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Undertale Universe

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General Info

Resistance logo
Faction NameResistance
The Resistance in the Undertale universe is a powerful group fighting against human oppression. Made up of determined individuals of different species who believe in the power of unity, they strive to maintain peace and harmony in a world of monsters. In keeping with their belief in the principle of "fighting for freedom", the faction actively defies human interference and attempts to free the monster world from oppression. Their strength lies not only in numbers, but also in their general endurance to live together. The Resistance are known for their strategy and fighting skills as they constantly train in anticipation of any human attack. However, they rightly demonstrate their faith in peace, always preferring dialogue and understanding to conflict. Their unity represents a beacon of hope, making the Resistance a central force in the Undertale universe.


In the Undertale universe, the Resistance faction is a defiant beacon of hope against oppression. Born out of a need to survive and fueled by a determination to reclaim a peaceful existence, this band of monsters and champions are creatures who have long suffered at the hands of the ruling power.
The resistance consists of the brave, the strong, and the givers of grace. Together, they work to restore harmony in the world of monsters and humans, resisting and trying to overthrow the dictatorship. At its heart are iconic figures such as Undyne, the stubborn warrior, and Papyrus, the kind-hearted but naive hero. But their collective power comes from the multitude of unseen and unheard souls who contribute to the cause in their own small and humble ways.
Their struggle is not only a struggle of physical strength, but also a struggle of ideologies and truths. They wage a silent war against prejudice, bias and misconceptions about their species in hopes of restoring an image tarnished by fear and misinformation. Each of their victories is a step towards the promise of coexistence, each failure fuels their determination to keep fighting.
Undertale's resistance faction, based on resilience and the hope of freedom, is not just a collective struggle for existence. It is a symbol of defiance against all odds and represents the spirit of survival that lies within every being, living proof of the firm belief that "there is good in every soul."


The resistance in the Undertale universe formed almost immediately after the war between humans and monsters began. The birth was a direct result of the oppressive actions of the people who forced the monsters to board the subway. Monsters were constantly threatened, deprived of their basic rights and forced into hiding to survive. This sparked a wave of outrage that led to a mobilization against their captors.
The resistance consisted of different types of monsters. It was a diverse group fighting for freedom and survival. The organization operated in secret, and its members engaged in acts of defiance, such as hiding runaway monsters and conducting strategic operations to disrupt human actions.
The first leader of the resistance was the wise and powerful Asgor Dreemur. Under his leadership, the group transformed from a collection of rebels into a powerful fighting force. Asgore's tactical knowledge played a vital role in his successful attempt to reclaim his country. A major event in the history of the Resistance was the tragic death of Asgore's son, which caused Asgore to declare war on all humans. This event marked a turning point for the resistance and reaffirmed their resolve against the human race.
But the resistance was not without internal strife. This was mostly due to different opinions about the group's attitude towards people. A faction led by Asgore's wife Toriel advocated a peaceful solution, believing that not all humans are evil. Despite internal conflicts and external threats, the resistance resisted, united by a strong determination to reclaim its rightful place from the underground. With their bravery, they gave hope to all kinds of monsters and embodied the spirit of defiance that characterizes the Undertale universe.

Notable Members

Member #
Asgore Dreemurr


The challenging landscape of the Resistance faction in the Undertale universe is truly unique. Centrally located in the subway, the Resistance headquarters is hidden from the prying eyes of the king and other monsters. The area stretches in all directions in different zones, from the quiet village of Snowdin to the bustling heart of the Metro.
Each region plays a central role with Snowdin, a merciless, frost-infested region home to several members of the Resistance, including Papyrus and Sansa. Wandering deeper underground, the waterfall area is mystical with glowing blue mushrooms that provide just the light the Resistance needs for covert operations. This region is especially important because it is home to the brave Undyne, an ally of the resistance. Finally, the Core heats everything with its massive boiler system that powers most of the metro.
Despite the changing ecosystems and circumstances, the Resistance faction decided to make the most of their habitats, contenting themselves in every nook and cranny and continuing the fight against monsters and for human freedom. So the geography, which stretches from the freezing cold of Snowdin to the electric charge of the nucleus, provides a varied and appropriate backdrop for the tenacious struggle of the resistance.

Legacy and Impact

The resistance in the Undertale universe had a deep and lasting effect that reverberated far beyond the monster-infested lands. Without a doubt, the Resistance's legacy lies in the extraordinary unity and cooperation they fostered among various entities—be they human, monster, or anything in between—which fostered an understanding that broke down pre-existing prejudices and hatreds.
Their valiant fight against a common enemy became a beacon of hope. Their efforts made it clear that peace and love can exist between all species and helped destigmatize the perception of monsters in the eyes of humans. Their actions later led to a more accepting society that emphasizes that every life has intrinsic value, regardless of its form. The resistance also inspired folklore, tales of their bravery that permeate both human and monster cultures. Music, various art forms and literature reflect their struggle against oppression, the creation of harmony and the magic of friendship. Thus, the legacy of resistance is long-lasting, influencing societal beliefs and value systems and fostering empathy, acceptance, and unity among different species.