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Cookie Run: Kingdom Universe

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Cake Henge

General Info

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Faction NameCake Henge
Cake Henge is a band known for their mystical appeal rooted in the ancient narrative of the Cookie Run: Kingdom universe. This group truly fascinates with its fascinating lifestyle, which is so intertwined with the history of the land. Cake Henge is distinguished by their dedication to the arcane arts, and legends speak of mystical powers that seem almost fantastical. Their surroundings reflect their deep connection with the land, monuments and structures made of the most delicious types of cakes. These remarkable structures not only showcase their abilities, but also serve as a sacred beacon for their magically inspired lifestyle. Always shrouded in mystery, the Cookies of Cake Henge faction is known to be welcoming yet enigmatic, inviting others to understand their unique knowledge and become a part of their history. The Cake Henge faction that lives in ancient landscapes is a really great part of Cookie Run: Kingdom.


In the enchanting universe of Cookie Run: Kingdom, the Cake Henge faction prides itself on being a tower of wisdom and knowledge. This faction consists of magical and intellectual cookies, each of whom is exceptionally intelligent and has knowledge of the arcane arts. Immersed in the mystical ruins of the Old Kingdom, Cake Henge academics tirelessly explore the fascinating properties of the kingdom's various sweets and cookies.
Amid ancient stone and moss-covered monoliths, Cake Henge explores the mysterious magic that pulses at the heart of the kingdom. Their tasks range from deciphering ancient scriptures, conjuring enchanting magic, to baking spell-infused crumbs. Their extensive knowledge of magical artifacts earned them a respected reputation throughout the kingdom.
Although they are peaceful by nature, don't let their peaceful demeanor fool you! Provoked, the citizens of Cake Henge can unleash powerful spells, tearing apart the fabric of cookie reality. They also play a vital role in maintaining the kingdom's balance, drawing energy from the henge megaliths to replenish the kingdom's magical reserves.
Joining the Cake Henge is your ticket to master the magic of cookies and dive into the heart of the kingdom's rich history. Walk through the hallowed halls of this faction and tap into knowledge that has been preserved for generations. Become a part of Cake Henge and explore the wonderful magical world of Cookie Run: Kingdom!


The Cake Henge faction from the Cookie Run: Kingdom universe has a strong and flavorful story rooted in the world of baking. This society was born out of a magical calamity that engulfed the entire kingdom and scattered it into various enchanted realms.
The Cake Henge faction takes its name from the legendary Cake Henge monument, a circle of raised stones layered like traditional sponges and glazed with many exquisite details. This monument is closely related to the origins of the faction and is a wonderful reminder of their deep-rooted tradition of cake structures.
According to legend, the group's ancestral cakes prophetically saw the Cake Henge monument in the sticky goo of a fallen doughnut. Inspired by a heavenly revelation, the first cookies moved mountains (marzipan) and rivers (molasses) to create this miracle, which is now the core of the faction's social and spiritual life.
After the monument's completion, an era of creativity followed, with cookies discovering the mysterious powers of objects like whipped cream moats and candy canes. The faction thrived by channeling its culture and architecture into cake designs and candy accents. This revival in the kingdom was affectionately called the "Buttercream Era".
Later, during the grim "Oven Break Era", the Cake Henge faction resisted adversity and used their culinary creativity to rebuild new and stronger structures, making the kingdom even sweeter than before. This strong and greedy community has long served as an example of resilience and innovation, all wrapped in a sweet glaze of unity and brotherhood.

Notable Members


Set among fields of fragrant beignets and sweet sugar crystals, a wonderfully mystical group known as Cake Henge resides in the Cookie Run: Kingdom universe. This region bears witness to an intriguing combination of surreal and enchanting landscapes found only in this enchanting kingdom. Intricately designed as a tribute to the ancient rock formations, they feature structures forged from luxuriously decadent layers of cake, each topped with a delicious assortment of frostings and sprinkles.
Cake Henge's topography is known for its mountains covered in delicious donut-shaped spice and cookie bushes that are home to a unique aroma ecosystem. Glowing frozen sunsets often reflect off the icing of the towering monoliths of the cake, creating a stunning light show not seen anywhere else in the kingdom. The area is surrounded by a beautiful landscape of a river flowing in a delicious waterfall of velvety hot chocolate, watering the endemic cotton candy trees that sprout along the banks.
Cake Henge combines historical charm with cake splendor and inspires awe with every cookie that enters this enclosure. A trip through this kingdom is a real cultural and gastronomic adventure, leaving an indelible impression on the senses of the traveler for ages. This edible paradise truly confirms the wonder of the Cookie Run Kingdom universe.

Legacy and Impact

The legacy of the Cake Henge faction in the Cookie Run Kingdom universe is particularly impressive. Their actions resonate throughout the realm, and their beliefs inspire others. Made of hard, springy cookies, they are sure to value strength and courage. They hold the ancient Cookie Henge sacred and often gather there to draw strength from its mystical energy. Their attitude and devotion inspired the neighboring factions to respect and revere the ancient relics. Cake Henge cookies have proven to be reliable allies in times of need, further cementing their important role in the Kingdom. Additionally, their understanding of the old Cookie-Run prophecies helped predict and prevent many crises, earning them respect and recognition throughout the field. They carry a legacy of perseverance and courage, showing everyone that facing adversity with courage only strengthens the bonds of unity. Their intimate knowledge of history and commitment to its preservation continue to shape the destiny of Cookie Run Kingdom.