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Warhammer 40,000 Universe

Awaiting Claim

Adeptus Custodes

General Info

Adeptus Custodes logo
Faction NameAdeptus Custodes
The Adeptus Custodians, also known as the Ten Thousand, are the Emperor's personal bodyguard. Their task is to protect the Golden Throne and, at the same time, the heart of the empire. Adeptus Custodians are more than just warriors; they are terrifyingly advanced transhuman warriors, perfectly reminiscent of the power and prestige of the Emperor once upon a time. With their ornate and glittering golden armor and superior weapons, they inspire respect and fear. While other factions have many soldiers, the Adeptus Custodes number in the thousands. But each is an unparalleled warrior, worthy of dozens, if not hundreds, of lesser warriors. Their existence is a testament to the Emperor's foresight, as even in his silent state he is still protected by the finest warriors the galaxy has ever known.


The Adeptus Custodians, also known as the Ten Thousand, are the Emperor's Praetorian Guard, his staunchest defenders and fiercest warriors. Derived from the genetic material of the Emperor himself, they are the embodiment of synthesized human perfection. Veterans of many of the deadliest battles in human history, the Custodians are different from ordinary Space Marines in many ways. Their intensive genetic enhancement, extensive training, and uniquely crafted weapons make them superior to nearly every other faction in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
Traditional Space Marine squads consist of a close-knit group of soldiers that rely on tactics and teamwork. Custodians, on the other hand, are lone fighters, each with their own enhanced skills that can handle an entire battlefield incident on their own.
Their primary function is to protect the Emperor in his stronghold, the Imperial Palace on Earth. Although they rarely leave Earth, if they do decide to join the fight, it's truly a sight to behold. Each Guardian represents the pinnacle of human fighting potential, a life of war capable of countering the galaxy's worst horrors. They have protected the Emperor and the Empire for ten millennia and will continue to do so until the end. The Adeptus Custodians are not a virtuous faction, living proof of the Emperor's unbending will, a symbol of his divine authority, and the last bastion of defense against those who would harm humanity's master. They are the golden light that stands firm against the creeping shadows, proving that even in the midst of despair and destruction, hope and courage remain.


The Adeptus Custodians, known as the Ten Thousand, the "Shield of the Emperor" and its most loyal guardians, have a rich history rooted deep in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Implanted with genomes enhanced by the Emperor himself, they were first created during the Unification Wars on Earth, making them one of the oldest Imperial factions.
Unlike the Space Marines, each Keeper is a unique work of genetic art, created with the utmost care. Charged with a sacred duty to protect the emperor in his throne room, they are the ultimate guards, equipped with the latest military equipment and imbued with martial prowess.
Their story is one of unwavering dedication to their mission. This was most evident during the cataclysmic event known as the Horus Heresy. Even as the chaos began, the Custodians ignored all but one goal: the Emperor's safety. Their unwavering loyalty was tested once again during the Web War, a secret war that had been raging for decades just below the Imperial Palace.
In the many millennia since then, the Adeptus Custodians have never left the Emperor's side. Although the empire endured many wars and horrors, they remained steadfast and never wavered. Their numbers dwindled over time, but their resolve never wavered.
Despite their impressive isolation, the Adeptus Custodians were unaware of the events unfolding beyond the walls of the Imperial Palace. They waged a secret war, a shadowy conflict of selective assassinations and surgical strikes against potential threats to the Emperor, known only as the "Emperor's Eye."
Their long vigil was only broken when the tragic and final collapse of Cadia, the Primarch Triumvirate, an alliance formed by Primarch Roboute Guilliman, crossed Earth for the first time in ten thousand years to wage war on behalf of the Golden Ones. The throne. This opened a new chapter in their ancient history and marked a major change in the dynamics of the empire.
To this day, they remain the last shield of the emperor. Unrelenting, inflexible, they watch, waiting for the day when the Emperor will rise again. The story of the Adept Custodians is a tale of duty, sacrifice, and undying loyalty, witnessing their sacred promise to protect the Lord of Mankind until the end of time.

Notable Members

Member #
Emperor of Mankind
Constantin Valdor
Tribune Ixion Hale
Captain-General Trajann Valoris
Solar Watch Shield-Captain
Aquila Shield-Captain
Shadowkeepers Shield-Captain
Emissaries Imperatus Shield-Captain
Dread Host Shield-Captain
Vexilus Praetor


The Adeptus Custodes, also known as the Ten Thousand, hold a singular honor in the grand theatre of the Warhammer 40,000 universe - they are the guardians of the Emperor’s palace on Terra. Terra, once our own Earth, is now a highly fortified, ecumenopolis planet situated in the Segmentum Solar. It bears the unenviable status of being the most hostile, overpopulated and polluted world in the galaxy. Its geography features only man-made structures as natural landscapes have been replaced by overbearing hive cities and majestic, opulent palaces. Central to the geography of Adeptus Custodes is the Imperial Palace, an enormous compound stretching across whole continents. The Silent Sentinel, also known as the Golden Throne, is located within magnificent heavily fortified walls and is constantly watched by these fiercest warriors. Despite the utter high-tech darkness that pervades Warhammer 40,000, these guardians also patrol the peaceful and earthy gardens and warehouses, relics of ancient times, their fearful and sacred places. Indeed, the geography of the Adeptus Custodians is a metaphorical embodiment of their purpose: a desolate world of war and decay surrounding a bastion of former glory and sacred duty.

Legacy and Impact

The Adeptus Custodes, also known as the Ten Thousand, play a central role in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, embodying the legacy and power of the Empire itself. As the emperor's personal guardians, they add greatly to the story's complex power dynamics and offer a unique perspective on loyalty, duty, and sacrifice. The long-term effect of the faction is closely related to the effect of the emperor, his sword and shield. Their undefeated record in protecting the Imperial Palace is a testament to their strength and skill, adding to their combined knowledge and raising the stakes for the universe. They continue to be the last line of defense against those who seek to harm the Emperor, influencing the course of Warhammer 40,000 history at every turn and cementing their legacy in the vastness of space as a beacon of Imperial resilience and resilience. the emperor's will manifested itself.