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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future

General Info

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future logo
ArtistsHirohiko Araki
WritersHirohiko Araki
Game NameJoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future
ComposersYuki Iwai, Yuko Takehara
LanguagesJapanese, English
PlaymodesSingle-player, multiplayer
Release Date1998-01-01
Game PlatformsArcade, PlayStation, Dreamcast
Publisher NameCapcom
Country of OriginJapan
Publishers Websiteshttps://www.capcom.com/
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Future Legacy is an exciting fighting game based on the popular Japanese manga series by Hirohiko Araki. Players can immerse themselves in the strange world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and interact with many quirky and memorable characters. The game pays homage to the original manga with its stunning graphic style and fast-paced combat system. Story Mode takes players on a nerve-wracking journey through the entire Stardust Crusaders arc, offering the perfect blend of nostalgia and novelty. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a manga fan, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy promises hours of intense action and a unique charm.


'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future' game screenshots
'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future' game screenshots
'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future' game screenshots
'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future' game screenshots
'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future' game screenshots
'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future' game screenshots


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future is an arcade fighting game developed by the acclaimed Capcom based on the long-running manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. This game follows the story of Stardust Crusaders, the third arc of the series, in a complex combat format.
The setting is intriguing and includes different locations around the world. While experiencing the game, users can embark on a great journey from Japan to Egypt, immersing themselves in the mystical abilities of the Stands, the psychosomatic manifestations of the characters' life energy.
The combat in the game is dynamic, engaging and cerebral. It features exciting and unique fighting styles, each tied to a specific character position, giving each game a unique flavor. Players can also explore various combo attacks and special moves that enhance the fluidity and dynamism of battle sequences.
Heritage for the Future also features compelling characters, from the charismatic and enigmatic Jotaro Kujo to the terrifying Dio Brando. Driven by their own unique motivations and powerful stands, each character adds an interesting dimension to the overall game.
Finally, the game's rich graphics inspired by Hirohiko Araki's signature art style and captivating storyline perfectly capture the essence of the original manga series. Overall, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy for the Future is more than a game. It's an immersive experience that gives players a rollercoaster ride of action, suspense and emotional storytelling.



JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy for the Future uses unique and exciting gameplay that perfectly captures the creative spirit of the original manga series. Developed by Capcom, the fighting game is a 2D fighting game where players can choose from a variety of characters from the original Stardust Crusaders storyline.
Each character in the game has their own unique abilities and special attacks called "Stands". A character's stance can be summoned or dismissed at will, resulting in a variety of unique fighting styles and tactics. Notably, the game introduced a "stand" meter that decreases when the stand is damaged. When the meter runs out, the player is granted a standbreak, making them temporarily vulnerable to attack.
Additionally, Heritage for the Future's combo system adds an extra dimension to combat. During a certain series of moves, the player can perform a series of attacks in a row, dealing significant damage to the opponent.
A special feature of this game is the Blazing Fists Match, a high-stakes duel where each player starts with an already activated rack and a depleted health meter. This makes strategic combat interesting as players balance offense and defense, making every match interesting. Each battle takes place in unique locations from the manga and with mechanics designed to mimic the intense combat of the series, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy for the Future brilliantly translates the unique charm and quirkiness of the manga into an immersive fighting game.

Gameplay video


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy to the Future tells an epic story inspired by the third installment of Hirohiko Araki's Stardust Crusaders manga series. We are in the late 1980s and the main character is Jotaro Kujo, a rough teenager with a heart of gold. Life takes a surreal turn when she discovers her innate ability to command a ghostly entity known as the Stand. The plot thickens when his grandfather tells him about an old family feud with the vampire Dio Brando. This manic creature has his own stance and has the gift of not staying dead.
In an attempt to bring down Dio and his buddies, Jotaro embarks on an adventurous journey to Egypt with a motley crew of stand-ins, including his grandfather Joseph Joestar, the deadly soothsayer Avdol, the playful but cunning Jean Pierre Polnareff, and the trickster Iggy. . Each character in the game is playable with a specific stand power that advances the plot through a series of battle challenges.
The game ingeniously combines elements of Egyptian mythology, tarot symbolism, and high-octane action, and each battle brings Jothar closer to the true "World," the power of God. A short and unique blend of humor and horror that embodies Araki's storytelling genius. . Even the environment becomes part of the story, with interactive arenas that can instantly change the state of the game.
However, it is the interpretation of each character's position that deepens the immersion in the plot. Harnessing the power of these ethereal destroyers is a matter of judicious use and understanding, not mere energy blasts or blows. It is this complex relationship between the mundane and the supernatural that sets JoJo's Strange Adventure: Legacy to the Future apart. It's a journey that oscillates between the fantastical and the strange, in keeping with the franchise's core ethos: celebrating the human spirit and courage against insurmountable odds.


