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Dragon Age Universe

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The Templar Order

General Info

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Faction NameThe Templar Order
A central aspect of the Dragon Age universe, the Templar Order embodies unwavering devotion, an iron will, and an unrelenting pursuit of justice. As loyal defenders of the Church, they serve not only as formidable warriors, but also as vigilant guardians against the potential chaos unleashed by unchecked magic. They often find themselves in the crosshairs of moral and ethical dilemmas, a factor that has led them to be portrayed in different lights: heroes to some, oppressors to others. They were originally trained to deal with magic and demonic possessions, but their authority extends far beyond the battlefield. An intricately woven tapestry of loyalty, power and conflict, the Order of Knights Templar holds fast to its mission, navigating the turbulent waters of faith, duty and sacrifice. A universal gem in Theda, the Order continues to play an integral role in shaping the world of Dragon Age.


The lynchpin of the famous Dragon Age universe, the Templar Order embodies a world where duty, faith, and the flaming sword of law converge to maintain balance between the magical and human worlds. Based in the kingdom of Ferelden, they serve as a weapon of war for the Church, the religious order imposed by the Empire.
As the shield and sword of the Church, the Templars are tasked with controlling the wizarding population and protecting the masses from the potentially catastrophic consequences of the unregulated use of magic. If these wizards, gifted or cursed with magical abilities beyond their control, pose a threat to society, the Templars intervene. Their rigorous training, fueled by a unique material known as Lyrium, equips them with spells to dispel or counter magic, a formidable force against any errant mage. However, the Order is not without controversy. The use of lyrium, while giving the Templars respected abilities, often binds them to dependence and addiction. In addition, the dynamic between Templars and mages often degenerates into oppressive conditions, and the Order is often accused of tyranny. This tension creates a dramatic relationship between freedom and security that characterizes the story of Dragon Age, making the Templar Order the main character that drives the story.
The Knights Templar's symbolic existence at the crossroads of opposites—faith and doubt, duty and tyranny, power and vulnerability—nuancedly portrays the agonizing struggle between necessity and consequence, the cornerstone of a compelling Dragon Age universe.


An enigmatic but essential organization in the complex universe of the Dragon Age, the Templar Order has a fascinating and labyrinthine history. Born out of necessity, the Order was created to thwart and control widespread magical events in Theda. The Church, recognizing the need for this aspect of society, created an order that appointed the best knights as Knights Templar, a selection made not only for military prowess, but also for unshakable spirit and undefiled doctrine of faith. Creator.
The Templars, based mostly in the towers of the circle, were tasked with protecting wizards and commoners alike from the unpredictable consequences of uncontrolled magic. But their duties went beyond protection; they were the army of the Church, the bodily extension of the divine will against heresy and demonism. The history of the Knights Templar is not all about bravery and glory; it is shrouded in stories of brutal repression. Their ironclad methods often led to conflict and rebellion, forcing the Templars to walk that line between tyrants and protectors.
The Mages' Revolt was a major blow to the Templars. Unable to break the deadlock, many Templars severed ties with the Church and declared themselves "true Templars". Others led the creation of the Inquisition, a testament to their determination to form a bulwark against magical threats to Thedas. Over the centuries, the Knights Templar, despite their strict beliefs and strict methods, have remained indispensable in promoting relative peace. Their story, riddled with courage, transgressions and crucial moments of decision, reflects the turbulent landscape of Theda, constantly torn between chaos and order. As an enduring beacon in this maelstrom, the Order of the Knights Templar stands firm, embodying the ruthless human spirit that seeks order and stability.

Notable Members

Member #
Cullen Rutherford
Ser Alrik
Otto Alrik
Meredith Stannard
Wilhelm Kildare
Ser Thrask
Ser Mettin
Ser Varnell
Ser Henric
Ser Karras
Ser Morris
Ser Nancine
Ser Wesley Vallen


The Templar Order, the main faction of the Dragon Age universe, is geographically widespread. Based on the White Peak in Val Royeaux, in the heart of the Orlesian Empire, she has a large presence across the continent. Members are sent to the Teds to guard the Magi Circles, institutes set up for wizards to rule. They range from the freezing mountains of Ferelden to the barren deserts of the Freerides.
The great geographical location of the Order has a great influence on the dynamics of its activities. Templars isolated in remote rural areas are often more self-confident and stubborn than those who live in more controlled cities. But in many ways, the Order fulfills its mandate, creating a watchful presence in the volatile world of Dragon Age. She weaves her destiny with the magic she protects against, creating an intricate tapestry across the various lands of Theda.

Legacy and Impact

The Templar Order occupies an important place in the Dragon Age universe due to its immense influence and influence. As the main military and judicial branch of the Church, the Templars not only wield great power, but are also responsible for maintaining peace and security. This dual role contributed greatly to the Order's strengths and weaknesses. The dedication and self-sacrifice of the Templars, along with their essential function of controlling mages, earned them the respect and trust of many Teds. However, their systematic use of lyre and the harsh and often merciless methods they use against wizards have drawn much criticism, leading to dissension and riots, particularly in Kirkwall. But their most important legacy remains their dedication to protecting the empire, a duty they uphold even in the face of internal turmoil and public scorn. Nevertheless, the future of the Order hung in the balance; their next steps will determine not only their legacy, but Teda's fate as well.