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The Dwendalian Empire

General Info

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Faction NameThe Dwendalian Empire
The Dwendalian Empire, located on the continent of Wildemount, is one of the most powerful and influential entities in the Critical Role universe. Ruled by Emperor Ludinus Da'leth, he rules over a strict and organized legal system that is not afraid of a heavy hand. The cities of the wealthy are bustling with activity, where the wealthy enjoy luxury outside fortified walls while the poor strive to live in the shadows. Despite its imperfections, the Dwendalian Empire has a large population that finds safety in the order it enforces. It remains a place of deep-rooted history, cultural significance and endless political intrigue. But its vastness contains stories of inspirations and individuals seeking change, making it a fascinating prospect of order and control in the unknown kingdom of Exandria.


The Dwendalian Empire, the heartland of the Wildemount continent, is a beacon of civilization and law in the midst of a world of chaos and elemental rage. Bordered by rugged mountains and plains, this monarchical society boasts an impressive array of relics from a bygone era, thriving cultures and endless traditions.
Founded over eight centuries ago by the first King Dwendal, it began as a lonely little town in the Marrow Valley and eventually grew into the vast empire we know today. Dwendalian culture is a rich tapestry woven from the various threads of other societies it has encountered and absorbed.
At the heart of the empire is the thriving city of Zadash, with its grand buildings, strict martial schools, and bustling rudimentary marketplaces. The echoing halls of power echo with political intrigue and the wily machinations of nobles vying for power.
Despite its flaws, the Empire maintains stability, security, and peace through its disciplined Crown Guard and skilled graduates of Soltryce Academy. However, the strict structure of the empire and the relentless pursuit of order led to sharp divisions among the people, and the existing provinces became local subordinate territories.
The Empire reveres the platinum dragon Bahamut and promotes order and justice, although it forbids the worship of unregistered gods. This, combined with an undercurrent of social and economic imbalance, fuels the flames of rebellion, as does tension with a subversive group known as Cobalt Soul. Majestic, vast, and astonishing in its complexity, the Dvendalian Empire has left its mark on the annals of Exandrian history, beckoning those who dare to cross its vast expanse.


Based in Western Wildemount, the Dwendalian Empire is a leading power known for its civility, military prowess, and strict social structure. At first, only a small kingdom, which around 435 founded by Dvendal. A capable, ambitious actor, Dwendal aggressively expanded his territory.
The kingdom soon invaded neighboring lands through strategic political marriages, harsh treaties, and, when necessary, ruthless warfare. The symbol of empire represents unity and power to many and an emblem of oppression to some. The Dwendalian Empire has experienced many rebellions, most notably the rebellion of the Julous Dominion. However, the superior spy system Cobalt Soul and the strong military force Righteous Mark crushed all these rebellions, maintaining an iron grip.
Around 835 P D Dvendal died and his descendants continued to rule. The current ruler, King Bertrand Dwendal, seeks to preserve the legacy, maintain sovereignty, and orchestrate the growth of the empire.
Despite criticism of their oppressive rule, the Dwendalian Empire has made remarkable advances in magic and technology. Soltryce Academy is a respected institution that demonstrates the Empire's commitment to nurturing talented wizards.
Under the strict arcane laws of magic, only licensed sorcerers approved by the Cerberus assembly can practice magic. This rule allows you to control the flow of magic and reduces the number of illegal magical accidents. Illicit magic can attract severe penalties that have a strong deterrent effect.
Society in this sphere is governed by power and social status. It is a strict hierarchy, with aristocracies and bureaucracies at the top, rich merchants below, and struggling common people at the bottom.
Although the Empire is completely opposed to the democratic principles of the Kryni Dynasty, it co-exists because of the Treaty of Wynandir. However, underlying tensions between the two factions remain, making peace quite fragile.
Thus, the Dwendalian Empire embodies strength, unity, and power through its rich history and cultural norms. Its strict laws, advanced magical advancements, and clear social structure make it one of the most formidable factions in the role-critical universe.

Notable Members

Member #
King Bertrand Dwendal
Trent Ikithon
Ludinus Da'leth
Martinet Da'leth
Oremid Hass
Delilah Briarwood
Sylas Briarwood
Cobalt Soul
Starosta Wyatt Fedar
Archivist Sunlash
Vess DeRogna
Beam Master Quickly Stend


The Kingdom of Dwendalia has a varied landscape that is both fascinating and treacherous. Located in the heart of Wildemount, it flexes its imperial muscles across countries.
To the west, the bright city of Zadash lights up a corner of the kingdom with its active urban temperament. Bustling markets and stunning sights are surrounded by the haunting but productive Marrow Fields.
To the east is the city of Rosohna, formerly known as Ghor Dran, a testament to historical excellence, with its ancient Gothic architecture. Shrouded in eternal twilight, the city has a mysterious charm that reflects its dark past. The snow-covered Penumbra range protects the city, making it a secret, inaccessible to uninvited guests.
The northern border of the Gray Wilds is not as tamed as the rest of the kingdom. With its harsh wilderness and mythical beasts, it creates a brave and wild population.
The kingdom of Dwendalia is not all about wild, smiling landscapes; the countryside is home to quiet hamlets such as Trostenwald, where a simple country lifestyle prevails. Here, blue lakes and green plains stretch far away.
This faction is a composite masterpiece, with its political dominance, vibrant culture and economic diversity as varied as its geography.

Legacy and Impact

The Dvendalian Empire, with its vast fortified territories, had a profound effect on the political and social landscape of Wildemount. His ideology of survival and unwavering commitment to law and order helped unite the scattered and diverse nations under one banner. Empire often creates polarized attitudes from its own citizens and those outside it, from those who value structure and order to those who resent its strict control. But his legacy is undeniable. Notably, while strict regulation stifled certain cultural and arcane practices, it also paved the way for significant advancements in arcane and scientific fields, training a new generation of arcanists and scholars. In addition, the empire's presence serves as a bulwark against the forces of evil with impressive military power and skilled mages. Despite the controversy, the legacy of the Dwendalian Empire remains dynamic and influential, a testament to its resilience in the midst of a hostile and often chaotic world.