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Rexxentrum logo
Area/RegionZemni Fields
CountryDwendalian Empire
Location NameRexxentrum
The heart of the Dvendalian Empire on the exotic world of Exandria, Rexxentrum is a bustling city that represents the beating heart of political, economic, and military power. Steeped in rich history and dotted with monumental structures, every corner of the city whispers tales of royalty and rebellion. The ornate soul archives of Cobalt and the impressive assembly of Cerberus are centers of learning, and military power is symbolized by the Mark of the Righteous. In addition to its positive aspects, the city struggles with strong social and economic contradictions and, like any political epicenter, is not without intrigue and power struggles. It's an exciting combination of endless possibilities and unexpected dangers that lurks in the dark underbelly, a destination for scientists, warriors and adventurers.


Rexxentrum is the bustling capital of the Dwendalian Empire in the Critical Role universe. In the heart of the Wildemount continent, there is a mix of cultures and species. The cityscape is a breathtaking sight of towers and intricate architecture, with the elaborate Soltryce Academy, the impressive castle of King Bertrand Dwendal, and the beautifully built temples worshiping many deities. It is a place where magic and intelligence intertwine, forging a nexus between power, politics and intrigue.
Lured by knowledge and opportunity, scholars and aspiring wizards flock to Rexxentrum Soltryce Academy, the epicenter of arcane studies. Meanwhile, with the watchful eye of the crown guard and the righteous Branda, the city is in a tense calm. The depths of Rexxentrum are full of layers of dark business as spies, thieves and rebels conspire beneath the city's glittering surface.
Tales of glory and despair echo through the cobbled streets. Despite its strict ruler and strict laws, the city is full of life and potential, from bustling markets to quiet whispers of revolution. The Rexxentrum became a symbolic reminder that power can be a double-edged sword, both a shield against the chaos of the world and the hand that can control it.


Rexxentrum, the shining jewel of the kingdom of Dvendalia, is full of stories waiting to be told. From humble beginnings, this city has become the epicenter of politics, power, culture and magic, a transformation deeply ingrained in the themes of its history.
Before Rexxentrum was the center of the empire, it was little more than farming villages. But the landscape would soon change under the powerful hand of King Damon Dwendal, who saw the potential in Rexxentrum's strategic location. He consolidated the existing settlements under his control and built a fortress - today's Cerberus Assembly - marking the birth of Rexxentrum as a separate city. As the Dvendalian Empire grew, so did Rexxentrum. The city has become an imposing symbol of power in a world full of unpredictability. The conflict between the Zadash Rebellion and the Julous Dominion are important events, both resistant to the Rexxentrum, echoing in the city's intricate architecture, the muted colors telling of battles and victories won.
The evolution of Rexxentrum will not end there. With the creation of the Cerberus Assembly, he ushered in a new era of secret enlightenment. Magic was no longer a perplexing oddity, but an integral part of the city's life and its powerful defenses. Harnessing the power of the wizards within its walls, Rexxentrum was able to thrive in the face of unrest beyond its gates.
Today, the Rexxentrum is an architectural marvel, its stone-carved facades embodying the grandeur of imperial history. Even as the city faces new threats and uncertainty, the goal remains the same. A testament to resilience and adaptability, Rexxentrum is a beacon of glory for the Dwendalian Empire, brimming with hope, indomitable spirit and potential, just as King Dwendal foretold centuries ago.


Rexxentrum, the heart of the Dvendalian Empire, stands as a fortress and a beacon of civilization amidst the chaos of the world of Exandria. This vibrant cosmopolitan city is a testament to human will and architectural innovation. Built around Soltryce Academy, a massive fortress resting on a diadem of seven hills, the sweeping cityscape of Rexxentrum is divided into distinct districts, each with its own unique social function and visual aesthetic.
The Platina Promenade has grandiose buildings and is home to the empire's elite. The Marrow Keeps area has military barracks, while the Shimmer Ward has luxurious residences and well-maintained parks. In addition, Dim's Ward has an industrial workshop.
Rexxentrum's architectural wonders are matched by its rich culture and fierce academic community. Soltryce Academy is the intellectual epicenter of the Empire, where scholars delve into secret material and history and advise the Cerberus Assembly. The people of Rexxentrum support the goals of the academy and together foster an environment of shared wisdom.
But Rexxentrum is the root of the city's greatness and has a turbulent history of wars, political unrest and power struggles. As alluring as its charm is, Rexxentrum is no stranger to harsher realities. The Kryna Dynasty's attacks on the city during the recent conflict known as the War of Ashes and Light shattered parts of Rexxentrum, but underscored its resolve.
Nevertheless, Rexxentrum remains an undeniable proof of resistance. He is the guardian and disseminator of knowledge, an integral branch of the Dwendalian Empire and the embodiment of survival. It is a beacon of hope for other regions and shows that even in the face of adversity, cities and civilizations can grow and develop towards prosperity.