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Peaky Blinders Universe

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Camden Town gang

General Info

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Faction NameCamden Town gang
Based in central London, the Camden Town gang is a huge faction of the Peaky Blinders universe. Led by the wily and ruthless Billy Kimber, this gang is known for its unyielding control of horse racing and security rackets. Kimber's team reflects her tough and calculating personality: the gang operates not on the basis of blind loyalty, but on the basis of fierce determination and the will to survive. Their central location makes them the heart of England's hottest gang wars, making them the base around which other gangs revolve. Using ruthless tactics and strategic alliances, the Camden Town gang fights tooth and nail to maintain and expand their territory. Their power lies not only in violence, but in a complex web of espionage, deception and manipulation that has shaken the very heart of London's underworld. They may not have the fame of Peaky Blinders, but their influence is sending shockwaves through the urban jungle, making the Camden Town gang a force to be reckoned with.


The Camden Town gang, as depicted in the fascinating history of the Peaky Blinders universe, has a high reputation in a complex criminal network. This notorious group has a strong presence in the London area, with a particularly strong hold over Camden and the surrounding boroughs, largely due to their regulatory power over the local underground economy.
The gang is known for its ruthless and tenacious nature, executing group political and strategic maneuvers with a sophistication that rivals its Birmingham counterparts, the Shelby Clan. Their wily leader, Darby Sabini, who skillfully manipulates the systems of government, marks the gang as a formidable underworld force, the palpable fear and respect they inspire in their enemies.
Operating with a fierce territorial instinct, the Camden Town gang's activities expand from petty crime to more lucrative businesses such as illegal gambling, extortion and organized theft. Although their approach to violence is more cautious than the Shelbys, their presence and power can be felt everywhere, from the streets to the bars, daring anyone who dares to trespass on their turf.
The unique character of the gang, the brutal leader and the influence that spreads throughout London add dramatic tension to the narrative landscape of Peaky Blinders and give the audience a very compelling picture of gangster life in 1920s England. is a fascinating and terrifying study of the power that thrives in the shadows of organized crime.


A powerful faction in the Peaky Blinders universe, the Camden Town Gang is a compelling blend of history and fiction. Trained in bleak post-war London, his origins were influenced by the real-life street gang culture of the time, which spread throughout English urban areas.
A gang born out of grim conditions in Camden in the 20th century. in the beginning, quickly became infamous for his illegal activities. At the helm was a man known for his ruthless tactics and charisma, Billy Kimber. Originally from Birmingham, Kimber founded the Camden Town gang as one of London's most dangerous crime syndicates, in stark contrast to Birmingham's backstreet fighters, the infamous Peaky Blinders. The power of the gang affected many areas of society, from bars and racetracks to city politics. Despite their illegal activities, the gang felt a warped social order. In order to control their territory, they engaged in brutal confrontations, street brawls and brutal maneuvers, a testament to their unshakable dominance.
In the second season of Peaky Blinders, the mysterious Kimber and the Camden Town gang emerge as the London counterparts of Peaky Blinders. Their involvement in Blinders creates a tense narrative that not only reinforces the show's tense plot, but also highlights the intertwined relationship between government, politics and crime in post-war Britain. The Camden Town gang's influence on the Peaky Blinders adds a fascinating chapter to England's criminal history. As well as highlighting the tense social and political narratives of early 20th century London, they also reflect the power dynamics that characterized the era's street gang culture.
Although they fell from power after Kimberly's death, their legacy is far from forgotten in the gritty, force-driven world of Peaky Blinders.

Notable Members

Member #
Alfie Solomons


The Camden Town gang operates strongly in the vibrant and diverse Camden area in the heart of central London. This location is strategically important, placing the gang in one of the most vibrant areas of the city, teeming with a variety of merchants, artisans, and other potential allies, customers, and brands. The labyrinthine streets and alleys are full of hiding places, escape routes and secret meeting places, and the many bars, clubs and guesthouses are revolving doors for potential newcomers.
Camden thrives on its canal link. Goods coming in from all over the city and beyond are both a rich source of income and a means of transportation for the gang's operations. In addition, its proximity to rail lines allows for fast traffic through the city, further perpetuating Camden as a hub for both legal and illegal activity.
The working class spirit of the area embodies the essence of the Camden Town gang, reflecting their determination, resilience and ambition. This, combined with Camden's cultural diversity, creates a rich tapestry of backgrounds and influences that the gang utilizes effectively as they navigate the changing social and political landscape to further their interests. In Camden Town, survival is a skill and power is earned, a mantra the gang lives by.

Legacy and Impact

The Peaky Blinders Camden Town gang, led by the multi-talented Chichlorde Alfie Solomons, have left an indelible mark on the city's criminal underworld. The group's legacy lies primarily in their powerful and fear-driven control of London's social and economic landscape, rivaled only by the Shelby Company Limited. Later, the invading companies learned to pay attention to the layered network created by the Solomon gang. Gangs today largely retain elements of Solomons' strategic approach that demonstrate its impact on organized crime. Solomons, who had experience in international trade, established trade links with Russians and Jews, which affected Britain's criminal economy. The Camden Town gang also left an indelible mark on pop culture, becoming part of a story that is valued around the world. Despite being ruthless lawbreakers, they are seen as anti-heroes, which adds to their impact in and outside of the TV series. However, their historical significance is examined because of the fictitious narrative and dramatization of their exploits. In this peculiar way, Solomons and his gang achieved a kind of immortality, forever living in the maze of popular culture.