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Orlais logo
CityVal Royeaux
Location NameOrlais
Alternate NameEmpire of Orlais
Orlais, the most influential and powerful nation in Thedas, is known for its extraordinary culture, famous aristocracy, and complex politics. Nestled between wooded mountains and lush vineyards, it is the birthplace of the Church, marking its vital religious significance. Orlais is dictated by the social hierarchy and customs that separate the nobility from the common people, and the Great Game, a network of airplanes, is a favorite pastime of the nobles. It is famous for elaborate masquerades, lavish fashion and fine art. The fine architecture, from magnificent castles to monumental cathedrals, reflects its historical grandeur. Despite the complexity, the gap between rich and poor is wide, reflecting economic and political inequality. Orlais is an intriguing mix of grandeur and battle, where glittering ballrooms hide deadly secrets.


Often described as the civilizational heart of Thedas, Orlais is a land that would dazzle anyone with its opulent grandeur and confusing politics. It stretches from the heart of the continent to the western ocean and is dwarfed by most other nations. Orlais can boast of being the birthplace of the Church and is of course the center of the Andrasti religion.
Beneath the surface of colorful masked balls and grand architecture lies a ruthless struggle for power. The game famously reinvented politics, espionage, and war in a lusty dance of conspiracy, betrayal, and murder that only cunning can beat. Knights, on the other hand, knights of immense skill and unwavering loyalty, bolster Orlais' military prowess, often defeating game nodes with the speed of their swords.
Located in the beautiful Val Royeaux, Orlais also has a variety of landscapes, from frozen deserts in the north to fertile vineyards in the south. The culture, cuisine and fashion are as diverse as the terrain, but show an equally extravagant love of luxury and aesthetics. Orlais wealth is supported by a strict class hierarchy. Noble blood often gives you access to the highest echelon of the Game, while the less fortunate struggle in the dangerous suburbs. Despite current political schemes, Orlesians truly appreciate the arts, making their country a center for artists, poets and musicians.
Orlais is more than just a nation; it is a kingdom of grandeur and ruthless politics, proud knights, decadent nobles and new artists. To understand the Orlais is not only to reveal the country, but also to penetrate to the heart of the Dragon Age civilization.


Orlais, the most powerful nation on the continent of Thedas, embodies a rich and complex history full of political intrigue and greatness. Founded by Kordillus Drakon I, this empire later raised the faith of the Church into a force to be reckoned with when Drakon himself ordered everyone in his country to follow the Andrastic Chant of Light.
Orlais is famous for constant clashes and high culture. This fostered divisions between several fiercely rivaling noble houses engaged in a never-ending dance of political and power struggles known as 'the game'. Orlais is no stranger to war and has seen many battles, including legendary skirmishes with Ferelden and frequent raids into the Dales. Life in Eagles wasn't always a struggle. Fueled by a love of art and knowledge, the people of Orléans are known for their flamboyance, displayed by exquisite styles of clothing, extravagant festivals and grandiose architecture. The capital city of Val Royeaux is the grandest of all and displays the high cultural tone of the Orlesian Empire.
Orlais history is marked by important characters, the most famous of which is Empress Celene. Smart and skillful management of the "game" testified to the cunning and genius inherent in Orlesians. Under his leadership, Orlais showed its potential for change despite its entrenched class system.
The history of Orlais is a rich tapestry of grandeur, decadence and patterns. With its majestic landscapes, secret machinations and high culture, it holds many secrets that you have yet to uncover. As Dragon Age progresses, so does our understanding of this fascinating realm. It gives us a glimpse into the essence of Thedas, perfectly reflecting the delicate balance of power, culture and treachery.


Orlais, the largest kingdom of Theda, has great cultural, political and economic influence. Founded by Cordilius the Dragon, it grew into an unassailable power, renowned for its wealth, sophistication, and absolute devotion to the Church's faith.
The main kingdom's brilliance lies in its incredibly rich culture, which includes fashion, art and music, making it the most decadent society in Thedas. Palace intrigues and elaborate masquerades hide deadly political maneuvers as masked nobles vie for influence and power. The nobility's obsession with "the game," a silent war for dominance, is as infamous as the extravagant parties and balls of the kingdom. Orlais flourished under powerful leaders, from the charismatic founder Cordilius Dragon I to Empress Celene, a skilled political strategist and patron of the arts. However, she faced turmoil, most notably during the bloody civil war between Celene and her cousin Gaspard. This conflict was one of the most damaging periods in Orlais' history and demonstrated the kingdom's resilience in times of turmoil.
From an economic point of view, Orlais is dominated by bustling shopping centers and an abundance of valuable resources. From precious metal mines to rich wineries, the wealth of the kingdom fuels its influence in Theda. The faith of Orlesians in the Church is unshakable. A powerful institution plays an important role in the city of Orle, and the head of the Church, the Divine One, leads the great marches.
Despite her small court and bloody history, Orlais is strong, a beacon of power and wealth, a thriving example of resilience and evolution in the ever-changing landscape of Theda's political spheres.