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Monica's Apartment

General Info

Monica's Apartment logo
CityNew York
CountryUnited States
Latitude[object Object]
Longitude[object Object]
Postal Code10014
Social Mediahttps://www.facebook.com/friends.tv/
Location NameMonica's Apartment
Alternate NameFriends Apartment
Street Address90 Bedford Street
The "General Information and Description" of Monica's apartment in the Friends universe reads as follows: Perhaps the highlight of the global hit series "Friends", Monica's apartment exudes a unique and comfortable charm that attracts viewers. -bathroom apartment in Greenwich Village, New York is often filled with laughter, friendship, bickering, reconciliation, and endless cups of coffee. Monica Geller and often Rachel Green live here. It is a cozy space with its iconic yellow purple door, colorful walls, large living room and classic balcony. Phoebe, Joey, Ross and Chandler are frequent visitors, making it an epicenter of lasting bonds and memorable comedic moments. An oasis of comfort, familiarity and love, Monika's apartment is the dream home of every Friends fan. The magic of this apartment is beyond fiction, it almost makes the audience feel like the "seventh friend".


Monica's apartment, the main hub of the famous show "Friends", is located in the heart of New York's Greenwich Village. Countless laughs, tears and moments of true friendship have taken place here over ten unforgettable seasons.
The Friends apartment has been called one of the most recognizable homes on TV, with gorgeous vintage accents and memorable purple walls. The open plan layout, large living room, unusual mix of antique and contemporary furniture and well-equipped kitchen, testament to Monica's passion for cooking, exude a warm and welcoming atmosphere that still resonates with viewers.
In addition to Monica and Rachel, the apartment is home to many memorabilia and iconic scenes from the show. From the first Thanksgiving episode and classic poker night to Chandler's unforgettable proposal to Monica, this apartment has seen it all. You could say that Monica's apartment is an integral part of the charm of the show and remains a character in its own right.


Located in the heart of New York's West Village, Monica's apartment has become synonymous with the beloved television series Friends. This picturesque place, presented in 1994. in the opening series, quickly became a character in his own right, becoming the backdrop and catalyst for some of the comedy's most memorable moments.
The story of Monica's Apartment began with an ambitious young chef, Monica Geller, who was given the right to live in a huge rental apartment thanks to her eccentric but talented grandmother. Over the years, the apartment has seen the ups and downs, heartaches and party times of all six friends.
The Moroccan-style pale purple walls, illuminated by natural light, feature iconic elements such as the yellow frame that outlines the apartment's peephole that greeted guests. Bursting with personality, Monika's apartment reflected her character: meticulous, organized and welcoming. Every room in the apartment held memories that tickled the funny bone or stirred the heart. Fueled by Monica's culinary passions, the kitchen has hosted many evenings of appreciation and camaraderie that have been a signature feature of the show. The living room is where friends gathered for presidential debates, bachelorette parties, and game nights. Monica's room has seen moments of love, relationships and secrets, while the spare room has seen uncertainty, change and new beginnings as it has been occupied by different characters over the years.
There have been some very funny, painful and even heartbreaking events in Monica's apartment, such as Ross confessing his love to Rachel and Phoebe after learning that a song can bring joy. These events tied the friends to the apartment, so the port with the purple door became a real home.
By the time Friends broke up, Monica's apartment had become more than just a Hollywood set or character residence. It became a symbol of friendship, laughter and an unforgettable journey of six friends living in the Big Apple.


Monica's apartment, the basis of the Friends universe, is a real character. Located at 90 Bedford Street in New York City, it's the famous place for lots of laughs, broken hearts, and of course, timeless memories with our favorite group of friends, especially Monica Geller, who originally rented the apartment.
Interestingly, Monica's grandmother originally lived in the apartment, making the spacious and well-located apartment quite affordable for a struggling cook like Monica. This two-bedroom apartment had an ever-changing roster of residents, including Rachel, Chandler, and the occasional Phoebe.
Decorated with iconic purple doors and a mystical golden frame that originally housed a mirror, the apartment is more than just another living space. Inside, you'll find a large living room filled with unique knick-knacks from around the world, a hall closet full of unspeakable clutter, a testament to Monica's hidden and messy side, a balcony where many heart-to-heart conversations take place, and a kitchen where Monica's culinary magic comes to life.
The flat bears silent witness to ups and downs, affairs, quarrels and invasive visits from an increasingly eccentric neighbour, the intriguingly odd but lovable Joey Tribbiani. Monica's apartment is more than just a backdrop; it is a comfort zone, a refuge, a meeting place and even a grateful guest, growing and changing with its inhabitants.