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Memory Alpha (Star Trek) Universe

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Romulus logo
CountryUnited States
Postal Code48174
Location NameRomulus
Known for its beautiful rings and sister planets, Romulus is the host planet of the Romulan Star Empire. Uniquely, it shares its orbit with its sister planet Remus, which is very different from typical planetary systems. Romulus is known for its stunning landscapes, majestic mountains and vast oceans, culminating in a panorama of natural beauty. But the planet's politics are as turbulent as the landscapes are tranquil. Controlled by the Romulan Senate and the secretive Tal Shiar, it plays a central role in many Star Trek series. Despite its politics, Romulus' rich history and evocative culture appeal to many, making it a vital centerpiece of the Star Trek universe. From local flora and fauna like Sehlats to heady beer, Romulus combines natural beauty with cultural sophistication that embodies the complexity and intrigue of the Star Trek space.


Romulus, also known as ch'Rihan in the original Romulan language, is one of the two main planets of the Romulan Star Empire, along with Remus. Located in the Beta Quadrant, it is home to the Romulan species, a formidable force known for their stealth, cunning, and advanced technology.
The planet is rich in natural beauty and resources - dense forests, high mountains and crystal clear water. The biodiversity is phenomenal, with a variety of flora and fauna, some unique to Romulus. But the environment can be treacherous and reveals the Romulan's ability to adapt and survive. Romulus features advanced cities whose architectural designs reflect Romulian technological and aesthetic sophistication. However, the power and governance of this planet rests in the hands of the Romulan Senate, a meticulous and multi-layered political body jealously guarding its secrets.
Beneath the surface, Romulus is riddled with secrets and espionage, reflecting the infamous Romulan penchant for deception and manipulation. The Tal Shiar, their intelligence agency, is constantly concerned with protecting and promoting Romulan interests throughout the galaxy.
Despite his somewhat disturbing reputation, Romulus is a beacon of Romulan culture and identity, based on a strong sense of nationalism and pride for his people. His story, shrouded in myth and legend, reverberates throughout the Star Trek universe, leaving an indelible mark on its history.


Romulus, the home planet of the Romulan Star Empire, boasts a rich history with the rise of a powerful society, advanced technology, and regime change. The planet was originally inhabited by Vulcans who withdrew from the main Vulcan society. Led by Surak, these outcasts chose exile over a philosophy that emphasized logic over emotion and embarked on a perilous journey, eventually settling in Romulus.
In time, the colonists established a fiercely militaristic and nationalistic society called the Romuli. A series of wars and skirmishes marked the aggressive expansion of the new Romulan Star Empire, which clashed with various species and organizations. In particular, their history was dominated by their encounters with United Earth and then with the United Federation of Planets.
The planet has thrived under this kind of government for centuries, and rulers often wield power through manipulation, deception, and aggression. However, at the end of the 24th century, the supernova of the star Hobus destabilized the Romulan galaxy. Despite their valiant efforts, Romulus was destroyed in 2387, marking the tragic end of an era.
After the destruction of the planet, the surviving Romulus were left scattered across the galaxy, trying to maintain their cultural identity in the post-Romulus universe. Despite such a catastrophe, the spirit of the Romulans remains as they look forward to rebuilding their lost civilization.
In retrospect, Romulus, as a center of power, influence, and culture, significantly shaped not only the history of the Romulan Star Empire, but also the larger political and social narrative of the Milky Way. The echoes of Romulus' work, battle, and even ultimate destruction continue to reverberate throughout the universe, reflecting the indomitable spirit of its inhabitants.


Romulus, the ancient homeworld of the great Romulan Star Empire, is known for its intrigue, political machinations, and distinctive culture throughout the galactic space. The untamed geography emphasizes the temperamental nature of the population, and the Capitol City spans the entire continent with a mix of extraordinary architectural designs from all eras of Romulan history.
The climate of the planet is surprisingly temperate, despite the violent volcanic activity in several areas. This feature contributes to the lush, sprawling forest belts and towering massifs of the Romulus Mountains that stand in stark contrast to modern cities. The local flora and fauna are as deceptively vibrant and dangerous as the inhabitants of the world themselves. Aesthetics aside, Romulus is the beating heart of the Romulan Star Empire's military and political scene, ruling several star systems with an iron fist. Advanced Shipyards are known for building the Empire's Warbirds, ships known for their immense strength and power. But even with such immense power, the imperial capital is not immune to the internal politics, family rivalries, and council feuds that reflect a stratified society that places great emphasis on hierarchy.
Romulan culture is steeped in a sense of superiority and cunning, often confusing to outsiders. It is a society of great secrecy, which is reflected in their governance, military strategy, and even their daily lives. Their philosophy is embodied in their sayings, one of the most famous of which is, "Always trust that Romulans are Romulans."
Romulus is as much an embodiment of his people as his people are a product of his environment. It's a complex, layered world that remains a source of fascination and a point of conflict within the larger Star Trek universe.