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Elden Ring Universe

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General Info

Lords logo
Faction NameLords
As one of the most powerful beings in the Ring of Elden universe, the Lords faction wields immense power and influence. These are deified beings, revered for their power and authority over the lands and their inhabitants. They come from different walks of life, each with unique abilities that set them apart. However, despite their immense power, lords are often involved in a constant struggle for dominance and control, resulting in intense warfare and conflict. Their loyalty to their cause is unwavering and they strive to protect their positions against the ebb and flow of power. With a complex understanding of magic and the mysteries of the universe, the Lords form the Elden Ring, a large and well-reputed group. Their mystical abilities, powerful weaponry, and strategic wisdom make them a formidable opponent and the cornerstone of science in the Elder Ring universe.


The Lords are a prominent group in the world of the Elden Ring, embodying power, might and authority. They are an influential plot element as the game progresses, and the complex dynamics that exist within this faction add a deeper dimension to the story. Each Lord oversees his domain with absolute power, imposing his will and ruling his land according to his personal philosophies and virtues.
Alliances and conflicts between lords fuel political intrigue and shape the history of the Ring of Elden. They go beyond simple authority figures and display different personality traits and complex motivations. Some portray majesty and wisdom, while others lean towards recklessness and tyranny.
While each Lord has a unique origin story and motivation, they all share a common goal: the search for the Ring of Elden. This mysterious artifact ties them all together and is the heart of the game's story. Gifted with unseen power, the Ring of Elden is a symbol of universal supremacy in the universe that all Lords desire, fueling fierce competition between them.
The complex dynamics and multiple relationships players share with the Lords make for a versatile game. One of the most fascinating aspects of Elden Ring is the player's ability to join, fight, or manipulate these powerful creatures to shape the world and story to their liking. By interacting with the Lords, players will truly understand the essence of politics, power and treachery in the rich and immersive world of the Elden Ring universe.


A herald of the "Lords" from the various corners of the Elden Ring universe, a realm filled with ancient power and boundless secrets. These noble lords are the basis of the political and spiritual life of the universe, each lord undoubtedly ruling his respective domain.
Over the ages, the Ring of Elden, the source of all life and magic, crumbled in an event known as the Shatter. This devastating event weakened all existing power structures. The rulers, insatiable in their lust for power, sought to use the fragments of the Ring of Elden, known as the Great Runes. Their corruption of these Great Runes led to a relentless pursuit of power and vanity, which caused a shift in the balance of power in the universe.
Each lord, with their factions and followers, fought long wars against each other to gain more power and expand their territory. Monstrous creatures born from the misuse of the shards of the Elden Ring roamed the land, adding to the chaos. This fateful phase in history led to the tarnishing of the honor of the lords and in the eyes of many they became tyrants.
Finally came the prophecy of the rise of the Appanced, a being without the blessings of the Ring of Elden, destined to defeat the tyrannical Overlords. Disdainful of the prophecy, the Lords further consolidated their holdings and took up arms in preparation for the prophesied revival.
The Tarnished's unprecedented quest, encounter and defeat of the Lords will leave an indelible mark in the annals of history and pave the way for a new era in the Elden Ring universe. A time when beasts could live in peace and the earth no longer trembled with the wrath of maddened rulers. The journey down this long and unyielding road shows the terrible fall of the Lords from their once cherished status to subjects mired in their own corruption and greed.

Notable Members


The geography of the Lords in Elden Ring is a stunning sight and setting befitting their royal status. It mainly consists of luxurious castles, sprawling kingdoms and awe-inspiring landscapes. It is an ever-changing realm where grandeur meets the grotesque and light and dark collide. Towering peaks rise majestically between vast undulating green fields punctuated by the canopies of a belt of forest that melts into a strangely eerie mist. Mysterious ancient ruins dot the geography, whispering tales of mighty rulers, legendary battles, and deep and unexpected betrayals.
Beneath this landscape lies a labyrinthine network of dungeons; a canal for the brave, a grave for the unwary. The realm of lords is full of stark contrasts. One minute you can be walking over lush rock, the next in the heart of a desert, an otherworldly swamp, or on top of snow-capped mountains grazing the sky, held back by a cold, merciless wind. Agency. The boundaries of lands and kingdoms merge and blend in a true painter's palette, creating ever-changing landscapes that confound the mind and challenge the senses.
A deep sense of ethereal beauty masks the despicable danger lurking just beneath the surface. This is the Realm of the Rulers, a complex labyrinth of paradoxes and extremes, a place where heroes rise, kingdoms fall and legends are born.

Legacy and Impact

The Lords of the Ring of Elden left an indelible mark on Middle-earth, shaping the political, cultural and spiritual arenas of the world. Their legacy is one of dominance framed by rugged fortresses and wild magic, features that play a significant role in the story. They are seen as examples of power; great figures who, through their actions, decisions and loyal subjects, conquered the landscape and established their rule. The philosophical depth created by Lords provides deep insight into the aspects of hierarchy and history that pervade the universe of the Ring of Elden. Their impact is felt in the country's governance systems and in the way of life of ordinary people, providing a colorful backdrop to a chaotic world. The power vacuum created by the fragmentation of the Ring of Elden led to a desperate struggle for control, a testament to the great influence of the Lords. Their legacy is a source of great curiosity and many theories, and the quest to decipher their history is a magnet for this knowledge-rich universe.