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Dragon Age Universe

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Dragon Age: Origins

General Info

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Event NameDragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age: Origins is an iconic installment in the Dragon Age universe where players assume the role of a gray warden and risk their lives to unite a divided kingdom. A plague of monstrous Dark Ones has swept across the realm of Ferelden, forcing the warring factions to cease hostilities and focus on the looming threat. As new recruits to an ancient order, players embark on an epic journey to unite the clans, mages, elves, and humans of Ferelden. With every decision that affects the fate of the kingdom, players dictate their experience in this immersive, choice-driven story. The event perfectly showcases the unparalleled combat mechanics, character creation, and storytelling that the universe is known for. Exciting quests, formidable enemies, and tense decisions are Dragon Age: Origins at its best.


Dragon Age is a high fantasy role-playing video game series developed by BioWare. The series follows the epic story of the heroes in the kingdom of Theda, a world full of different races, magical and monstrous creatures. Each game features a unique character who must overcome political strife, old grievances, and impending doom.

The races of Theda include Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Qunari, each with unique origins and abilities. Magic is a powerful but dangerous force, and those with magical abilities are feared and controlled by the Circle of Magi. Mages who resist this control are hunted by the Templars, forcing a delicate balance.

The core of the series is the scourge, an apocalyptic event caused by the darkspawn. These monstrous creatures periodically swarm from the depths of the Earth, led by corrupted dragons known as Archdemons. This forms the central conflict of the series, with the main characters taking turns fighting the scourge and navigating the complex politics of Thedas.