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Apex Legends Universe

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Apex Predators

General Info

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Faction NameApex Predators
The Apex Predators faction is an infamous mercenary group operating on the fringes of the Apex Legends universe. Led by the ruthless Kuben Blisk, their notoriety stems from operations shrouded in violence and complete disregard for human life. Predators prefer wealth and power, accept only large contracts and engage in battles for personal gain. They have a strategy of adapting to any situation, a characteristic that earned them the name predator. This faction exists outside of legal or ethical boundaries, and is a constant threat to anyone who crosses their path. Apex Predators, known for their dogged efficiency in combat and wearing skull insignia, continue to strike fear into the hearts of many in the Apex universe.


Apex Predators are one of the most feared factions in the Apex Legends universe. Led by the infamous Kuben Blisk, this mercenary syndicate is made up of Outland's deadliest assassins. Their slogan "it's all about survival" speaks of an unrelenting attitude towards life and struggle.
Predators are synonymous with Apex Games, a blood sport that they love not only for the thrill of the hunt, but also for the lucrative achievements. It is a self-contained law that shows complete disrespect for foreign legislators. Being invited to join them is considered a chilling honor. Such an offer is only made to those who share his unwavering commitment to survival and are willing to shrug off any morality.
Despite their brutality, Apex Predators is also respected. Their tactical prowess and bravery strike fear into many, and their shame strikes terror into the hearts of others. Their legacy of violence and victory echoes throughout the arenas of the Apex Games, making them one of the greatest forces in Outland. Being an Apex Predator isn't just about survival; it is to stand at the top of the food chain and rule with ruthless sovereignty. But behind that power is also a whisper: in the world of Apex Predators, it's kill or be killed.


The Apex Predators, the feared Elite Apex Games mercenary group, was founded many years ago. Before its formation, the dark underbelly of Outland was home to many small mercenary groups. However, none of them could challenge the militia or exercise significant control in the Outlands.
Enter Kuben Blisk, a hardened border war veteran. He saw the potential in this ailment and founded Apex Predators. Bliska used his experience and strategic skills to select the best mercenaries in the field. Their main goal was to disrupt militia operations as well as take control of lawless areas of the Outlands. Their skills and successful operations quickly became legendary and they became participants in the Apex Games, where they became the most feared team.
Its initial success attracted many ambitious mercenaries eager to break into Outland. Among them was the legendary Revenant, an assassin originally programmed to serve the Syndicate and now everyone's nightmare in the Apex Games arena. With Apex Predator's reputation in the games, Blisk saw the profitable side of the tournament. He then shifted the group's focus from conquering territories to dominating games for the fame and fortune that obviously came with the thrill of the kill.
Today, Apex Predators continue to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. They are still considered one of the deadliest players in the already deadly Apex games. They remain true to their brutal past and adhere to their cold motto: "You kill, you're better, I kill, I'm better."

Notable Members

Member #
Kuben Blisk


Apex Predators operates in a brutal and lawless frontier, the vast territory of the Titanfall universe. The Wall is divided into several systems, each with unique geographical features and inhabited by different factions. Apex Predators are home to the Outlands, a cluster of distant planets characterized by harsh environments, abandoned settlements, and incredible alien structures.
This faction is known for taking advantage of Outland's unstable geography. They adapt to environments ranging from barren deserts with swirling dust storms to frozen tundra that is unrelentingly cold. In the unforgiving wilderness, they honed their survival skills to an unprecedented level.
Among the notable locations in the Outlands, Kings Canyon is a noteworthy battlefield. It is a synthesis of barren desert landscapes, high-tech structures and monstrous Leviathans towering over the landscape. Different geographies, World's Edge on the planet Talos features an active volcano, rugged ice fields, and a massive modern cityscape.
Overall, the Outlands offers a dangerous terrain full of adventure and mystery, shaping the ruthless nature and exceptional survivability of Apex Predators. The geographical extremes reflect the band's wild nature, making each place not just a backdrop but an essential part of their identity.

Legacy and Impact

Led by the infamous Kuben Blisk, Apex Predators left a deep and indelible mark on Apex Games. Through his actions and philosophy, this mercenary has proven that success in the arena is not just about brute strength and combat prowess. Instead, shrewd strategy, ruthless efficiency, and a keen understanding of Outland's unstable power balance can propel you to the top. They gave the games a raw and unforgiving honesty, revealing their true nature: a scenario where only the most adaptable and cunning can thrive. Their legacy lies not only in their victories, but also in the relentless lesson they teach each opponent. In order to survive in the Apex Games, you have to grow and improve or you will inevitably fall behind. This is a testament to the lasting impact of Apex Predators.