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The Clovis Concord

General Info

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Faction NameThe Clovis Concord
Clovis Concord is a dynamic political entity of critical role in the world, born out of the need for collective governance of the citizens of the Seral Coast. This urban conglomerate is committed to freedom, celebrates diversity and promotes commerce. Bordering the blue arms of the Lucidian ocean, their merchant ships sail the waves and trade with distant lands. Concord does not control its cities and gives them a great deal of autonomy. The balance between freedom and order is constantly being negotiated. Its pillars are diplomacy and mutual cooperation, fostering a thriving diverse culture that refuses to be shackled by monarchical rule. Known for its democratic government structure, it is a beacon of inspiration to those who desire an empire unhindered by oppressive rulers and their diktats. Aided by the Clovis Concord Guard, the faction maintains peace and ensures the continuation of the philosophy it represents. Clovis Concord represents the power of unity in diversity.


Clovis Concord is an inexhaustible force in the Wildman coastal region of the Critical Role universe. They are a faction dedicated to maintaining and expanding maritime trade and the prosperity of towns and cities that depend heavily on maritime trade.
Concordia is a collective of five coastal city-states and territories bound together by mutual aspirations and common prosperity, dedicated to promoting unity, common defense and prosperous trade. Concord's maritime supremacy and economic power stemmed from a common strategy that allowed them to dominate the many trade routes along the Wildemount coast. This dominance is reflected in their final say over all maritime laws in the region that govern trade tides. The Clovis Concord's obvious advantage is their rich cultural diversity and abundant resources from the amalgamation of several city-states with unique strengths. This faction is concerned not only with maintaining economic dominance, but also with protecting the crystalline boundary of sovereignty, preserving the individuality of each city-state under a broad umbrella.
Each city-state drapes the Clovis Concord flag, preserving its individual government and structures, creating an oasis of unity amidst diversity. This strategic coalition has created a powerful maritime hegemony on the Costa del Serra, allowing for unhindered economic growth and common defense, spreading peace and prosperity. But beneath this harmony there is an undercurrent of tension, as shared power is often a power struggle.


The Clovis Concord, the governing body of the Seraglio coast, arose out of the Clovis Rebellion. A complex tapestry of history and politics has come together in this fascinating entity of exandria. Comprised of several city-states, including Nicodran, Port Damali, and Palma Flora, this collective maintains individual governmental autonomy while enjoying collective security and law.
Before the rebellion, these coastal city-states suffered from relentless pirate attacks and internal strife. Their sea trade was sporadic and growth seemed elusive. Recognizing their shared struggles and untapped potential, a series of secret meetings took place during which the leaders drafted and ratified the Clovis Concord, a revolutionary agreement designed to promote common defense, mutual trade, and the common prosperity of these city-states.
A period of rioting, intense violence and unrest began when news of the secret meetings leaked to the public. Dissatisfaction among the population grew, as they feared that their autonomy would be undermined. However, the leaders of the city-states persistently pushed forward the implementation of the Treaty, believing in the long-term benefits of unification.
After difficult negotiations and abundant public promises, the rebellion was put down, and the Clovis concord ushered in an unprecedented era of peace, prosperity, and growth. Maritime trade flourished, the economy soared, and the previous turmoil became a distant memory. Clovis Concord also enacted a strict anti-piracy law that greatly reduced the ravages of piracy on the coast.
From its tumultuous birth, Clovis Concord became a symbol of unity, mutual prosperity, and self-government. He stands in the chaotic world of Exandria and thrives amidst the storm. The future undoubtedly holds more challenges, but the men and women of Concord have shown an unwavering determination to overcome anything in their path.

Notable Members


Clovis Concord is the governing body that manages the Wildmount Game Coast. Characterized by rugged cliffs and foaming sea waves, this coastal region has a varied landscape populated by bustling port towns and remote villages. Notably, the Menagerie Coast is hidden to the west, watched over by the unyielding Marrow Mountains to the east and the treacherous Swavain Islands to the north.
It is a place where trade and bargaining reign, and the smell of brine mingles with exotic spices. Concord's economic power stems from its supreme control of its coastal waters, which endows it with abundant fish stocks and abundant maritime trade routes to distant lands. The cities that lie at the intersection of land and sea are a picturesque combination of the beauty of land and sea.
From the vibrant heart of Nicodran, with its colorful buildings and echoes of joyful laughter, to the rustic tranquility of Bisafto Island, known for its rare spices, the geography of Clovis Concord offers a colorful tapestry of locales, each with its own unique character. Unpredictable as the tide, the treacherous waterscape evokes the enduring allure of the wild ocean and the unshakable authority of Concord's reign. It is a landscape where adventure, commerce and political intrigue mingle, as do the winding roads of the settlements.

Legacy and Impact

With its political dominance and complex network of merchant guilds, Clovis Concord left an indelible mark on the Beast Coast and beyond. As a strong but fair government, it promoted peace and prosperity throughout the region and provided geopolitical stability unseen in generations.
Dramatic changes took place under their rule: flourishing trade, advanced maritime laws, and extensive diplomatic relations. Their progressive approach to public discourse and decision-making ushered in an era of meaningful civic participation.
Concord values ​​once-stigmatized races for their unique abilities that contribute to a rich and diverse coastal society. Their impact on the local economy is palpable: artisan guilds flourish and the port is bustling with trade.
By opening diplomatic channels with the Dwendalian Empire and other powerful entities, they established economic ties that ensured peace. Overall, the legacy of The Clovis Concord embodies unity, prosperity, and meaningful dialogue that fosters change that resonates through the ages.