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Apex Legends Universe

Awaiting Claim


General Info

Syndicate logo
Faction NameSyndicate
Founded in Outland, the Syndicate is a powerful unseen force operating behind the scenes at Apex Games. Once known for resolving disputes through brutal warfare, the Syndicate influenced the Outlands to develop a more "civilized" dispute resolution process. Today, the group hosts a blood sport called the Apex Games, attracting participants from all over the universe. However, little is known about the actual activities or members of the union. Even with fan-favorite rivals like Bangalore, Caustic, and Wraith raising questions, the veil of Syndicate remains unlifted. Many are speculating about their true intentions and whether they are running more than just Apex Games. This mysterious entity continues to have a profound influence on the events that take place within the lawless borders of Outland, fueling intrigue and suspicion among participants and viewers alike.


The Syndicate is a dark and powerful organization that rules the lawless frontier of the Apex Legends universe. Powerful but invisible, they are the puppeteers who control the strict survival of the Apex Games.
Determined competitors from all corners of the Frontier battle for glory in the Apex Games created by the Syndicate. These brutal gladiator fights serve to distract the population from the brutal reality of living in a brutal society; a situation cunningly manipulated and created by the Syndicate.
This prosperity was born of the shedding of blood. The Syndicate's power was consolidated after the infamous Border War, profiting from the manipulation of interplanetary resources, public fear, and the resulting political chaos. They built an elaborate Apex arena on the burnt remains of the Slum Lakes and the Cascades battlefield. A ubiquitous entity, the Syndicate's forward control is symbolized by their mysterious emblem etched into every corner of the arena that watches the Games.
The Syndicate remains an enigma, playing out its cards in the twisted layers of the Apex Legends universe. However, behind these staged survival trials and thrilling victories, their dark intentions and ulterior motives remained beneath the surface. Will the rivals ever reveal the truth, or will they remain pawns in the union's grand game? Time will tell. Few people know their faces, but everyone knows their names. A watcher in the shadows, the Syndicate's control of the frontier is unyielding and absolute. Their mark is indelible, their reign eternal. Because on the frontier, just like the Apex Games, only the strongest survive.


The Syndicate is an enigmatic force that operates within the confines of the law in the Apex Legends universe. Formed after the Border War, the Syndicate is known as a powerful but underground entity that dictates the course of the Outback.
The identities of the Union's founders remain one of the most intriguing unsolved mysteries. However, this elusive group is widely believed to have emerged from the remnants of the IMC's military infrastructure and benefited from the power vacuum created by the end of the war.
They took advantage of the fragile social and political conditions and extended their influence over the demoralized and war-torn Frontier society. Their initial actions to bring order and security won the hearts of the public, effectively concealing the ulterior motives of their philanthropy.
The Syndicate's greatest achievement, some might say masterful strategic move, was the launch of Apex Games. Disguised as entertainment, these blood sports became the perfect platform for the Syndicate to control the masses while maintaining their growing dominance.
Competitors known as "Legends" became the faces of these deadly games, earning glory for victory or facing downfall, and the syndicate profited from the spectacle. After thunderous applause and adrenaline-pumping action, Apex Games contributes to a more sinister cause, distracting from the harsh reality of a society in the iron grip of an unseen ruler. Five seasons have passed since then, and the influence of the union has not diminished. As their power continues to expand, their true intentions remain as elusive as ever. As the Legends continue their quest for fame and fortune, the central question remains: What does the future hold for the Syndicate-controlled Outlands?

Notable Members

Member #
Kuben Blisk


The Syndicate operates in many Outlands, which are scattered across various environments and locations. Each location in the Outlands offers a different landscape, from the molten rifts of World's Edge to the marshy swamps of the slums. Outland's harsh and unpredictable atmosphere is characteristic of remote planets, filled with abandoned industrial facilities, vast wastelands, and lush vegetation.
World's Edge, one of Syndicate's most iconic arenas, showcases many geographical elements. Volcanic fissures and towering skyscrapers provide contrasting visuals, while icy regions add a spark of danger to every encounter. Likewise, Kings Canyon, home of Apex Games, has evolved over the years. From sandy heathers to lush river valleys, it's a mosaic of stark contrasts. The terrain varies greatly, providing participants with a variety of challenges and capturing the unpredictable nature of the overseas.
The varied geography of the Outlands gives the alliance a strategic advantage. Their sophisticated knowledge of these diverse landscapes allows them to lead the Apex Games and maintain control over the people of Outland. This variety of scenarios is at the core of Syndicate Realm, as is the thrilling, adrenaline-pumping entertainment provided by Apex Games.

Legacy and Impact

A faction of the Apex Legends Syndicate helped shape Outland's geopolitical landscape. The Syndicate's organization and their control over Apex Games were key factors in the changes in Outlands' social dynamics. Despite their ruthless and unscrupulous tactics, they successfully institutionalized Apex Games and created an entity that was both loved and feared.
Their unexpected alliances and unspoken power play have dramatically affected the balance of power in Outland. Importantly, the union's actions raised serious ethical questions about the nature and impact of entertainment on society. Additionally, their management of Apex Games has had a mixed economic impact. The games have, on the one hand, brought in huge revenues and created jobs, but on the other hand, they have also caused social and political instability. Despite the criticism, it cannot be denied that their influence in shaping the world of Apex Legends is deep and wide.