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Location NameAntiva
Antiva is an important maritime nation of Thedas, widely known for its prestigious wines, deadly political intrigue, and skilled merchants. It is famously home to the mortal Antivan Crows, a guild of thieves and assassins highly respected and feared throughout Theda. Apart from its deadly politics, the Antibes coast is a landscape of dazzling beauty, dotted with large trading states and famous vineyards. The people of Antivan are known for their love of life, chivalry, and condescending way of life. Antiva City, the glittering capital of the country, is a bustling port city. Despite the very real dangers, Antiva remains an attractive travel destination for those who dare to venture into such treacherous terrain in search of vinous bliss, riches or unparalleled adventure.


A beautiful coastal land in the northeastern Teds, Antiva is known in the vast Dragon Age universe for its thriving economy, flamboyant culture, and infamous gang of deadly assassins. A veritable kaleidoscope of brightly decorated streets, sophisticated amusement parks, exquisite wines and enchanting hanging gardens, the country's capital Antiva has a charm that will not leave visitors indifferent.
Surrounded by blue ocean waters, Antiva is known for its shipbuilding and seafaring traditions. Fast, rugged ships extend Antiva's commercial reach to the farthest reaches of Thedas, bringing back the exotic goods that fuel the nation's thriving trade economy. But it is Antiva's vineyards that are truly the jewel in its economic crown, producing the fine wines sampled at every estate in Thedas. But beneath this bright facade lies the dark underbelly of Antivan: the dreaded Antivan Crows. This sinister brotherhood of assassins, who are also skilled with daggers and secrets, exert an insidious influence on the country's politics. The mention of "Ravens" is known to strike terror into the hearts of the powerful nobles of Theda.
From sunny beaches to bustling markets, from famous wineries to dark corners whispered by crows, Antiva presents a world within a world. It is a nation that celebrates life with every lavish celebration, but also a place where a dance of intrigue and danger dances every day. A visit to Antiva is an exciting journey through the many shades of life, through impressive grandeur and thrilling danger.


Antiva, the wine region of Theda, is steeped in history, recorded in both rose tales and ballads. The nation's traditions and culture run through its veins, which is evident in the famous wines of the city of Antibes and the carefully crafted ceramics of Seleny.
Antiva was originally a collection of city-states. The city of Treviso was the first to rise to power, largely due to its cunning merchant guild. As neighboring states entered the fray, the guild amassed wealth and influence and discreetly took control of the economic affairs of other cities. Then came the arrival of Maferath and Alamarri. They conquered the city-states and united Antiva under one banner. However, Maferat's reign was short-lived, as this giant fell out of favor with men, cheated on his wife, and thus sabotaged his kingdom.
The second fault breach managed to destroy Antiva, though not critically. Antiva, unlike neighboring states, was blessed with fertile land and abundant vineyards that allowed it to recover. After Breach, Antiva flourished and Antivan Crows ushered in a new era of artistry and subtlety.
The fourth fault saw Antiva crippled. Thousands of people died, cities were abandoned, and infrastructure was destroyed. But even in the midst of despair, hope wavered as the Antivans showed unyielding resilience. Antiva came back from the abyss with the help of a thriving wine industry and trade connections. Despite its tumultuous past, Antiva stands tall, rooted in ancient traditions and projected into the future with an unwavering will. It is a place where every step on the cobbled streets is a step in history, every sip of wine is a taste of rich history. While the future may be uncertain, Antiva will undoubtedly continue to tell stories that will resonate throughout the ages.


Antiva is known throughout Theda for its sunny coastline, sumptuous cuisine and vibrant shopping culture. But Antiva is fraught with danger for its stunning beauty and richness. Founded by Rivanic navigators in the early Iron Age, the country's history is shaped by strategic coastal locations that attracted both traders and raiders.
The city-states of Antivan began as independent colonies of Rivain, but over time they united in mutual defense against the Tevinter Empire to form what we know today as Antiva. Throughout history, the nation has fallen under the rule of several foreign powers, including the Tevinter Empire and the Korei. Remnants of these professions can still be seen in Antivan's architecture and traditions.
Today, Antiva owes much of its wealth to the noisy trade networks fueled by the Antivan Crows, a notorious group of spies and assassins who secretly control the country's political landscape from behind the scenes. This juxtaposition of allure and danger, prosperity and dark business, remains a constant in Antivan's life, creating a fascinating dichotomy that mirrors the ebb and flow of the Mare Nostrum on which it was based.
Despite its tumultuous history and dangerous politics, Antiva is essentially a nation of survivors. From the humble beginnings of the Rivaini colony to the emergence of a prosperous but complex society, Antiva has survived invasions, occupations and political upheavals with the strength and resilience of its people. These are the hallmarks of a nation that continues to thrive and beckon despite many challenges.