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BERSERK Universe

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General Info

Midland logo
CountryUnited States
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Location NameMidland
Located at the heart of the BERSERK universe, Midland is a bustling medieval kingdom known for its rich history and regal splendor. With its magnificent castle dominating the skyline, it is the main political and economic center of the empire. Midland is famous for its Knights of the Midland Regular Army, champions of the Hundred Years' War who proved themselves on the battlefield. But beneath the glory lies a dark undertone mixed with tales of demonic entities and victims. The beauty of the place contrasts sharply with the harsh reality of war and the menacing undercurrents of its power level, making it a fascinating and multi-layered entity in the dark and immersive fantasy world of BERSERK.


Midland is the central geographic and political hub at the center of the BERSERK universe. Home to a grand castle, Midland is the epitome of contrasts, from glittering wealth to abject poverty.
It is home to a royal palace where the wealthy elite live and mingle in a dazzling cascade of opulence and power. The political intrigue and internal strife of the monarchy are as much a part of Midland's personality as its architectural splendor. Witnessing many important events, the castle stands tall, almost omniscient. But Midland's underbelly reveals a darker character. Trying to overshadow the castle's brilliance is the entangled Hawk, a network of mercenaries whose lives are intertwined with the fate of Midland. Their story, intertwined with heroism, treachery and resilience, gives Midland an explosive and gritty spirit.
Midland's unique personality is provided by the amazing Hawk leader Griffith and the relentless swordsman Guts. Their bond, steeped in love, rivalry and dark magic, sparks legends that reverberate throughout the Midlands. Haunted by demonic creatures and protected by brave warriors, Midland is a symbol of both survival and destruction. So no story in the Berserk universe is complete without a journey through the breathtaking landscapes of the Midlands.


An important place in the BESERK universe, Midland has a rich and dynamic history woven into the fabric of its existence. As the central kingdom of the continent, it provided a powerful backdrop against which many monumental events took place.
The early history of the Midlands was shaped by a series of wars against foreign invaders. Its walls and influence fluctuated with the tides of battle. But the strength of the Midland army, led by the royal family with strategic leadership, helped change the fortunes of the kingdom. Over the centuries they successfully repelled invaders, giving the Midlands a reputation as a mighty and resilient kingdom.
The essence of Midland changed dramatically with the arrival of the Band of Hawks, a group of mercenaries led by Griffith. Griffith's strategic ingenuity and charisma helped change the course of Midland history. Their help in ending the Hundred Years' War against the Tudor Empire marked a turning point and ushered in an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity. However, this era was short-lived as Griffith's death spelled disaster for the kingdom. After Griffith was transformed into the fifth member of God's Hand, Femto, the Midland Kingdom succumbed to demonic onslaught and catastrophe, and plunged into a period of turmoil and anarchy. What was once a stronghold of power and prosperity is now a post-apocalyptic land filled with danger at every turn.
Despite the chaos and hardship, the Midland spirit never faded. People, though beaten and hurt, hold on to hope and wait for the "Hawk of Light" who prophesies to bring salvation. And so the story of the Midlands continues to be written, painted not only in the colors of despair, but also in the colors of hope and resilience.


An important kingdom in the world of BERSERK, Midland is an important setting for this dark fantasy series. Midland was once a vast and prosperous kingdom known for its political and military power. The king ruled many territories, supported by a relentless group of Hawks. This group of mercenaries, admirably led by Griffith, played an influential role in the Midland power dynamic.
Nestled in the heart of the Midland capital, Wyndham is a regal estate filled with aesthetic towers and Gothic architecture reminiscent of medieval Europe. The lifestyle of Midland society is deeply rooted in feudalism and chivalry, with its own social hierarchy, customs, and even a distinct cultural aesthetic.
But Midland's prosperity is overshadowed by dark supernatural events and a sinister evil that permeates the kingdom. The eclipse, a terrible event led by demonic apostles, leaves the kingdom in chaos, paralyzes social order, and ushers in a terrible age of suffering and despair. This event turns Midland, once a symbol of power and prestige, into a shadow of its former glory.
After the eclipse, Midland lives under the terrorist rule of the Kushan Empire. It surrenders to his dominion and loses its charm and splendor. Later, with the rescue of Princess Charlotte, new hope is born, leading to the revival of Midland in a new era of Falconia, a city that is a safe haven in the midst of universal chaos.
In the BERSERK universe, Midland represents an ongoing struggle in the face of adversity, decline, and rebirth. It stands as a canvas that reflects the darkest and lightest shades of political power play, supernatural disturbances, societal collapse and unexpected awakening.