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The Zakarum Church

General Info

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Faction NameThe Zakarum Church
The Church of Zakarum is a deep-rooted cornerstone of the Diablo universe, widely known for its unwavering devotion and tenacity. Based on the teachings of Akarat, this pious community firmly believes in Light and its eternal conflict with Darkness. This divine battle shapes their spiritual practices, their daily lives, and even their architecture. Famous for their monumental sun temples, these sacred places of worship are decorated with intricate details, impressive carvings and golden color palettes to recreate a celestial aura. Many brave warriors are drawn to the beliefs of this faith and use the power of light to fight the corrupted forces of evil. Over time, the Zakarum Church has gone through many stormy times, but remains steadfast in its faith, believing that its cause is not only right, but inevitable. Their fervent faith and unwavering loyalty make them perfect characters for the Diablo landscape.


The Church of Zakarum is an integral part of the Diablo universe and its history. It was founded as a refuge for the followers of the Zakarum religion based on the teachings of the prophet Akarat. The Church respects the Light and pays a lot of attention to the fight against all the forces of darkness. Over time, the power and influence of the Church grew, eventually becoming the main religious and political force in the eastern lands.
However, the original noble purpose of the Church was cut short when Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, bribed Zakarum's High Council. The leaders of the church, who were supposed to support the teachings of Akarath and lead their followers in the fight against evil, became mere puppets of Mephisto. This corruption has led the Church to condone acts of violence and fanaticism in the name of Light.
The disappearance of Zakarum's church is a cautionary tale in the Diablo universe. It is a stark reminder of the destructive power of corruption, especially when it seeps into institutions that people trust and rely on. Despite the fall of the Church, some faithful followers of Zakarum remain and strive to reclaim the original purpose of their faith, hoping to restore it to its former glory. This story provides a compelling backdrop for the epic battles and missions that characterize the exciting gameplay of Diablo.


The Church of Zakarum, the main faction in the Diablo universe, has a rich and eventful history. It originated from ancient scriptures written by the prophet Akarat, inspired by his visions of a benevolent being called Yaerius. Akarat's teachings included faith and unity, and the establishment of the Church was a profound turning point that ushered in the Age of Enlightenment.
At first, Zakarum's faith spread through peaceful means. Missionaries who crossed the vast Twin Seas sought to kindle a spark of faith among the ignorant people. Over time, the Church's influence gained momentum, leading to the creation of the Holy Kingdom of Zakarum, a political entity supported by the Church's doctrines.
Inevitably, the Church's history entered a dark chapter when Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, corrupted the High Council of Zakarum. Through cunning manipulation, the evil Mephisto handed the Council over to the forces of darkness, marking a tragic fall from grace for a once-respected institution.
But in a glimmer of hope, a group of Church priests untouched by corruption formed the mysterious Hand of Zakarum. This sect was intended to purify the Church from corruption and restore its original teachings: unity, faith and worship of the Light. These trials tested the faith of Zakarum's followers and shaped the Church's unique identity. The history of the Zakarum Church, from its foundation to its destruction and subsequent reformation, testifies to the sustained power of faith, the resilience of faith, and the profound effects of temporal influence. The story serves as a resonant echo in the larger narrative of the Diablo universe.

Notable Members

Member #
Juris Khan


The Church of Zakarum, the main faction in the Diablo universe, is heavily influenced by its geography. The church is located in the state of Kurast, located in the tropical swamps of Kedjistan, far east of the Sanctuary's three main continents. This location not only provides a strategic advantage over hostile forces, but also fosters a sense of isolation and fosters the faith of devout followers.
The first jungles of Kehjistan encompass Kurast, providing natural protection and fueling the religious zeal of Zakarum's followers. This impenetrable jungle whispers of ancient prophecies further fueling Zakarum's faith in his mission to uphold the Light. Kurast is bordered by the Pacific Ocean. This vast body of water adds an element of peace and tranquility to an otherwise hot-tempered city-state, providing an ideal setting for meditation and introspection.
The geography of the region, with its verdant jungles and vast ocean, significantly shapes the spiritual principles and practices of the Zakarum Church and fosters a connection between the natural world and the spiritual plane. The location is an essential character in the Diablo universe, integral to the faith of the Zakarum and their sacred mission.

Legacy and Impact

The Church of Zakarum has had a lasting impact on the world of Sanctuary. It significantly shaped the spiritual, cultural and political landscape, especially in the East. The Church's influence permeated all aspects of life, and its teachings became the basis for many social norms and laws. Although noble in its aims, the Church was tragically corrupted by Mephisto, ushering in a dark period of religious extremism and violence. Despite these tumultuous times, Zakarum's legacy is not one of despair. There are those who follow the original and pure teachings of Akarat and strive to return a beacon of hope and guidance to humanity. The Church's historical impact cannot be denied, and its lasting legacy is a cautionary tale about the absolute balance of faith and fanaticism.