Diablo Universe, officially known as the Diablo series, is a collection of action RPG video games primarily developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It takes place in a fictional world called Sanctuary, a kingdom caught in the fire of the forces of Heaven and Hell. Known for its dark and gothic atmosphere, the story unfolds through a series of quests where players battle demonic creatures, gain abilities, and discover powerful artifacts. The series consists of three games: Diablo, Diablo II, and Diablo III, each with its own development and stories that continue with each other. The main objective is to defeat Diablo, the Lord of Terror and the main villain of the series. Immersive and rich in lore, fans will be hooked on epic battles, challenging puzzles, and a compelling story of good versus evil.
Diablo Main Page
General Info
Books | Diablo: The Kingdom of Shadow, Diablo: Moon of the Spider |
Owner | Blizzard Entertainment |
Title | Diablo |
Years | 1996-present |
Awards | Game of the Year (1996), Best PC Game (1996) |
Genres | Action role-playing, Hack and slash, Dungeon crawl |
Created By | David Brevik, Erich Schaefer, Max Schaefer |
Platforms | Microsoft Windows, Classic Mac OS, macOS, PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch |
Video Games | Diablo, Diablo II, Diablo III, Diablo IV |
Original Work | Diablo (1996) |
Main Characters | The Nephalem, Deckard Cain, Tyrael, Diablo |
Main Personalities | The Nephalem, Deckard Cain, Tyrael, Diablo |
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