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The Kryn Dynasty

General Info

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Faction NameThe Kryn Dynasty
The Kryna Dynasty, a powerful faction of the Critical Roles universe, is ruled by the Light Queen. It is an empire ruled mostly by the drow, but also inhabited by other races, usually considered dark or monstrous species. The Dynasty is steeped in culture and highly respects their connection to dumancy, a mysterious and powerful form of magic. They focus on the cyclicality of life, emphasizing rebirth and recognizing death as an important part of the life cycle. In stark contrast to the traditional erasure of selfishness in drow societies, the Krynai Dynasty promotes identity and personal growth. A society that revolves around the advancement of its people, that promotes inclusion in its colonies.


A fascinating faction of the Critical Roles universe, the Krynai Dynasty represents a wide spectrum of races united under the Cult of Luxon. Founded by the drow after their emancipation from the oppressive rule of Lolth, the Kryni dynasty is mostly concentrated on Khorhas, where they are best suited to survive the harsh conditions of the area. Their society operates on radically different principles than other factions and uses a matriarchal structure that rejects traditional hierarchies.
The Kryns worship Luxon, the first and primordial god before the elements themselves. They believe Luxon brought light to the dark world by breaking into fragments called beacons. The main mission of the Krynai Dynasty is to find these beacons: the reincarnation enabled by these beacons is considered a path to enlightenment and evolution.
Despite being widely misunderstood and misconstrued as evil, the Krynai Dynasty derives its strength from the unity of its people. Contrary to popular misconception, they are neither inherently evil nor benevolent, and their actions are driven by deep-rooted cultural values ​​and a powerful sense of community. Their unique approach to life, death, and rebirth provides an illuminating perspective on the Critical Role universe, setting them apart in distinct and intriguing ways.


The Krynn Dynasty, ruling a body of drow, goblins, bugbears, and orcs, currently rules Xhorhas, an important region of Wildemount. The dynasty rose to power after a rebellion led by Luxon's beacon bearer and queen Leylas Kryn against the centuries-long tyranny of the intellectual aristocracy known as the "Vedalkai". Their rule was based on the exploitation of knowledge and science, limiting access to the majority of the population based on their predetermined intellectual abilities, a system that the dynamic and charismatic Queen Leylas Kryn found unbearable.
By exposing Vedalk's blatant corruption and immoral practices, then-warrior Leyla Kryn sparked a rebellion. Coupled with his deep faith in Luxon, the deity of rebirth and eternal existence, he seized the opportunity to overthrow the government. The rebellion was fierce, bloody and protracted, but the indomitable forces of Kryn, backed by divine guidance and inspiration, eventually overthrew Vedalken rule and established the Kryn dynasty. The Krynai dynasty is known to have adhered to the Luxonian tenet of belief: constant rebirth and self-reinvention through reincarnation. They believe in the ultimate purification of the soul through a series of lifetimes, where each successive existence is an opportunity to correct past mistakes and evolve into an enlightened state of being. This belief, deeply woven into the fabric of society, encourages the acceptance of all races and species regardless of their origins, thereby creating an environment conducive to social growth and intellectual development.
Today, the Krynai dynasty stands strong as it challenges conventional notions of government, social norms, and spiritual beliefs. They are proof that change is possible and that a united population, regardless of individual background or history, can overcome oppressive hierarchies. But the road ahead is fraught with internal strife and the looming shadow of the Dwendalian Empire, the dynasty's most bitter opponent of rule. As the dynasty evolves, only time will reveal the true consequences of the brave Queen Leylas Kryn's rebellion.

Notable Members

Member #
Empress Leylas Kryn
Shadowhand Essek Thelyss
Champion Caduceus Clay
Den Umagorn
Dusk Captain Derion
Dusk Captain Yun
Bright Queen
Skysybil Abrianna Mirimm
Warden Helm
General Ikithon


The Kryni dynasty is well known in eastern Vinandir, the dark wasteland of Khorhas. This mystical space is full of gothic towers and scattered settlements, cut by jagged obsidian ravines and crustal rock formations overrun by invasive fauna. To the north lies the Penumbra Range, a massive mountain range that serves as a natural barrier against the relentless blizzards of the Graying Wildlands.
Despite its ominous appearance, the geography of Khorhas is enriched by the vitality of the Empire: Ghostroot trees. This luminous flora emits an ethereal, phosphorescent glow that dances across the barren land, subtly illuminating the bleak surroundings with an eerily beautiful and otherworldly aura. At the center of the dynasty stands Rosohna, once called Ghor Dran. Here, towering buildings tower over dark alleyways, casting long shadows that speak of the dynasty's timeless resilience.
Dried rivers meander across the land to Cyrengreen Forest, a green testament to the life and death of dynastic rule. Ruled by a dynasty, Xhorh is a reflection of survival, turning adversity into intriguing beauty. A place considered grotesque by some, but home to many, is a testament to the mantra of the Krynai dynasty: strength through unity, purity through persecution.

Legacy and Impact

The Krynai dynasty that emerged from the bleak heart of Khorhas played an important role in shaping the social and political landscape of the Dvendalian Empire. At the height of the Cataclysmic War, their united quest to break free from the oppression of the Cerberus Assembly marked a paradigm shift in power dynamics. As champions of the drow—traditionally on the fringes of forbidden Exandria—they set a remarkable precedent, and the adoption of Luxon's Beacon revolutionized the perception of divinity, shifting the focus from the pantheon of gods to the deity. much more mundane and obvious. Their influence extends miles beyond their dark borders, their influence felt in every whisper of discord, each receding from history and the realm's dear history. They ushered in a new narrative that challenges the norms of power, of divinity itself, and fosters a legacy of reinvented possibilities. As their dynasty continues to influence Exandria, the world waits with bated breath for an inexorable change in the annals of history.