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Dead by Daylight Universe

Awaiting Claim

The Entity

General Info

The Entity logo
Faction NameThe Entity
The Entity is a mysterious and all-powerful being and the main enemy in the Dead by Daylight universe. It is an otherworldly force that rises from the spaces between worlds and feeds on the hopes and despair of the survivors trapped in its grim realm. He tempts the killers to act as enforcers with promises of freedom that turn out to be false. The entity manipulates and shapes assassins at will, amplifying their inherent violence with supernatural abilities. Constantly in need of more prey, he plucks individuals from the real world and brings them into his tainted universe to engage in a macabre game of cat and mouse, constantly feeding on their fear and suffering. It is a ruthless, ever-evolving force that grows stronger with every prisoner trapped and every hope dashed. The power and mystery of The Entity lurks around every corner in this terrifying survival horror game.


In the monstrous universe of Dead by Daylight, the Entity rises as a prominent and insidious force operating behind the veil of our reality. This evil supernatural creature thrives on the fear, pain, and hope of innocent survivors, drawing them into its grim, nightmarish realm to play a gruesome game of cat and mouse with ruthless killers.
The entity is closely related to the game's areas and characters; recruiting assassins from all corners of reality into his service, giving them terrifying powers to hunt down and terrorize the survivors. Select survivors based on their will to live and hope, forcing them into a deadly, repetitive cycle of harrowing chases, desperate escapes, and merciless sacrifices.
Survivors and killers alike are entangled in the Entity's dark web, forming a never-ending cycle of terror and tension that fuels its existence. Assassins serve as his loyal servants, linked to the Entity by a hidden and haunted past. Survivors are chosen prey, selected for their determination and resilience in the face of terror.
The entity, though seemingly brutal, maintains a certain balance between the killers and the survivors, bringing honesty to the otherwise gruesome proceedings. Manipulate the environment of each trial to create unique and ever-changing landscapes full of danger and opportunity. However, if you follow the rules too strictly, the Subject will punish you with brutal determination. His constant presence is a constant reminder of Dead by Daylight's unrelenting gameplay.


The entity, an all-powerful and macabre creature from an ancient world, enjoys torturing its prey. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, believed to be made up of the darker parts of man's fears and nightmares. She occupies a realm of darkness far beyond our world, traversing it only to harvest hapless victims to feed her insatiable hunger for hope and despair.
Its existence began when humans first experienced emotion as a complex web of pain and pleasure. Based on these emotions, the Entity grew stronger and the subsequent suffering it could cause expanded. Like a treacherous shadow, it spreads across multiple dimensions, clinging to the despair and terror of innocent ghosts.
The entity creates a warped reality known as "Trials" to lure its victims out of their reality at their most tragic or dire moment. The victims' landmarks and memories are enmeshed in his sphere of influence, completely manipulated to serve his sadistic games.
These grim and twisted arenas are filled with many brutal devices known as generators. The survivors are forced to repair these generators in order to escape. But ruthless killers are always on the lookout, under the influence of the Entity, ready to sacrifice the survivors to their cruel master.
As a grim cycle of survival and death unfolds, the Entity controls so that no one can easily escape its grasp. It is believed to communicate through pain and suffering. He especially admires human hope and sees it as a great tool to create even more despair.
Interestingly, the Entity has a connection to ancient symbols, crude designs and scarifications that mark survivors and killers. They can be extensions of themselves, a horrible language that only they and their victims understand.
As the years pass, the Entity only grows more powerful and terrifying. He is not only a monstrous predator of our universe, but in fact the transcendent embodiment of fear itself, spanning multiple dimensions. His menacing reach expands, leaving the future of his victims hanging in a deadly and terrifying balance that promises endless horror.

Notable Members

Member #
The Entity
The Trapper
The Wraith
The Hillbilly
The Nurse
The Shape
The Hag
The Doctor
The Huntress
The Nightmare
The Pig
The Clown
The Legion
The Plague
The Ghost Face
The Demogorgon
The Oni
The Deathslinger
The Pyramid Head
The Blight
The Twins
The Trickster
The Nemesis
The Cenobite


In the Dead by Daylight universe, the Entity resides in an ethereal plane called the Void, completely separate from the physical world as we know it. The geography of the Entity Realm is a nightmarish landscape that is ever-changing, almost living and breathing with the Entity. Throughout the realm, there are numerous gruesome torture and execution sites known as "realms" that are a manifestation of Estyba's dream thoughts, her passion for torture, and her insatiable hunger.
The spheres are prominently marked by swirling mist borders, beyond which lies the endless grip of darkness. The landscapes are intriguingly interspersed with otherworldly-looking semi-transparent trees and space-warping structures that add to the atmosphere of dread. The primary terrain features in the spheres reflect the victim region the entity claimed. These include abandoned junkyards, eerie cornfields, abandoned kindergartens, and eerie forests. Each realm is as unpredictable as the last as The Entity manipulates the environment in real-time to create hair-raising labyrinths of hide and seek.
Navigating this twisting geography presents the survivors with the dual challenge of escaping and avoiding their relentless pursuers. Every twisty turn and dark corner in the Entity's realm hints at his cunning plan of terror, turning the geography of the Dead by Daylight universe into a ruthless participant in a deadly game of survival.

Legacy and Impact

The legacy of the entity in the Dead by Daylight universe is immeasurable and far beyond the boundaries of any world or reality. It is a harrowing reminder of the inherent brutality and unpredictability of existence as the survivors become enmeshed in a mysterious web of suffering and strife. The subject's impact cannot be underestimated. He has created a world where every day is a test of survival, echoing the primal instincts of his captives and creating a terrifying echo of the real world. It shapes the way survivors think about hope, fear, and the will to survive, even in the face of endless suffering. Indeed, the Entity has become synonymous with the concept of unending horror, forever changing the perception of reality for those unfortunate enough to participate in the dangerous games.