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Location NameVampa
Vampa is a primitive and inhospitable planet in the Dragon Ball Series 7 Universe. Menacingly shrouded in eternal darkness, it is a formidable challenge for any resident or visitor. The atmosphere, contaminated everywhere with the poisonous venom of giant space insects, destroys all normal life. A true testament to its immense strength is the fact that only two creatures, Broly and his father Paragus, managed to survive there for decades. The rugged landscape of Vampa, with its towering cliffs and treacherous undergrowth, exudes a palpable sense of danger. Inhabited by horribly monstrous creatures, this planet brutally silences anything remotely familiar or welcoming. Deprived of any known source of livelihood, survival requires a non-stop rhythm of mortal combat. Unsurprisingly, Vampa is a nightmarish battlefield that promises to survive only the fiercest, testing the ultimate limits of physical endurance and combat prowess. Ironically, uncompromising perseverance has produced invincible warriors like the protagonist Brother, showing him as a powerhouse of unmatched courage and brute strength.


Vampa is a harsh and unforgiving planet full of treacherous mountain ranges and giant, unpredictable creatures. More commonly known as the Expulsion of Brother and Paragus, the planet is a model of survival, largely attesting to its savage state due to its brutal wildlife and unforgiving climate.
The most notable inhabitants of Wampa, known for their monstrous wildlife, are the huge arachnids, Vampa beetles. Their ferocious nature and incredible size threaten the bravest of heroes. While these creatures are a clear symbol of the planet's wild environment, they reveal the Vampa's unwavering tenacity for life, and each ruthless hunt demonstrates the unwritten laws of the planetary food chain. Vampa's weather is as unpredictable as its creatures. Days can be very hot, forcing all life on the planet to seek shelter from the heat. Even the nights are no respite as temperatures reach the opposite extreme, turning the planet into a freezing wasteland.
Despite the harsh reality, Vampa inadvertently played a vital role in the development of one of the most powerful soldiers in the Universe 7, Broly. Almost impossible living conditions forced Broly to apply enhanced power, see the Saiyan's limitless potential and mark this planet as a critical place in the Dragon Ball universe.


A fascinating planet in the Dragon Ball universe, Vampa has a rich past rooted in the groundbreaking series. This barren and inhospitable world, with its unforgiving terrain and dangerous wildlife, has been an essential setting for the development of countless stories.
Building up the history of characters like Brother and Parag, Vampa takes a dramatic turn. The harsh environment serves as a metaphor for Broly's tumultuous life and psychological turmoil. When King Vegeta banished the young Brother for his immeasurable power, Parag swore revenge and followed his son into deadly exile. Ironically, Vampa became the planet of survival training and character development. Its various monstrous inhabitants - giant predatory spiders, flying worms and the giant creature Bah - tested and perfected Broly's fighting skills. The fight for survival in Wampa essentially shaped Brother's development and growth into a powerful warrior capable of challenging even Goku.
The appearance of the bounty hunter Cheelai and his henchman Lem in Vampa leads to Brother's rescue and subsequent involvement in the main conflict of the story. Interestingly, Vampa also emphasizes Brother's gentle nature and kindness, which is highlighted by his connection with the being Bah. This stark contrast between his brutal strength in battle and his compassionate heart really sets Brother apart from other Saiyans.
Ultimately, Goku's empathy leads him to give Brother a home on Wampa, indicating that the exiled Saiyan has a future full of promising potential and growth.
Finally, the planet Vampa, while seemingly tough and merciless, plays a central role in the complex and intertwined character arcs of the Dragon Ball universe.


An isolated planet in the Dragon Ball universe, Vampa is an unwelcoming environment far stranger than most. This harsh and hostile world offers many challenges to even the strongest fighters.
The surface of the planet is completely rocky and uneven, with several mountain slopes and cliffs. The terrain is dominated by tall rocky cliffs and jagged, jutting boulders that are noticeably lacking in flora or suitable water sources. Arid rocky deserts and mountain ranges stretch as far as the eye can see, creating an eerie atmosphere of unsettling decay. Frequent storms and frequent fast gusts of wind only add to the inhospitality.
Life in Wampa is not for the faint of heart. The planet is inhabited by nightmarish creatures lurking in the shadows of the stones. The dominant species, the vampa beet, has evolved to adapt to harsh conditions and spend days underground. At night, they emerge to hunt, and their main prey is another inhabitant of the planet - giant snake lizards. These monstrous, snake-like creatures silently and unobtrusively stalk unsuspecting prey.
For a long time, the only known inhabitants of Wampa were the exiled Saiyan warrior Parag and his son Broly, who honed their survival skills in the planet's harsh conditions. The absence of intelligent life and its remote location in space kept Vamp under the radar. He remained largely unknown until he was accidentally discovered by Frieza's forces, and Broly is eventually reintroduced into Dragon Ball history.
Vampa remains a testament to "survival of the fittest". Emphasizes the power and potential of Saiyans. Their ability to resist and adapt to even the most extreme conditions, their inherent fighting skills and indomitable spirit allowed them to live on such a hostile planet.