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Attack on Titan Universe

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Wall Rose

General Info

Wall Rose logo
Area/Regionmiddle ring
CountryParadis Island
Location NameWall Rose
The second of humanity's three concentric walls in the Attack on Titan universe, Wall Rose is the main line of defense against the monstrous Titans. This protective fortress is home to many thriving civilizations known for its picturesque rural landscapes and picturesque human settlements. With its magnificent stone structure and majestic scale, Wall Rose evokes a compelling combination of security and fear in its inhabitants. The wall not only provides shelter, but also intensively shapes the society within it, both in terms of physical structure and psychosocial influence. It encompasses man's eternal struggle between freedom and captivity, and the impressive surface protects and limits. A symbol of human fortitude against the existential threat of the Titans, the Wall Rose embodies the paradox of humanity's survival in this treacherous world.


Wall Rose is the second layer of human civilization's defense against the Titans in the famous Attack on Titan universe, playing an indispensable role as a geographical and strategic landmark. Second only to Wall Maria, Wall Rose protects the inner districts and occupies a large area not only as a fortress but also as a home for many.
Spread over a large area, Wall Rose encompasses several neighborhoods, each with its own unique lifestyle, culture, and population. Extraordinary neighborhoods like Trost and Krolva are teeming with human activity, demonstrating the resilient spirit of humanity even in an aura of fear and uncertainty.
But what really sets Wall Rose apart is the symbolic nature associated with it. Maria's outer wall represents the lost wall, while Sina's inner wall is home to the privileged, while Wall Rose stands for the strength of the common man, embodying hope and determination. Despite its prestigious counterparts, the essence of Wall Rose lies in its representation of the raw and true human spirit, ready to face adversity.
Hailing from Shiganshina, Wall Maria District, the iconic character Eren Yeager served in the Wall Rose District after a catastrophic breakthrough in his home district. Wall Rose's strategic importance is enhanced by its ability to resist a Titan invasion, a key layer of defense and survival after the fall of Wall Maria.
This complex combination of survival and sacrifice, life and loss, makes the Wall Rose an emblem of resistance. It serves as a middle ground, a melting pot that takes in all those who have escaped Wall Maria, feeding them and teaching them how to take revenge on the Titans, while supporting and preserving the dignity of humanity.


Wall Rose, the second most distant of humanity's three concentric walls, plays a vital role in the protection and survival of human civilization in the Attack on Titan universe. His creation greatly expanded the settlement while also serving as a vital shield against the Titans.
When it was built after the Titan War, Wall Rose was a bastion of human safety for over 100 years. A symbol of resistance and strength within the border were important neighborhoods such as Trost and Krolva. His physical attributes reflected the enormous task for which he was built. The Wall Rose, 50 meters tall and reinforced with hardened titanium skin, formed a formidable barrier against the invading titans.
Historically, the most important and dangerous event that Wall Rose faced was the saga of surprise attacks by Colossal and Armored Titans. These two powerful enemies breached the Wall Rose and plunged the people into a state of terror and chaos. The devastating battle that ensued was a major turning point in the plot as it revealed the truth behind the Titans' existence.
Despite the desperate attitude of the Survey Corps, the breach of Wall Rose further increased the population's sense of vulnerability and fear, forcing many refugees to flee to Wall Sina. But amidst the fear and uncertainty, the Wall Rose was a symbol of human resilience, a testament to their survival instinct.
The story of the wall has influenced and shaped the lives and struggles of the show's characters, such as Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert. It is a vivid reminder of the fragility of human life, the struggle for survival and the ultimate goal of freedom from the threat of the Titans. As such, Wall Rose stands firm, her story intertwined with the fate of humanity itself.


Wall Rose, the second outermost of the giant walls protecting humanity from the Titans, is an essential line of defense. Less revered than Wall Maria and less powerful than Wall Sina, Wall Rose was a symbol of hope, resilience, and human will against wild giants. It stretched across the desert, protecting many districts and its people from total oblivion.
Built by humans more than a century before the events of the series, it stretches for about 550 miles and forms an unstoppable barricade against the Titans. At 50 meters tall, its formidable size was in itself a deterrent to any Titans trying to break into this fortress. But Wall Rose was much more than a brutal stone fortress. Each neighborhood was a bustling hub of life, full of unique cultures and personalities. From the agricultural district of Trost, which thrived on fertile soil, to the strategic cannon-equipped district of Krolva, each district was self-sufficient, equipped for trade, survival, and war.
Despite its massive presence, Wall Rose was not immune to the onslaught. The massive, armored Titans mercilessly and tactically exposed his vulnerability and shattered his illusion of invincibility. The Battle of Trost District marked a bittersweet history as the first major breakthrough that left a trail of devastation.
But despite adversity, Wall Rose epitomized the resilience of humanity. The Wills were brave soldiers who risked their lives in dogfights using vertical maneuvering equipment. It was around the Wall Rose that Eren Yeager discovered his powers as a Titan, a turning point in the fight against the Titans.
Throughout the Attack on Titan series, Wall Rose remains a silent witness to massive battles, victories, and defeats. Indeed, while he was strong against the Titans, he was also the fine line between human survival and extinction.