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Apex Legends Universe

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Mercenary Syndicate

General Info

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Faction NameMercenary Syndicate
The Mercenary Syndicate is a ruthless and vicious group that reigns outside the Apex Legends universe. Comprised of the most fearsome mercenaries, they operate in a lawless region and accept contracts that others consider too dangerous or unlikely. They police the Apex Games with an iron fist, ensuring that every participant abides by the rules of the blood sport, no matter how brutal it may be. Known for their unwavering determination, the Mercenary Syndicate is both respected and feared. Their reputation is terrifying as they defy mortality and command respect in the chaotic and harsh reality of Outland. They are a symbol of power, and despite their ruthless methods, their determination and perseverance provide a glimmer of hope in the otherwise desolate expanse of Outland.


The Mercenary Syndicate is a very important group in the various universes of Apex Legends. They primarily rule overseas, overseeing operations and managing resources on various planets. Formed after the Border War, they took over the reins of the disbanded Border Militia and IMC forces to ensure peace and order in the chaotic aftermath.
Equally praised and condemned, the Mercenary Syndicate's methods often resort to dubious legality. Their ruling style relies heavily on brute force, repression and intimidation. Under their control, the Outlands experienced both high-tech development and rampant corruption.
Perhaps their most infamous venture is the Apex Games, a gruesome television show where legends fight to the death for honor, glory and fortune. While this brutal sport garners massive audiences and public adoration, it highlights the dark undertones of the union's for-profit manipulation and control.
Despite these criticisms, the organization has a strong position in Outlands society. Their opportunities - wealth, power or reputation - brought many to their side. The syndicate's resilience and command presence make them a major and undeniable force in the Apex Legends universe. This combination of progress, brutality, influence and opportunity encompasses the complex and tumultuous history of the Mercenary Syndicate.


The Mercenary Syndicate began its concept as a necessary response to a hostile frontier space where law was a luxury few could afford. With the Border War ravaging worlds and leaving many vulnerable, the need for peacekeepers was sorely felt. It was during these uncertain times that the Mercenary Syndicate emerged, a powerful organization offering protection at a great price.
Although their methods were often questioned, no one could deny the power they wielded and the order they brought to many colonies. Their influence grew as did the size of their forces, attracting mercenaries, bounty hunters and security operatives from across the galaxy. Backed by powerful entities, the union is believed to have quickly become feared and respected on the frontier.
The Mercenary Syndicate soon launched the Apex Games, a bloody spectacle pitting mercenaries against each other for sport and entertainment. The games became popular and those who were lucky found fame and fortune. The union capitalized on this popularity and amassed more wealth and power through player endorsements and contracts.
Over time, the image of the union began to fade. Allegations of corruption, pimp deals and publicized violence outside of the Apex Games tarnished the union's reputation. It soon became clear that their influence on border stability was both a blessing and a curse.
However, the mercenary syndicate continues to play a vital role in the functioning of the frontier worlds. Control, chaos, and contradictions are mixed in union activities, but the flow of power continues. The union endures, a testament to survival in a harsh and unforgiving universe and adaptation to an ever-changing landscape. Their history may be full of contradictions, but their influence on the border's past and future cannot be disputed.

Notable Members


The mercenary syndicate operates mainly from the lawless borders of the Outlands, a vast and unpredictable network of inhabited planets and settlements far from the main systems. The geography varies greatly from place to place, from the barren desert landscapes of Solace to the lush jungles and towering rock towers of Talos. These areas are often wild, inhabited by ferocious wildlife and littered with remnants of frontier warfare and various technological developments, both ancient and advanced. This diversity not only gives mercenaries a variety of training environments, but also brings unique challenges and rewards, from navigating dangerous terrain or adapting to the local ecosystem, to scavenging for resources or useful technological relics. Indeed, life in Outland is a constant test of survival, adaptation, and courage, traits that are emphasized and rewarded in the brutal competition of Apex Games. It is a merciless world where a mercenary syndicate thrives, a world where survival is not only a struggle, but also a struggle against the environment itself.

Legacy and Impact

The Mercenary Syndicate's legacy and impact on the Apex Legends universe is immense. As the ruling faction of Outland, they turned the war-torn world into a powerful arena. Their creation, Apex Games, made Outlands the epicenter of high-level competition, attracting the most fearless and skilled participants from beyond the border. Their influence extends beyond the varied landscapes, technology, and character abilities that defined the Apex Games to the creation of the Outlands as a space of survival and possibility. The mercenary syndicate's actions and decisions are, incidentally, vital to the unfolding story of the Apex Legends universe. They may be ruthless, but their dominance and power helped them shape the future. Their legacy defies any legend to take their place and leave its mark.