The development of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future was a long process that required a lot of attention to detail to stay true to the source material of the famous manga series. The creators tried to completely pour the eccentric and intense atmosphere of the manga into the "fighting" style of the game. Therefore, in addition to the creative design process, the development phase also involved extensive research and careful design.
The game features a variety of characters from the series, each with their own unique characteristics and fighting styles that have been carefully crafted to reflect the personalities and abilities of their manga counterparts. When creating these characters, the development team spent countless hours researching manga panels and anime episodes, meticulously refining each character's appearance, movements, and special moves to deliver the most authentic JoJo experience possible. One of the biggest development challenges was the technical aspect of the stand mechanic, which had not been attempted in any previous fighting game. Every Stand user character in the game received their signature Stand from the series, and adapting these abilities to work within the game mechanics was a huge undertaking. The developers have carefully coded and refined these aspects until they are smooth and balanced.
Another important part of the development of Heritage for the Future was the game's unique visual style. The developers have worked hard to bring Hirohiko Araki's unique art style to life in video game format. They feature vibrant colors, distinctive poses, and dynamic panel-like transitions that truly reflect the aesthetic of the original manga series.
In short, the creation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: A Legacy for the Future was an impressive achievement, involving careful planning, intricate design, and innovative technical solutions. The result is an immersive fighting game that uniquely captures the spirit and style of JoJo's wacky adventure. It proves that with the right amount of dedication and creativity, it is possible to create a video game adaptation that is just as memorable and entertaining as the source material.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy for the Future was first released in Japan in 1998. It was developed by Capcom and is based on Hirohiko Araki's manga and anime series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The game's North American release came shortly after its initial launch in Japan.
The game follows the main storylines of the manga, filled with supernatural elements and strategic combat that requires wits and precision. It also features characters from the series' third story arc, Stardust Crusaders, with over a dozen playable characters, each with their own unique Stand powers that are central to the game's mechanics and story. Thanks to its innovative gameplay and rich story, it quickly became a classic among fighting games, attracting the attention of both manga fans and gamers around the world. Even more than a decade after its release, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy of the Future still manages to evoke a strong sense of nostalgia among dedicated fans and still has a dedicated following.
Later in 2012, it was also released on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 through their respective digital marketplaces, making the game accessible to a new generation of gamers as well. Whether you're a long-time fan of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series or a newcomer looking to immerse yourself in the legendary universe, it's undeniably appealing to experience through this timeless game.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy for the Future was released to mixed reviews. Featuring innovative game mechanics and a faithful adaptation of the source material, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga series has been highly praised by fans and critics alike. The Stand system in particular was a big hit due to its strategic depth and excellent integration of manga elements into the game. This innovative system allowed characters to summon mystical creatures, adding an immersive twist to the traditional fighting game formula.
However, some critics have said that the game's difficulty may turn off casual players. The move sets were complex and required time and patience to fully master. This factor made the game more appealing to die-hard fans of the fighting game genre, but less accessible to beginners or casual players.
In terms of graphics and aesthetics, the game has been critically acclaimed for its unique visual style that mirrors the manga's artwork. The pixel renderings of the characters were very detailed and the animations were smooth and fluid, making for a satisfying viewing experience.
Despite its flaws, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy of the Future still has a devoted following. It has developed a niche in the fighting game community thanks to its unique mechanics, mastery curve, and the eternal popularity of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. Its enduring appeal is a testament to the game's unique identity and singular appeal. Bottom line, while JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy for the Future may not be to everyone's taste, it holds a special place in the hearts of many, especially those who admire its source material.

Cultural impact

The cultural impact of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy to the Future is immense, given its unique fusion of Japanese manga, Western pop culture, and the fighting game genre. The game debuted in 1998. and attracted a global audience with its unconventional game mechanics, quirky characters and compelling story. Through his activities, he developed an incredible imagination on all continents.
The game was influential in the development of fighting games as it was a refreshing change from the standard fighting games of the time. The unique "stand" system introduced new tactical elements to the game. The graphics perfectly combined bright colors and dark tones, capturing the essence of Hirohiko Araki's original manga.
Filled with homages to Western pop culture icons, the gaming universe has managed to create a unique crossroad of cultures. Characters are named after famous Western stars, songs and albums, which enhances the experience of players' cultures. This makes it a source of popular cultural exchange between East and West, highlighting the fascinating dialogue of pop culture's intertextuality.
Additionally, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Future Legacy shaped the pop culture lexicon with phrases like "Ora Ora" and "Muda Muda" becoming staples of anime meme culture. These phrases and meme patterns are often quoted and echoed by fans, further spreading the influence of the game.
While many players enjoy the game's technical aspects, others celebrate it as a tribute to Araki's innovative art style and storytelling. His cultural influence has flourished through fan art, cosplay, and conventions, highlighting his lasting legacy in popular culture.
Indeed, the legacy of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy for the Future represents a great example of video game culture, popular art, and global engagement, making the game an important reference point in the universe of interactive entertainment.