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BERSERK Universe

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Empire of Tudor

General Info

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Faction NameEmpire of Tudor

The Tudor Empire is one of the most powerful factions in the BERSERK universe. Located in the northern regions of the world, an empire characterized by a combination of brute force, political intrigue and immense military prowess. The landscape is dotted with large castles and fortresses, demonstrating the ruler's wealth and power.

In the game, the Empire is recognized for its ability to successfully wage war and loot, which has earned it a notorious reputation among other factions. Made up of a mix of cavalry and infantry, its armies are feared for their disciplined battle tactics and fierce loyalty to the Empire. The Tudor Empire also prides itself on its advanced weapon technology and strategic formations, making it a challenge for any faction.

Players who choose the Tudor Empire can use these strengths to lead a campaign to dominate the Berserk universe with a unique combination of strength, cunning and innovative warfare.


The Tudor Empire, a powerful faction in the BERSERK universe, is at the pinnacle of military might and political maneuvering. At the helm is a wily king known for his tactical superiority and relentless determination to expand his empire. Under his rule, the empire's borders expanded exponentially, encompassing smaller kingdoms and asserting dominance over disputed territories.
Its vast army, with its skilled knights, fearsome beasts, and deadly siege weapons, is a symbol of the empire's power. The Empire's innovative battle strategies and impressive technology reflect the great intelligence and creativity within the Empire's ranks. This realm is also home to many dark creatures that add an element of unpredictability and horror to their identity.
But beneath the veneer of power and growth, the Empire is a center of political intrigue, with numerous factions fiercely fighting for influence and control. This is where the empire's power lies, as every dispute and controversy fuels the empire's progress. From towering marble palaces adorned with impressive artefacts to vast landscapes teeming with warriors ready for war, the Tudor Empire is a testament to ambition and resilience. He is a beacon of power and menace in the BERSERK universe, a force to be reckoned with.


One of the most powerful and dominant forces in the BERSERK universe, the Tudor Empire has a rich history of warfare and political maneuvering. Known for its ambitious nature and aggressive expansionist policies, the Tudor Empire was a beacon of military power and royal authority.
The origins of the empire lie in the ambitious vision of the powerful warlord Adler Tudor. Realizing the potential for unity in an age of disorder and chaos, Adler united the warring tribes under his rule, marking the founding of the Tudor Empire. A determined and ruthless conqueror, Adler's reign 500 years ago marked the beginning of the empire's rise to power. The Tudor dynasty has always been renowned for its military prowess since its inception, evidenced by a large and well-equipped army. Their success in war can largely be attributed to this aspect and their belief in the mantra "Might equals right". Many of the neighboring towns came under relentless attacks from the Tudor forces.
The empire is famous not only for wars and conquests, but also for advances in culture and literature. The Tudor era saw some of the most profound changes in this area, making the empire not only a military power but also a beacon of civilization. In recent years, the empire has been embroiled in a fierce war with the Midland Kingdom. This stems from mutual distrust and long-standing grudges between the two empires, which led to one of the most brutal and devastating wars in the history of both nations.
Throughout its existence, the Tudor Empire continued to grow and strengthen. His thirst for power and dominance is eternal and he relentlessly pursues his goal: to rule the entire BERSERK universe. Adler's vision is vibrant and prosperous, but the road to total dominance is fraught with peril and turmoil—a stark reminder that power always comes at a price.

Notable Members


The Tudor Kingdom is located in the far north, characterized by unforgiving and hair-raising terrain. It is a fortress of pure beauty, a place where stoic mountains tower over vast white plains decorated with frozen flora. The merciless cold shapes the land and the people who have a strong endurance and a love for their land as deep as their sense of tradition.
The kingdom's cities radiate from the Tudor capital of the White Keep, a grim citadel as pale as the surrounding desert. The city's striking white walls reflect the glistening snow, creating an ethereal vision that dazzles visitors and continues to touch the hearts of the townspeople. Elsewhere, the frozen meadows give way to dense wild forests inhabited by monstrous creatures known only in the tales of the kingdom's hardened warriors. Scattered are small Tudor settlements where people's survival depends on a precarious balance between nature and nurture.
But perhaps the real wonder of the Tudor Empire is the silver rivers running through the earth like veins. These streams offer a rare respite from the eternal winter, and the steaming hot springs are full of hardy fish.
As difficult as life in the Empire or the Tudors is, it's also a land of loud laughter and a vibrant culture, where people gather around big fires to tell stories, make music, dance and celebrate their resilience in the face of adversity.

Legacy and Impact

In the fascinating universe of BERSERK, the Tudor Empire fundamentally changed the course of history with its relentless pursuit of power, relentless resistance, and strategic brilliance. Known for their immense military prowess, the Tudors' military prowess was second to none, often defeating their opponents by force alone. This was complemented by their expert use of innovative siege tactics and equipment. Their relentless pursuit of expansion has fundamentally shaped the political landscape, often leading to entirely new alliances. In addition to its military prowess, the Tudor Empire also contributed greatly to culture and knowledge. The capital became an epicenter of learning and art, sparking a cultural renaissance throughout the BERSERK universe. So the rise of the Tudor Empire marked a turning point in the world of BERSERK. Its legacy is felt today in the ideological tensions, territorial divisions, and cultural influences that continue to shape the universe. The empire's timeless impact is a tribute to its indomitable spirit, strategic prowess and passion for knowledge. Their echoes in history ensure that the Tudor Empire will never be forgotten.