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The Fade

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Location NameThe Fade
The Fade is a metaphysical realm intertwined with the physical world in the Dragon Age universe. A place of ghosts and demons, it is an ethereal dimension manipulated by powerful sorcerers. Dreamers visit The Fade during their rest, and it is this connection that gives rise to their magical abilities. But there is a dark side to this ghostly plan. The Fade is home to many evil beings that try to move into the physical realm to wreak havoc. Physical travel there is often considered unnatural and dangerous. Offering a mix of fear, intrigue and magic, The Fade represents the unknown in the world of Dragon Age.


The Fade is a mystical realm of the Dragon Age universe that connects the physical and dream worlds. It is an ethereal dimension beyond everyday reality, inhabited by the ghosts, demons, memories, and dreams of every living being. This celestial plane is inseparable from the psyche of every individual breathing in Theda.
The inhabitants of this universe cannot physically enter extinction, but often do so in dreams and magical practice. It's a realm of wonder and danger in equal measure, where spirits can help or deceive travelers and tangible dreams can instantly turn into disturbing nightmares. Fade's landscape often seems disconnected from logic and reality, embodying the chaotic and boundless nature of dreams and magic. It is divided into realms, often ruled by powerful demons, and each represents the demon's nature, from twisted mirror images of real-world locations to alien realms that defy understanding.
The fabled Black City is a most intriguing landmark, always visible but out of reach, pointing to a mysterious past event of unspeakable sin. The Fade remains a deep unknown in the Dragon Age universe, a place of endless mysteries to be uncovered that could shape Theda's world beyond imagination.


The Fading, an ethereal realm born of dreams and magic, has featured in Theda tapestries since ancient times. Its history is as vast and enigmatic as the Fade itself, inhabited by ghosts, demons, dreams and nightmares of all living things.
According to the Church, the Creator separated Fade from the earthly world so that the spirits living there would not interfere with her second children: humanity. The ghosts, once children themselves, are said to have grown jealous over time as they watched the deeds of humanity, which eventually led to their corruption into demons. This demon formation is one of the many historical transformations the Fade has undergone. Wizards, naturally associated with the Fade, exert an incredible influence on events. This effect is evident during The Second Sin, when the evil magisters of Tevinter first physically entered the Fade, presumably infecting it with their ambitions. They reportedly entered the Golden City in the heart of the Fade and turned it into the Black City, an event with reverberating effects that continue to this day.
The Fade also plays a major role in the story of the Gray Wardens. During the joining ritual, recruits are said to consume lyrium and the blood of the darkborn, allowing them to navigate the Fade and see its terrifying sights. The monumental event of the Fifth Destruction saw Ferelden's hero, the Gray Warden, step into the Fade to slay the master demon and save the wizarding circle. Years later, the Inquisitor was also drawn into the extinction and made discoveries that changed his understanding of history.
Fade remains the quintessential Ted, with a deep and complex story, a sea of ​​turmoil, change and mystery. His tentacles spread far and wide, guiding Theda's course. The story and impact of The Fade is still being written and will continue to evolve as long as life and magic continue in the world of the Dragon Age.


The Fade, also known as the Dream Realm, is a mysterious, terrifying, and ethereal alternate reality deeply intertwined with the world of Theda in the Dragon Age universe. It serves as the abode of spirits, demons and other immortal beings. Unlike the physical world, the Fade is fluid, constantly changing and ahead of the perceptions and desires of its inhabitants.
As often stated in Chantry teachings, the Creator is believed to have created the fade as a realm of perfect beauty, a mirror of the world that was yet to exist. At the time of creation, the Creator populated it with ghosts, but experienced some frustration due to its lack of independent thinking and creativity. This dissatisfaction was the impetus for the creation of the mortal realm and all physical beings.
Perhaps the most influential event related to the Fade is the story of the Masters of the Tevinter Empire. Seeking to assert their supremacy, these powerful sorcerers would enter the City of Gold to disappear, only to corrupt it and be banished as the first Dark Descendants. This story, though debated, reveals the Fade's allure, danger, and influence on Theda's sensitive spirits.
Most people unconsciously communicate with the Fade through their dreams, and their sleeping consciousness transcends its depths. However, wizards interact with the Fade frequently and deliberately, as it is the source of all magic and empowers them. They constantly walk a line of curiosity and caution, looking for the Fade home, not only for ghosts, but for demons who indulge in deception and exploitation.
Deeply rooted in myth, history, and the literal reality of all living things in Theda, The Fade remains an intriguing and enduring element of the Dragon Age universe. The nature and consequences of interacting with the physical world remain central pieces of the puzzle in Dragon Age's fascinating narrative tapestry.