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Dead by Daylight Universe

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General Info

Survivors logo
Faction NameSurvivors
Survivors are the heart and soul of Dead by Daylight, trapped in an endless game of hide and seek with deadly killers. They must rely on their wits, ingenuity and determination to survive. Each survivor brings a unique skill set to the game, from determined leaders to crafty technicians who set traps and distract assassins while their team repairs generators to escape. They exemplify the true spirit of resilience and embody humanity's will to persevere against all odds. Despite their fear and despair, they cling to hope, using strategy and teamwork to escape their relentless pursuers and survive to see another day. This is the essence of the Survivor faction. They can be outsmarted, but they are never outsmarted.


In the creepy and suspenseful universe of Dead by Daylight, the group of survivors is an extremely important element. Each survivor game is an ordinary person in a dire situation of escaping from a ruthless killer. This diverse group represents all walks of life, united by the harsh reality in which they find themselves.
These survivors are not superheroes. These are ordinary people who find extraordinary courage and resilience in the face of danger. Their goal is simple but terrifying: survive the merciless killer, fix the generators, and escape through the gate.
Survivors are not homogenous. They each have their own unique set of perks that give them a slight advantage in specific situations. Some can be excellent at repairing generators, others can excel at stealth, and others can recover quickly from wounds.
Trust, cooperation, and resourcefulness are the pillars on which survivors build. Because standing alone against all odds in Dead by Daylight can have dire consequences. Each survivor is a testament to the human spirit and strength, proving that even in the darkest hours, hope falters and forces us to meet the challenge of survival.
In the haunted atmosphere of the Dead by Daylight universe, these survivors are fighting more than just a gruesome killer. They also fight their own fear, fate and weakness to keep the flickering flame of hope alive. Although their journey is full of danger and risk, it is also full of courage and determination. It shows the power of unity, the essence of survival and the inexhaustible human spirit.


In the Dead by Daylight universe, the Survivor faction's story is deeply intertwined with fear, courage, and resilience. These ordinary citizens come from all walks of life, each with their own special difficulties, and are transported tremblingly into the realm of Being.
Many of the survivors lived normal, even mundane lives before they were abducted. Others have experienced violence, hardship or trauma. Confronting their fears in this terrifying area strengthened their spirits even more. For example, Meg Thomas, a skilled athlete, uses her stamina and agility to survive the killers. Crippled by uncertainty, Dwight Fairfield found value in himself, using his previous management skills to help the group work together.
Survivor Nea Karlsson, a rebellious graffiti artist, uses her stealth skills to stay hidden from the killers. These are just a few examples of how each survivor uses their unique personality and abilities to escape the relentless pursuit of the killers.
However, there are survivors who have learned to use the Entity's dark power to gain abilities. Laurie Strode, traumatized by her encounters with notorious killer Michael Myers, delivers the "decisive blow" that allows her to escape the killer's clutches. And then there's Bill Overbeck, a hardened war veteran who sacrificed his life so his teammates could escape.
Over time, they gradually came to terms with their fate and used these harrowing trials to develop resilience and the will to survive. Their story is constantly shaped and influenced by both their individual pasts and their current, dire situation.
Ironically, each survivor's story may have begun in fear and despair, but their encounters with the Being strengthen their strength and determination. Thus, the story of the Survivor faction in the Dead by Daylight universe is a testament to the indomitable human spirit. The horrors of this new world only fuel their determination to live another day, creating an ever-changing tapestry of strength and resilience.

Notable Members

Member #
Dwight Fairfield
Meg Thomas
Claudette Morel
Jake Park
Nea Karlsson
Laurie Strode
Ace Visconti
Bill Overbeck
Feng Min
David King
Quentin Smith
Kate Denson
Adam Francis
Jeff Johansen
Jane Romero
Ash Williams
Nancy Wheeler
Steve Harrington
Yui Kimura
Zarina Kassir
Cheryl Mason
Felix Richter
Élodie Rakoto
Yun-Jin Lee
Jill Valentine
Leon S. Kennedy
Mikaela Reid


The geographical landscape of the Survivor faction in the Dead by Daylight universe is a diverse and disturbing mix of desolation and fear. Their locations are scattered throughout a sinister and ever-changing pocket manipulated by an insidious Entity. This horror trail can range from the chilly, snowy ski resort of Ormond to the abandoned industrial sector of Autohaven Wreckers.
The survivors are forever trapped in eerie forests and abandoned mansions, fear-filled mental hospitals and long-abandoned farmlands. They wander between forgotten school buildings and the shores of wrecked ships. Geography is strangely eternal: day turns to night, but never morning. These are endless and dangerous landscapes where the line between life and death becomes blurred.
Each card represents a different chapter of survival, often associated with a specific revealed survivor or killer, and each contains remnants and warning signs of fear and horror. Geo-terror varies from area to area, designed to disorient, confuse and frighten survivors. These places contain stories of survivors from the past and their struggle against an evil Entity, their struggle is reflected in the many mysterious landmarks scattered throughout the various areas. From ring trays in the MacMillan estate to hair-growing hooks in the Yamaoka estate, the survivors' world geography is a living nightmare from which they cannot escape.

Legacy and Impact

The Survivor faction has left a lasting legacy and impact in the Dead by Daylight universe, often revealing the resilience and courage of humanity. This diverse group, made up of individuals from many families and professions, is a striking testament to human perseverance, even in the face of extreme adversity. Their strategic challenges and cooperation are essential to victory, showing the power of teamwork. Their ability to change the environment with items and powers, strategize and evade the ruthless killer often lead to changes in the character dynamic. In addition, their development in various game stories increased the immersion of the game and improved its replayability. In addition to inventing player interaction in Dead by Daylight, Survivors played a key role in expanding the appeal and longevity of the horror genre into online multiplayer.