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Star Wars Universe

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General Info

Endor logo
Area/RegionOuter Rim
CountryGalactic Empire
Location NameEndor
Alternate NamePlanet of Ewoks
Also known as the forest moon of Endor, Endor offers a contrast between primitive and advanced life. Inhabited by the Ewoks, this green moon is dominated by tall trees and lush greenery, along with remnants of Imperial technology. The Ewoks, furry bipedal little denizens of the forest, live a simplistic lifestyle, perched in the treetops, displaying impressive cunning in combat and survival against superior technological opponents. This moon has great historical significance as it was the site of the pivotal Battle of Endor, where the Rebels dealt a major blow to the Galactic Empire. Spectacular wildlife, distinctive civilizations, and major galactic events create Endor's unique profile in the Star Wars universe.


Located in the Outer Rim territories, Endor is often referred to as the "Forest Moon of Endor" or the "Sacred Moon" and is a beautiful celestial body filled with lush forests, magnificent mountains, and verdant plains. Among the dense, verdant forests live the hardworking but benevolent Ewoks. These curious creatures roam the high treetops in villages ingeniously constructed from local materials. Endor is also home to other species such as the Dulok and Yuzzum, each with their own unique culture and way of life.
Endor is truly fascinated by the tall old trees known as giant cherry trees that create an intricate network of tree habitats. Endor's unique biomes are not limited to land, but also extend underwater with vast lakes and rivers teeming with a variety of aquatic life. The pristine, pristine moon ball is completely hidden under thick foliage and offers an intriguing mystery as to what lies within.
Despite its peaceful appearance, Endor's history is steeped in galactic conflict. First and foremost, the pivotal Battle of Endor, where the Rebellion made a bold move to destroy the second Death Star, ensuring the end of the dictatorial Galactic Empire. Today, Endor is both a symbol of the stunning beauty of the Star Wars universe and a testament to key moments in galactic history. It is a haven of rustic charm mixed with compelling historical significance.


Often referred to as the Forest Moon or Endor or the Temple Moon, Endor has a rich and vibrant history that has made it an integral part of the Star Wars universe. Orbitando l'omonimo pianeta gigante del gas, questa Luna è stata fundamentale nel modelare gli eventi della galassia.
The native inhabitants of Endor sono le creature bipede senzienti di Ewoks che vivono alto tra gli alberi dellefix foreste della Luna. Using their natural environment to survive, the Ewoks demonstrated surprisingly advanced construction and warfare skills that became crucial to their alliance with the Rebel Alliance.
Prima della guerra civile galactica, Endor non è stato relatively influenzato da eventi galacticci più ampi. However, il suo significatostratego è esploso quando l'empero lo ha scelto come cantiere per la seconda stella della morte. Protected by a force field, the battle station in lunar orbit was an important location for the decisive Battle of Endor, in which the Rebel Alliance won a major victory against the Empire. The Ewoks played a crucial role in this battle, using their knowledge of the terrain and unconventional methods of warfare to help defeat the Imperial forces.
After the battle of Endor, the moon became a symbol of hope and resistance in the battle against the Empire. Gli Ewok hanno celebrato con i loro nuovi alleati, guadaggando il riconoscimento per il loro coraggio e ingegnosità.


Located in a remote corner of the galaxy, Endor is home to a moon known as the Forest Moon of Endor. Perhaps best known for its starring role in the epic Battle of Endor, this celestial body's intriguing past is steeped in intrigue that surpasses its green exterior.
Idyllic landscapes dotted with vast forests and criss-crossing rivers provide an enticing haven for diverse flora and fauna. But the apparent calmness belies the vitality and tenacity necessary to exist in this environment. The majestic redwood-like trees give off an impression of quiet majesty, but they're also an important part of a powerful and harsh ecosystem that demands cunning and resourcefulness from its inhabitants. The most notable inhabitants of the moon of Endor are the Ewoks, small furry creatures that live side by side in a vast ecosystem of trees. The complexity of their existence emphasizes a deep understanding and harmony with nature. Beneath this primitive facade, the Ewoks display exceptional engineering prowess in constructing elaborate treetop villages that reflect the unique combination of raw survival and refined craftsmanship that characterizes life on Endor.
Endor is also infamous for being the secret location of the shield generator that powered the mighty Death Star. As a result, the Moon became embroiled in a galactic conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, marking a major turning point in galactic history. As such, Endor's history remains indelibly intertwined with the larger chronicle of the Star Wars universe, and its peaceful and primal appearance diminishes its importance against the backdrop of galactic events. This intensely gripping tale of a green moon symbolizes how even the most remote and seemingly insignificant places can change the course of history.