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Location NameWildemount
Wildmount, a continent steeped in brutal politics, glamor and wonder, exists in the immersive world of Exandria. Revealed by renowned dungeon master Matthew Mercer, Critical Role's second campaign is filled with complex elements of magic, history, and different cultures. Home to eight diverse and dynamic principalities, it radiates internal tension and immense power. With the dizzying and often busy Lucidian Ocean to the west, the jagged and frozen Penumbra Range to the east, the treacherous but promising wastes of Khorhas, and the complex, politically charged human nation of the Dvendalian Empire, Wildemount offers adventurers plenty of challenge and reward. . . Whether you're uncovering hidden truths in the haunted ruins of Rosohna or battling foolish wizards in the glittering city of Hupperdook, every corner promises a unique story. Step into the war-torn heart of the Wildmount continent, where heroes are forged, legends are born, and wherever you go, every step beats to the drumbeat of a world in motion.


A continent of tension, conflict and adventure, Wildemount is steeped in complex stories of home, bravery and dishonesty. It's a rich backdrop for the eclectic mix of warring factions, harsh deserts and bustling urban centers uniquely shaped by this volatile atmosphere. A bastion of law and civilization, the Dwendalian Empire rules the western region with an iron fist, its eastern borders largely untouched by this empire's reach, where the wandering Krynai dynasty continues to reside.
The north is graced by the ominous remnants of the Traitor Gods in the perilous Miskath Strand and the harsh Gray Fields. If you explore the south, you will find many bustling city centers such as Rudolat Beach and Wuyun Gate. The vast seas that hide the cradle of Wildemount fuel countless pirate-led adventures and deep-sea quests, creating fascinating stories of magic and mayhem.
Each region of Wildemount, with its own distinct culture, heritage and population, culminates in an epic hotbed of stories of dungeons and dragons. It is a continent of complex political landscapes and diverse topographies, where deep secrets lurk in the shadows, waiting to be revealed. Whether you're battling monstrous creatures or wading through intricate political machinations, Wildemount is the perfect place for unforgettable adventures, limitless exploration, and epic story-building in the Critical Role universe.


Located in the eastern hemisphere of Exandria, Wildemount boasts an enriching history filled with conflict and expanding opportunities. Wildemount comes from a turbulent past and has a story to tell that is complex and thrives on multifaceted perspectives.
The struggle for power between the Dwendalian Empire and the Kryni Dynasty has long defined the course of Wildemount's history. Formed centuries ago by the iron fist of Rexxentrum, the Empire brings together a group of societies led by a central government that values ​​order, security, and civilization over authoritarian methods. They are opposed by the Kryni Dynasty, a dark elf alliance that has been freed from the shackles of prejudice and now thrives in Rosohna, a fortress city built on the ruins of an ancient draconian civilization. Unbeknownst to many, even before this power struggle, the conditions for intrigue were created. The Traitor Gods have ushered in terror and despair, pushing Vailmount to the brink of destruction. Their disastrous reign culminated in disaster in a brutal war that pitted the First Gods against the Traitor Gods and tore the earth apart.
However, it was during these painful times that memorable heroic legends such as "Mighty Nein" emerged. Their exploits speak volumes for the inner spirit of resilience that has been at Wildemount throughout its history. This diverse group of adventurers witness unity in diversity as they navigate an intense social and political climate as they grapple with their individual burdens and shared threats.
The survivors of the disaster, the power formations that emerged in its aftermath, and the current social and political struggles all make up Wildemount's vibrant historical tapestry. It is a powerful reminder of both resilience to adversity and the constant pursuit of power. Wildemount's rich history of resistance to despair and testament to victory will always resonate deeply in the hearts of its people and beyond its shores.


The vast and mystical land of Wildemount has been shaped by centuries of diverse historical, magical and cultural influences. Located far to the east of Allura Vysoren's detailed map, Wildemount offers endless opportunities for exploration.
The Dvendalian Empire occupies most of the western part of Wildmount, a region known for its strict laws and great magical abilities, and is led by a powerful arch-image. In contrast, the Eastern Krynn Dynasty embraces its proximity in mystery, with many monstrous races under its banner. Perhaps most interesting, however, is the largely unstable Beast Coast, filled with independent city-states that thrive on complex trade systems and struggle to maintain their autonomy and not claim to be empires. Much more than its political and geographical divisions, Wildemount is fascinating for the many secrets it holds. Deep within its hollows lie the traces of Traitors to the Gods and the remains of the Porta Divina, and this land practices an unusual and mysterious manipulation of the Dumancy. The forbidden knowledge that hides the land is as alluring and potentially dangerous as the visible threats.
Wildmount is a tense town. The line between war and peace is thin and frayed. But even in these volatile circumstances, hope will not fade. Heroes and adventurers are drawn to Wildmount, searching for its wonders, protecting the people, and uncovering the truth behind its many mysteries.
From the bustling city of Rosohna, where dark stalkers roam the eternal night, to the farthest reaches of the continent, where unpredictable dangers lurk, the possibilities for great storytelling are endless. Both the budding adventurer and the seasoned explorer can find their destiny in Wildemount's soil, a testament to the country's rich and multi-layered history.