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The Cerberus Assembly

General Info

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Faction NameThe Cerberus Assembly
A fictional entity in the Critical Role universe, the Cerberus Assembly is a powerful and enigmatic conclave of eight high-level wizards. Tasked with the research and development of the secret matters of the Dvendalian Empire, this shadowy group is prized for its immense magical prowess. As members specialize in several schools of magic, it is the cornerstone of magical knowledge and advancement. However, their reputation is shrouded in controversy as their activities are often enigmatic, leading to public skepticism and mistrust. Their affinity for power plays and mystery goals resonates throughout the kingdom. Despite their questionable ethics, their undoubted influence and effectiveness cannot be ignored. This range of shades of gray adds to the complexity and depth of Critical Role's story.


The dark cornerstone of the Dvendalian Empire, the Cerberus Assembly is a consortium of the continent's most powerful wizards. Founded centuries ago in the Age of Arcanum, this wizarding council maintains the strangled arcane history of this kingdom and plays a vital role in the magical custodianship of the kingdom.
Known for its dark intentions, the Assembly consists of eight roles that address various aspects of magical exploration: Civil Influence Archmage, Disology Archmage, Ancient Magic, Homeland Defense Archmage, Clinical Work Archmage, Disjunction Archmage, Archmage. the magic of industry and conscription. Each level controls a major branch of the empire and together form a mysterious bulwark against internal and external threats.
Steeped in political machinations, the Cerberus Assembly works behind the scenes to subtly convey its influence throughout the empire. Despite public suspicion, the Assembly remains a necessary evil because of its unchallenged power and security. But the arrival of powerful adventurers like the Mighty Nein can change the balance of power and reveal the true nature and dark secrets of this mysterious faction. Their involvement in the events that rock the continent may soon expose this shadowy organization.


In the vast landscape of the Dvendalian Empire, the Cerberus Assembly has maintained its place as a formidable source of power for over two centuries. Founded by Trent Ikithon and Martinet Ludinus Da'leth, the Assembly was born out of a need for unity in a time of political instability and turmoil. This organization brought together the most powerful creators of arcane magic and the most powerful users, creating a powerful power platform that balanced the prowess of the military crown.
Throughout history, she has maintained her authority both on the front lines and in the background of the empire's political scene, managing the continent's magical progress. It was the Assembly that set the rules for the use of magic, ensuring that all users were registered and monitored to prevent rebellion or magical anomalies that might threaten the stability of the Empire. Contrary to its public facade as the protector of the empire, the history of the Assembly hides dark secrets. Suspicions of manipulation, abuse of power and unproven experiments have constantly tarnished his famous name. In particular, the illegal manipulation of the lighthouse, a symbol of cultural and religious significance to the Krynian dynasty, almost brought the empire to the forefront of an unnecessary war.
The Cerberus Assembly's past is testament to its agility in juggling politics and power. Despite the many shadows cast by his name, he remains a beacon of power in the kingdom of Dvendalia, illustrating the resilience inherent in his work. His story carries the weight of performance and sacrifice, and the balance between service and personal ambition continues to shape Exandria's history.

Notable Members


The Assembly of Cerberus holds an influential position in the Dwendalian Empire and holds important positions of power in its realm. Their organization operates in the heart of the empire, the Rexxentrum, where members strategize and make important decisions in conference rooms. Notably, the Assembly also demonstrates a notable presence in the fields of Zemni, expanding their influence across the empire's fertile landscapes and vast farmlands.
From the chilly Biting North to the seedy streets of Rosohna in the south, the Assembly's agents subtly weave a web of intrigue and magic. Even remote regions such as the Gray Wilds are not entirely free from the Assembly's influence, as their curiosity for arcane lore and relics often leads them to finance expeditions into these unexplored regions. Viewed from these strategic geographic vantage points, the Assembly of Cerberus continually demonstrates its cunning and cunning in maintaining its magical and political position, contributing significantly to the Assembly's continued dominance in the political arena of the wealthy.

Legacy and Impact

Using a strategic fusion of power and knowledge, the Cerberus Assembly left an indelible mark on the trajectory of the Dvendalian Empire. Its influence extends far beyond the political arena, penetrating the basic fabric of society and shaping the lives of those it reaches. Brilliant and steadfast, its members are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of magic and knowledge. Their relentless pursuit of occult power led to progress not only in the political realm, but also in shaping the progress of occult science itself. But this unbridled lust for power goes hand in hand with controversy and tarnishes the entire reputation of the Assembly. Despite the controversy, one has to admire the intelligence and extraordinary ingenuity of the Assembly members who continue to shape the empire's new destiny. Their legacy is deep but dark; testifies to the old saying: "With great power comes great responsibility."