosses. .

Creation and Development

The creation and development of the Coral Amulet in the world of Path of Exile is an exciting journey of creativity and gameplay functionality. Originally, the concept of this amulet began as an item to strengthen the player's defenses. It was designed to provide passive healing options and is designed to take advantage of the game's rich maritime heritage. The original design was a simple necklace with a central coral element that speaks to the essence of the item.
Thanks to iterations and player feedback, Coral Amulet has been improved several times. Early in the game, it only provided a static health regeneration rate. As the game mechanics improved, so did the abilities of this amulet. While it still maintains its basic health regeneration function, it now offers 2-3 health regeneration per second, making it a great choice for builds that need constant replenishment.
Coral Amulet's aesthetic design is influenced by the marine-themed environmental elements of Wraeclast, embodying the vibrant yet deadly shores. The unique orange color and intricate coral design were chosen to reflect the balance between natural beauty and the harsh conditions of survival in Path of Exile. The development team is constantly ready to modify the Coral Amulet to keep up with the changing gameplay and player needs, ensuring that it remains an important part of character customization. Despite its versatility and constant evolution, the Coral Amulet never deviates from its central role in helping players survive and thrive in the turbulent world of Path of Exile.
Coral Amulet is more than just a tool, it's a testament to the combination of strategic gameplay, intricate design, and a rich thematic story that makes Path of Exile one of the most compelling games for loyal fans.

Cultural Impact

The Path of Exile Coral Amulet holds an important place in the Wraeclast cultural context. Historically used by Maraket, this amulet had both spiritual and practical implications. Coral, like human bone structure, is believed to have protective properties and was particularly useful for warriors going into battle.
The coral amulet also has a deep symbolic image in Maraketh culture. It is adorned with a powerful emblem of oceanic power and endurance, two highly revered attributes of the Maraketes. Beautifully manicured coral structures embody the resilience of the ocean and symbolize how to resist the turbulent waves of life, how a coral reef faces the relentless storms of the sea.
Today, in addition to its traditional use, the Coral Amulet has found its way into the gambling and gambling dens of Sarno, where winning a rare piece can raise the toast of the town. However, its true value still lies in its ability to increase the wearer's life force, making it highly sought after by exiles and adventurers facing the dangers of the Wraeclast. Indeed, the cultural impact of this humble amulet extends far beyond the coral facade, embodying the collective strength, mysticism, and survival instincts of the Wraeclast population.