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Assassin's Creed poster image


Assassin's Creed icon

Assassin's Creed Universe

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General Info

Assassins logo
Faction NameAssassins
Assassins, originally known as the Hidden Ones, are a secret society that has existed since ancient times. They are committed to maintaining justice and peace from the shadows, mainly by eliminating powerful and corrupt individuals who exploit the masses. Guided by the creed "Nothing is true, everything is permitted", Assassins imply that reality is subjective and that the results of their actions are limited only by their own morality. They are known for their signature hooded clothing and hidden potential for stealth and acrobatics. Although they often work alone, the Assassins understand the importance of unity in the fight against the Templars, their sworn enemies who seek power and order. Guided by their humble and focused vision, the Assassins left their mark throughout history and shaped humanity's path to freedom.


Assassins, also known as Brotherhood, is an example of a secret mission tasked with maintaining peace by destroying tyranny. During the High Middle Ages, the Ashina-based league continued to evolve and adapt to survive its bitter rivals, the Knights Templar. They fall into the shadows and blend seamlessly into the anonymity of the crowd, following the creed: "Nothing is true, everything is allowed."
This order fundamentally values ​​the sanctity of freedom and fights diligently to keep humanity free to determine its own destiny. Over the years, the contest has featured a variety of icons, from Altair Ibn-La'Ahad during the Third Crusade to Ezio Auditore in the Renaissance and Ratonhnhaké:ton during the American Revolution. No matter how different their backgrounds, each Assassin has a strong commitment to justice.
Basically, they have a number of silent and deadly tools, such as the infamous Hidden Blade, the symbol of the Brotherhood itself. Inspirational chronicles of this faction's strength, ingenuity and resilience serve as a beacon of rebellion against oppression, guiding their relentless quest for a world without borders. Shrouded in mystery and shrouded in legend, the Assassins keep their timeless legacy woven into the fabric of history.


The story of the Assassins, a secret society that originated in the ancient Hassan-Sabbah in the 11th century, is as complex and multi-layered as the Assassin's Creed universe itself. As a common countercurrent of oppressive dominant subjects, they embody a silent revolution against all forms of tyranny and authoritarian control of history.
Contrary to their original name Hashāshīn, they are not just drug-addicted mystics; rather, Assassins are defenders of individual rights and free will, operating under the credo: “Nothing is true; everything is allowed." Throughout their mysterious existence, the Assassins fought fiercely against their sworn enemies: the Templars. What began as a theological dispute turned into a philosophical assertion of free will and order. In each era of their existence, there are pioneering figures who champion their cause. Their first historical selection includes names like Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and Ezio Auditore, who have left indelible marks on society and its ethos. Altair's role in redefining the Assassin's modus operandi by reformulating Creed radically reshaped society and distanced it from mindless violence. Ezio Auditore has greatly strengthened his ranks and resources throughout Europe during his life's journey.
In the modern era, the influence of the Assassins has infiltrated governments and corporate bodies through the enigmatic Desmond Miles, reviving the eternal feud against the New Age Templars. Assassins' permeation through the ages is a testament to their resilience in changing realms of power. Their secret pursuit of peace and resistance to oppressive forces is the thread of a rich and remarkable story. A story that is still being written today, in the shadows of every city, waiting for the next hidden vanguard of individual freedom to emerge.

Notable Members

Member #
Altair Ibn-La'Ahad
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Desmond Miles
Edward Kenway
Arno Dorian
Jacob Frye
Evie Frye
Bayek of Siwa
Eivor Varinsdottir
Basim Ibn Ishaq/Havi
Aveline de Grandpré


The Assassin faction of the Assassin's Creed universe is not bound by geographical restrictions. From the incense-filled streets of medieval Jerusalem to the bustling countryside of Renaissance Italy, the cold desert of colonial America, and the turbulent Caribbean, assassins operated wherever tyranny took hold. The Brotherhood is distinguished by its ability to adapt to different cultures and times, and is present and integrated in many societies around the world. Their vast network spans all continents and subtly influences the course of nations. The hideouts they establish are often hidden and heavily guarded, located in areas of strategic advantage or historical importance. These locations can range from densely populated sprawling cities, remote mountain fortresses to nondescript farms. Although their influence is global, they greatly value the freedom and well-being of the local population and subtly steer the course of history in the direction of freedom. The Brotherhood's presence is not confined to any particular place, making it an essential force against all forms of oppression. Each geographic setting offers unique challenges and advantages, but the Assassin's credo remains the same: freedom above all else.

Legacy and Impact

Despite their secret existence, Assassins left an indelible mark on history. They played an important role in shaping world events and stood at the crossroads of humanity's destiny. An often invisible force, they have opposed oppressive regimes and eradicated corruption since ancient times.
Over time, their influence extends beyond fighting sworn enemies the Templars. Their belief in free will and rejection of absolute power has taken root in many societies. As disseminators of knowledge, they indirectly promoted the progress of science and philosophy.
Assassins also encouraged cultural exchange. Their multi-national members brought different customs, beliefs and ideas to the flock. This, along with their network of allies, has helped them stay relevant and resilient.
Their legacy is not only rooted in their past. It resonates in the present, serving as a beacon of hope for the underprivileged and downtrodden. The assassin's symbol, the iconic 'A', remains a sign of defiance against tyrannical forces. Assassins' impact transcends the fictional universe, inspiring fans to question authority and seek the truths that lie beneath the surface.