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Mass Effect Universe

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Blue Suns

General Info

Blue Suns logo
Faction NameBlue Suns
The Blue Suns are a private military company that has carved out a large territory in the illegal Terminus systems. Hailing from the streets of Omega, the various mercenary groups are feared and respected for their sheer determination, ruthless tactics and deadly impact. With their army comprised of a herd of Batarians, Humans, Turians, and other races, their influence spans a variety of operations, including security missions, manning ships, and smuggling. Despite their brutal reputation, their modus operandi often leans towards efficient rather than violent butchery. Their operations are characterized by a high sense of discipline and military code, an important characteristic that distinguishes them from ordinary mercenary units. Their logo, the blue sun, inspires fear and certainty in hearts, depending on which side you're on.


The Blue Suns, a fearsome and infamous mercenary organization in the Mass Effect universe, thrive on a variety of illegal activities. Hailing from Terminus Systems, they were founded by Zaeed Massani, a famous bounty hunter, and Vido Santiago, a notorious criminal and traitor. Their ruthlessness combined with recruitment of various species has resulted in a massive force spanning the galaxy.
The group's influence includes slavery, murder, and protection rackets, highlighting their ruthlessness. On the battlefield, they are known for their guerilla tactics, characterized by rapid attacks followed by decisive retreats. Their resilience and adaptability has seen them face off against different factions over the years, which has only increased their fear. Although the Blue Suns favor batarians and humans, they include turians, vorch, and other races.
The Blue Suns' fame peaked when their founder Vido Santiago betrayed his colleague Zaeed and left him for dead on a disastrous mission. This event marked the Sun's descent into debauchery and further cemented their bloody reputation. They followed a chilling ethos in all they did: "nothing personal, just business." Thus, despite their terrible deeds, they still wield great influence and spread fear across the vast expanse of the galaxy.


The Blue Sun, a mercenary organization formed by the infamous turian outlaw Vido Santiago and his colleague Zaeed Massani, has a complicated and dark history that spans much of the known galaxy. The organization was born out of Zaeed's desire for wealth and Vid's ruthless approach to power. They started out as petty mercenaries in Omega, operating in the illegal Terminus systems, where government and regulation failed to curb their appetite for growth.
Led by risk-taking visionary Vido Santiago, who ran the organization after betraying Zaeed, the Blue Suns expanded rapidly, recruiting like-minded thugs and mercenaries from all corners of the galaxy. Their growth was rapid and unstoppable, Santiago using whatever resources he needed to win contracts, increase his territory, and silence the competition. Their history is marked by countless rumors of extreme methods used to hold ranks and contain their enemies. They are said to use fear and brutality rather than loyalty to motivate their soldiers. Blue suns are known for their diversity; Humans, Batarians, Turians, and Krogans can be found in their ranks.
But the rise of the Blue Suns has not been without its challenges. Internal conflicts and external threats have led to drastic changes in business over the years. From Zaeed's unrelenting revenge to adapting to the changing political and military landscape after the Reaper invasion, the Blue Suns have been constantly evolving.
Despite all this, the Blue Suns remain one of the most powerful mercenary groups in the galaxy, and their tainted history is a testament to their survival, adaptability, and brute strength. As they face the challenges of the future, their story continues to be written in the blood and strife of the Mass Effect universe.

Notable Members

Member #
Zaeed Massani
Vido Santiago
Solomon Gunn
Sergeant Boortis
Captain Vorhess
Commander Santiago


The geography of the Blue Suns faction in the Mass Effect universe spans multiple star systems. Blue Suns control a wide variety of territories, from resource-rich planets to strategically important space stations. Their reach extends from Terminus Systems, where they are heavily involved in Omega, to the Citadel, where they operate discreetly.
Many of the planets they control are rich in resources that are critical to supplying their vast army of mercenaries with advanced equipment. These planets are ruthlessly ruled by the Blue Sun, where exploitation is rampant. The stations they control are also important stops on the interstellar trade routes, allowing them to regulate trade within their territories.
One of the Blue Suns' most infamous hideouts is deep in the Nemean Abyss, an almost uncharted and dangerous area teeming with pirate activity. Their strongholds are fortified and manned by experienced mercenaries, making any rebellion extremely difficult. With a combination of geography and resources under their control, the Blue Suns ensure that they remain the dominant force in the Mass Effect universe.

Legacy and Impact

Blue Suns left a lasting impression on the galaxy and ignited the mercenary scene to a paradigm-shifting level. Once small private military contractors, they have grown into a ubiquitous multi-system entity, proving that corporations can outrun governments in resources, manpower and influence. Their legacy is etched in their pioneering operations, from protecting precious artifacts on dangerous planets to conducting raids against seemingly indomitable adversaries. Meanwhile, they influenced the mercenary scene, setting the benchmark for other factions and ushering in a new era of guild-run armies. Their power and ruthlessness inspire admiration and fear, proving that unbridled capitalism can destroy the cosmos. Despite the numerous feuds with the galactic entities, their appearance has definitely changed the power structures in the Mass Effect universe.