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Location NamePandora
Alternate NamePandora's Box
Pandora, a celestial body rich in deposits of an alien mineral known as Eridium, is central to the fascinating universe of Borderlands. This intriguing and hostile planet is inhabited by many eccentric and dangerous creatures, as well as scattered and nomadic human settlements. The planet's harsh landscape is littered with abandoned industrial structures, the remnants of innovative companies that tried to exploit Pandora's resources. These companies' efforts have been thwarted by the planet's harsh conditions and combative inhabitants, including evil psychopaths and terrifying goons. Pandora is also said to be home to an alien vault filled with mysterious alien technology that has led to the doom of several would-be adventurers. Against the backdrop of stunning celtic landscapes, Pandora is the epitome of beauty intertwined with hardship. The story is a story of resilience where only the most ruthless and resilient survive. This makes the tumultuous world of Pandora a rich and compelling cornerstone of Borderlands' eclectic universe.


The Pandora Borderlands universe is a mysterious and fascinating planet filled with all kinds of wild alien life forms, strange landscapes and non-stop action. The environment is hostile and arid, with vast deserts, dangerous creatures and ruthless bandits challenging your survival at every turn.
Despite its harsh conditions, Pandora beckons and attracts treasure and fortune seekers from across the universe. Legend tells of the "Vault," a vast treasure chamber that holds incredible riches and alien technology, an irresistible attraction for adventure seekers.
Pandora's days are spent in extreme conditions. Its inhabitants endure a cycle of 90 hours of hot sun followed by cold nights, making it unforgiving even by the standards of other alien worlds. The area features wide ravines, high mountain ranges, and abandoned, rusting structures, the remains of a long-lost civilization known only as the Eridians.
Among its inhabitants, Pandora has many unique species. Besides humans, it is full of dangerous and predatory wild animals. Each animal presents a unique survival challenge, from the hive Skags and Rakks to the monstrous threshers and spiders. Although the conditions are wild and the inhabitants ruthless, Pandora remains an explorer's delight, an adventurer's challenge, and a treasure hunter's ultimate dream. Despite, and perhaps because of, the dangers, Pandora's allure is undeniable, drawing those who dare to uncover its secrets.


First discovered by interstellar explorers during the first few decades of light-speed travel, Pandora was discovered on the sky map for its rich veins of Eridium, an extremely valuable extraterrestrial resource. This remote planet, which looked like a dry desert on the surface, was initially ignored by many companies.
But beneath the mountains of dust and sand lay ancient alien technology that would change the fate of the universe forever. It was the Atlas Corporation that first discovered this wealth and tried to monopolize the planet's resources. For a time, the Atlas prospered, but their inability to control Pandora's deadly alien fauna eventually led to their demise. After Atlas retired, the planet became a lawless frontier, attracting fortune seekers, criminals, and corporations eager to reclaim their rights. Dahl's company made an ambitious attempt to tame Pandora by employing a large convict labor force to mine Eridium. But a worker revolt, along with harsh living conditions and deadly wildlife, forced Dahl to shut down operations abruptly, leaving equipment and a disillusioned workforce on a hostile planet.
After Dahl's departure, Pandora descended into anarchy. Outcasts and stranded workers soon formed marauding bands to survive in the harsh landscape. The vacuum left by Dahl allowed the Hyperion Corporation, led by ruthless CEO Handsome Jack, to take over and establish some order, albeit at a high human cost.
All of these historical upheavals gave rise to Vault Hunters, mysterious adventurers drawn to legends of alien vaults believed to hold immeasurable wealth and power. Their constant struggles and battles with tyrannical corporations and the local wildlife continue to shape Pandora's story into a saga of survival, power, and the ruthless pursuit of wealth.
This continuous and ephemeral history of Pandora makes it more than a desolate rock in space: it is a battlefield for success, fame and, above all, adventure.


The harsh and dangerous world of Pandora is as fascinating as it is deadly. Based on a dystopian vision, the hometown of the border regions is filled with darkness and danger. Followers of the series are no strangers to the turbulent history of Pandora - a tale of unsolved secrets and remnants of a forgotten age.
Pandora was first discovered by interstellar mining conglomerates drawn by tales of a thriving alien civilization, the Eridians, who left behind advanced technology and untold riches. However, they found an inhospitable desert inhabited by hostile creatures and marauders. Corporations left the planet, leaving behind scattered resources and technology that unleashed an influx of fortune seekers, opportunists, and renegades who dared to endure the utter desolation. A year-round cycle of blazing summers and short, merciless winters, the planet's inhabitants struggle to survive.
Dilapidated structures and abandoned machinery indicate an era of failed entrepreneurial ambitions. Meanwhile, the planet's wonderful inhabitants, from the ferocious Skag to the giant Rakk hive, reflect Pandora's merciless nature. But despite the inhospitable conditions, eccentric characters and intrepid adventurers eke out a meager livelihood by turning isolated locations into temporary settlements and "cities" across Pandora. Pandora and its moon Elpis are home to numerous alien vaults that are said to contain unimaginable power and riches. These vaults are the legacy of the enigmatic Eridianus, the majestic remains of a mighty ancient civilization. They were the crucible that shaped Pandora's history and its future, providing a dangerous attraction that fueled the company's greed and caused pandemonium in Pandora.
In addition to its deadly wildlife, harsh demographics, and harsh weather, Pandora was the site of intense struggles for power, fate, and survival. The series paints a backdrop of extreme combat, camaraderie and lively humor, all set in the heart of a chaotic conflict. The inhospitable terrain and the threat of unforeseen danger are just friendly reminders; In Pandora, you can be "busy to live or busy to die."