Star Wars universe is a complex and expansive space fantasy setting full of diverse species, polities and planets. At its core, Star Wars is about the timeless struggle between good and evil. The original Star Wars trilogy focused on the Galactic Empire, an authoritarian regime that rules the galaxy with an iron fist. The Empire is challenged by the Rebel Alliance, made up of those who have lost their freedom or been victimized by the Empire.
The iconic elements of Star Wars are mythology, characters and technology. Unlike the deceitful and power-hungry Sith, the Jedi are made up of a structure of power-sensitive beings. The universe is also known for its advanced technology, seen in astromech droids, spaceships, and lightsabers.
Another important aspect is the energetic force that holds the galaxy together: the Force, which has both a light and a dark side. Overriding all of these themes and elements is the idea that everyone, regardless of their past or background, has greatness. The Star Wars universe proves that heroes come in all shapes, sizes and colors.