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The Mind Flayer's army

General Info

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Faction NameThe Mind Flayer's army
Nicknamed the Shadow Monster, the Mind Flayer Army is a fascinating and enigmatic part of the Stranger Things universe. His foot soldiers, a legion of grotesque demodogs, look out of this world. The menace and tenacity of these creatures have made them an unbreakable force that is certainly difficult to defeat. Embodying chaos and fear, the Mind Flayer army is known for its insatiable appetite for dominance and control, ruthlessly executing the will of its master. The influence of the Mind Flyer and his army causes significant changes in the environment, highlighting their areas of influence. This faction represents the darker side of Feet Up and has proven to be the greatest enemy in the history of Stranger Things. Their far-reaching and lethal capabilities should never be underestimated.


A chilling group in the immersive Stranger Things universe, The Mind Flayer's Army is a testament to the show's tension and emotional depth. This evil force belongs to an alternate dimension known as The Upside Down, an area full of enigmatic horrors and merciless creatures.
This legion is ruled by the Mind Flayer, the embodiment of ultimate evil. He is a huge, dark figure with tentacle-like appendages, known for his loyal subjects Demogorgons and Hosts. The monstrous Demogorgons, visually petrified creatures, serve as the main pawns, while the hosts are terrifying extensions of the Mind Flyer's will in our dimension. Victims trapped in the Mind Flayer's web lose their free will and become vital parts of a grand plan to invade and conquer the human world. Each individual, be it a wild Demogorgon or an innocent host, amplifies the terror this faction brings.
Throughout the series, the Mind Flayer army poses a formidable foe, challenging the protagonists at every turn. While their ominous presence casts a long and terrifying shadow over Hawkins, it also bears witness to the indomitable human spirit fighting against dark threats. The battle against the Mind Flayer army is not just physical. It is a brutal test of courage, friendship and the will to protect your world. This psychedelic group greatly enhances the creepy and thrilling appeal of Stranger Things, making it an unforgettable part of the show's history.


The Mind Flayer army, known as the Flutters, serves as a dark reflection of the cooperation and community that the Mind Flayer's oppression has twisted into horrific uniformity. Introduced in the third series of Stranger Things, the Skinned Ones represent the shadow monster's manipulation of humanity, the manifestation of the mind piercer in the ordinary world and its dominating power.
The Peeled One was started when a mind bug decided to infiltrate the natural world. He took control of Hawkins resident Billy Hargrove and used him as a gateway to build his frighteningly homogenous army. The main purpose of the Flayed is to take over individuality and freedom by turning people into mere puppets, an extension of the will of the Proto Flayer. Despite appearing to be normal individuals on the outside, the Skinned are characterized by a strange synchronicity with which they act, their glowing red eyes, and their uncanny adherence to the mind-bender's instructions. The process of their transformation is both grotesque and tragic as they lose their personal identity and autonomy, turning into monstrous hybrids that function as an interconnected hive.
Behind the visual horror of The Flayed lies a poignant depiction of the effects of an inhumane oppressive, manipulative and power-hungry regime that shadows and plays upon the lives of its subjects. From a historical perspective, Skinned is the nightmarish embodiment of collectivism developed through the power of an oppressive mind-scanner.
At the end of the season, after defeating the Mind Flayer, most of the members of the Flayed One die. Still, the stark image of the Skinned Ones, with its striking uniformity and loss of individuality, is a lasting testament to the Mind Flayer's dark abilities and the lasting impact of his brief but intense reign on Hawkins' people. Stranger Things' depiction of Stripped strongly criticizes the idea of ​​absolute power, articulating the cost of such oppression in stark and horrific terms.

Notable Members

Member #
Billy Hargrove
Heather Holloway
Tom Holloway
Janet Holloway
Doris Driscoll
Bruce Lowe


The Mind Flayer army has its roots in the Upside Down, a parallel dimension where the corruption of the geography of the human world lies. This dimension reflects our layout, with the city of Hawkins as the main battlefield, but abandoned and overgrown with organic growth. Monstrous tentacles crawl across every surface and spores fly through the air.
Hawkins seems forlorn and plunged into an eerie and eternal twilight. Major locations like Hawkins High School and the Byers Mansion have their own versions of Upside Down, differing only in their excruciating pain. The military's geographic advantage lies in this familiarity: using an upside-down mirror of the real world to navigate and strategize. But the Upside Down has its own unique geography, much of which remains unexplored. Beneath the Hawkins is a network of tunnels created by Demogorgons under the influence of the Mind Flayer.
The geography of this unpredictable dimension plays a very important role in the strength and tactics of the Mind Flayer army. It's a warped, living representation of their home-sized geography that gives them an insidious tactical advantage over anyone who tries to predict their moves. Understanding this may be the key to gaining an advantage over the terrifying power of the Mind Flayer.

Legacy and Impact

Despite their monstrous and insidious nature, the Mind Flayer army left an important legacy in the Stranger Things universe and marked a turning point for the series. As the main antagonists, they brought with them an unrelenting sense of hostility that drove the characters to the brink of fear and despair. After filming, the survival horror elements of the series kicked in, adding a thrilling dimension to the plot. Their ability to infect and manipulate people and creatures highlighted the complexity and depth of the show's con artists. Furthermore, the representation of the military in the show provided an opportunity to explore themes of identity, control and resistance. Importantly, their existence has given rise to several unsolved mysteries, hinting at the dark secrets of "Feet Up" and promises that their influence will continue to reverberate in seasons to come. Thus, the Mind Flying Army not only provided temporary horror, but also had a lasting impact on the direction of the story, shaping the plot and character development.